- published: 15 Mar 2015
- views: 96027
Cela may refer to:
Scott may refer to:
Star Trek Renegades Official Music Video
Movie Star Idol Audition Cela Scott
Automatik Eden - "Gold to Straw" Official Music Video - Cela Scott and David Crocco
Cela Scott - This is your New Years Wish from David!!
Cela Scott Interview about GODSdotcom The Webseries
Episode 5 - Someone for Everyone
Episode 8 - Hardcore
Interpol "Obstacle 1" covered Icky's Ego
Automatik Eden Chimera Official Music Video
Norwegian Wood - The Beatles
"Captain of My Soul" by Automatik Eden, visit them at http://www.automatikeden.com We are excited to release our Renegades music video by Cela Scott, who plays Lexxa’s mother in the film. The song based on the poem “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley, which plays a prominent part in Renegades. In the video, you will get a first look at some of the amazing VFX created by our very talented team, as well as some never-before-seen footage from both the film and our flashback shoot! Production update (3/15/2015) Every VFX shot is now in the film! Out of the total 637 VFX shots, we only have 20 remaining that need to be polished and finalized. Also, we are starting the process of updating the Archer Bridge with monitors and other visuals (which is also a part of post production). We are com...
Cela Scott A Web Series that celebrates real life as a Movie Star Idol, including: A stripper for Jesus, who donates all her tips to her church, an International Russian movie star out to conquer Hollywood, a starlet confusing actresses with hookers and a snake charmer's secret lover. www.moviestaridol.com You will vote for the most talented contestant. You as the viewers are the judges on this web series. You will be able to vote by twitter and e-mail. The information to vote will be provided at the end of the premier episode. E-Mail moviestaridol@gmail.com https://twitter.com/moviestaridol Kristen Adams Ambitious, serious actress, part-time stripper. Originally from Nashville, Cela has been an actor and a singer since childhood. She moved to LA to complete her BFA in ...
The official video for the band Automatik Eden. Made in Los Angeles. Directed by Christopher Jelley. Shot with the Red Epic camera. Produced by Automatik Eden, tracked and mixed by Sean Beavan. The song is available for purchase on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/gold-to-straw/id778998501?i=778998535&ign-mpt;=uo%3D4 www.automatikeden.com
Breezeway has an exclusive interview with members of the cast and crew of the upcoming webseires, GODS.com. In this video we interview Cela Scott who plays the role of Persephone. She gives a glimpse into her role, and also a shoutout to her band Atomic Eden!
Gods Dot Com For the complete season & credits visit GodsDotCom.net Written by Richard Ciccarone, Stephen Hurley & Kirsten Roeters Starring: Bjørn Johnson, Julie Kathleen Langan, Nancy Lantis, Caroline Fogarty, Kirsten Roeters, Jeffrey Johnson, Stephen Hurley, Cela Scott, Henri Lubatti, Krystyna Ahlers, Paula Poortinga, Chris Silzer, Mark Reichard, Derrick Redford, Scott Krinsky, Matt Godecker, Tim Hedrick & John Joyce
Gods Dot Com For the complete season & credits visit GodsDotCom.net Written by Richard Ciccarone, Stephen Hurley & Kirsten Roeters Starring: Bjørn Johnson, Julie Kathleen Langan, Nancy Lantis, Caroline Fogarty, Kirsten Roeters, Jeffrey Johnson, Stephen Hurley, Cela Scott, Henri Lubatti, Krystyna Ahlers, Paula Poortinga, Chris Silzer, Mark Reichard, Derrick Redford, Scott Krinsky, Matt Godecker, Tim Hedrick & John Joyce
Band: Automatik Eden Song: Chimera Cast: Cela Scott, David Crocco, Philo Brathwait, Vreny Van Elslande, DeAnn Dallas Director : www.pascalpayant.com Assitant Director: Kimmy W Shot in Death Valley, CA Panasonic HMC150 + Letus Extreme 35mm adapter No Budget, Shot in 2 days. no technical team. FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK on.fb.me/l558bs
Don't have time to watch it at once? Check out single episodes at youtube.com/ZeusTheCEO www.GodsDotCom.net Written by Richard Ciccarone, Stephen Hurley & Kirsten Roeters Starring: Bjørn Johnson, Julie Kathleen Langan, Nancy Lantis, Caroline Fogarty, Kirsten Roeters, Jeffrey Johnson, Stephen Hurley, Cela Scott, Henri Lubatti, Krystyna Ahlers, Paula Poortinga, Chris Silzer, Mark Reichard, Derrick Redford, Scott Krinsky, Matt Godecker, Tim Hedrick & John Joyce
The Nerd Soapbox attended the Red Carpet premiere of Tim Russ's new film, Star Trek: Renegades, at the Crest Theater in Westwood, CA on August 1, 2015. Flick, puppet host and nerd extraordinaire, was on hand to interview Tim Russ, Adrienne Wilkinson, Robert Picardo, Herbert Jefferson Jr., Rico E. Anderson, Kevin Daniels, Vic Mignogna, Chasty Balleros, Cela Scott, Jason Matthew Smith, Tanya Lemani, Cas Anvar, and more.
Set 1 and a partial Set 2 Outstanding performances from all: Chuck Wright, Ferlazzo, Matt Starr, Mitch Perry, Paulie Z., Damon Fox, Jonathan Mover, Jared James Nichols, Cela Scott, Sean Beaven, Julliet Beaven, Johnny Martin, Tomasina Abate, Ira Black, Derek Frank, Mike Kang, Jeff Bowders, Lisa Margaroli, Louis Motoyer, Zeus, Ty Dennis, Debby Holiday, Christine Connelly, Ace Von Johnson, Spider One, Marty O'Brien, Chris Reeve, Barry Pointer, Nuno Bettencourt, Gabbie Rae, Steve Fekette, Kaitlin Wolfberg (missed or incorrectly spelled names are accidental) Ultimate Jam Night 46 at Lucky Strike Live
Cela fait 2 jours que je veux sortir cette vidéo mais que la malchance frappe, mais après une bonne dizaine de rendus vidéo ratés, c'est enfin passé ! Voici donc une vidéo sur un message de Scott Cawthon concernant la mise à jour prévu pour le 31 octobre de Five Nights At Freddy 's 4 ! Des choses plutôt importantes y sont dites, il fallait donc vous mettre au courant ! ^^ On espère que cette vidéo vous plaira ! Si c'est le cas laissez un j'aime, un commentaire et partagez cette vidéo sur les réseaux sociaux et autour de vous pour soutenir la chaîne et notre communauté ! Lien vers la chaîne de Jay Kill: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIlkN01KgYckHfQsO6-8x0Q Lien vers la chaîne de Misogi: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheShadowsword29 Lien vers le Lire Entre Les Lignes d'interprétation d...
Une collection digne d'un vrai magasin Star Wars ! Tout est bien entreposé, disposé à la perfection, il ne manquerai plus qu'à choisir ce que l'on veut et on se croirait presque dans un centre commercial dédié à cette saga ! Bravo à toi Scott pour ton investissement, ta passion se ressent à travers ce que tu nous montre et cela fait énormément plaisir !
Making Acoustic Steel-string Guitars Support our series by subscribing and on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/stereokroma Did you enjoy this video? Please rate and leave a comment for us! (。◕‿‿◕。) Sign up to our newsletter for web series updates and future giveaway contests: http://eepurl.com/bLFBXP Meet Michael Greenfield, a musician who began tuning, repairing, restoring, and making guitars in the 70s and since then has become a seasoned luthier of bespoke guitars. Having experience with vintage and antique guitar repair and restoration, he brings a unique insight to his craft, creating personalized musical instruments and functional works of art for artists, collectors and those who deserve the very best. His workshop is based in Montreal, where we visited over a period of 5 months,...
Rediffusion du Live Leveldown Bonjour à tous les amis, on se retrouve aujourd'hui pour Game Dev Tycoon, un jeu plutôt connu où on doit développer nous même nos jeux vidéos ! Mettez un pouce bleu si vous avez aimé et abonnez vous ! Dites nous également ce que vous avez apprécié ou non, cela permettra de nous améliorer. ►Stream: http://leveldown.fr ►Twitter: http://twitter.com/PsycoGlummy
Et oui aujourd'hui bibiche c"est fallout !! et le 4 en plus et oui !! Nous vous souhaitons une super vidéo , on fait un petit début de let's play sur fallout4 en espérant que cela vous plaira. N'ésiter pas à faire un commentaire ou une suggestion pour la chaîne , mes un like (SURTOUT) si tu as aimer , et abonne toi si notre chaîne t'intéresse .
Gênero: Aventura, Fantasia e Suspense. No início do século 18, o cartógrafo Jonathan Green empreende uma viagem científica da Europa para o Oriente. Passando por Transilvânia e cruzando as montanhas dos Cárpatos, ele se encontra em uma pequena vila perdida na floresta. Somente o acaso e o nevoeiro pesado poderia levá-lo a este lugar amaldiçoado. As pessoas que vivem aqui não se parecem com qualquer outro povo que o viajante viu antes. Os aldeões, tendo cavado um fosso profundo para afastar-se do resto do mundo, compartilham uma crença ingênua de que eles poderiam salvar-se do mal, não compreendem que o mal tem feito seu ninho em sua alma e está à espera de uma oportunidade para jorrar-se sobre o mundo.
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