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I Have A Bone To Pick With Men Who Send Dick Pics

Getty Images
I am always amazed at how differently men and women are wired. While I adore men and am very much attracted to them, sometimes I just want to sit them down, make them a cup of tea and educate them on how to impress a woman.

Melanie Sheppard Australian Writer and Blogger

The Liberal Party's Preferences Contradict Its Economic Goals

Fairfax Media via Getty Images
Is the Liberal Party serious about balancing the budget, reducing wasteful spending and lowering taxation? Or is it really a party of religious conservatives determined to prevent social changes such as same sex marriage, changes to drug laws or assisted suicide?

David Leyonhjelm Liberal Democrats Senator for NSW

Forget Borders. Forget Race. Consider This...

Umit Bektas/Reuters
Can I please ask for your time to consider this: You work in the city in a financial firm as a chief accountant. After work, you travel to your home, which is in a suburb about 35 minutes away. You enter your house to find your two daughters in their pajamas and slippers watching TV...

Leigh Campbell Head of Lifestyle, HuffPost Australia

TV Parents Are A Bit Of A Letdown

Television shows tend to make babies seem like a mild inconvenience. In reality, a newborn is a hurricane that rips through every aspect of your life, leaving only a pile of inconsolable rubble in its wake. It's time this was reflected on screen.

Adrian Pokorny Doctor and father, not in that order

5 Telltale Signs Of An Unhappy Relationship

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It's never easy admitting to friends and family, let alone yourself, when you are not in the most ideal relationship. Living in hope seems like the lesser evils of breaking up or staying in an unhappy place.

Renee Slansky Relationship and dating expert, blogger, writer and TV presenter

When A Man Snaps...

Stu Spence
This week's three photions include King Arthur's tanning studio, a journalist with his ear to the ground, and a cyclist who needs to get a grip.

When A Man Snaps Publisher of photions... photographs with captions

Giving Stuff Doesn't Help If We Don't Give A Stuff

The front page on my crowdsource campaign says it all: unsuccessful. Behind the everything-is-awesome facade of the crowd-funding phenomenon, the reality is that many causes, like mine, fail to make their target. But I'm actually happy I did.

James Rose Founder of The Kick Project

The Media Is Reporting Rape Stories All Wrong

Brock Turner's case has highlighted starkly the way society perceives, and the way the media portray, the victim and perpetrator.

Natasha Stott Despoja Founding Chairperson of Our Watch, Australia’s Ambassador for Women and Girls, and former leader of the Australian Democrats

How Not To Travel Like A Bogan

Getty Images
I am not, nor is anyone, the perfect traveller. I make cultural faux pas and never learn enough of the foreign language, but at least I don’t go out of my way to be an asshat in a beautiful place that has welcomed me.

Juliette Steen Associate Food Editor, HuffPost Australia

How I Accidentally Became An Exploitative Traveller

Athit Perawongmetha / Reuters
Chances are, you’ve inadvertently caused harm on a trip too. Maybe you’ve ridden an elephant trained to serve tourists, or bought sweat-shop trinkets made from sea shells plucked from the reef. But I don’t think you’re a bad person because of it.

Cayla Dengate Associate Editor, HuffPost Australia


