- published: 29 May 2009
- views: 2605
Expo 2005 was the World's Fair held for 185 days between Friday, March 25 and Sunday, September 25, 2005, in Aichi Prefecture, Japan, east of the city of Nagoya. It was a Specialized International Exhibition under the scheme of the 1972 protocol of the Convention relating to International Exhibitions. Japan has also hosted Expo'70 Osaka (Universal International Exhibition), Expo '75 Okinawa (Special International Exhibition), Expo'85 Tsukuba (Specialized International Exhibition), and Expo'90 Osaka (Horticultural International Exhibition).
The theme of the Expo was "Nature's Wisdom", with national and corporate pavilions expressing themes of ecological co-existence, renewable technology, and the wonders of nature. In Japanese, this is rendered as Ai-chikyūhaku (愛・地球博), which means (roughly) "Love the Earth Expo," as well as being a play on the name of the host prefecture, 愛知 (Aichi). According to the official website:
The main site of the Expo was a forested area in Nagakute, east of Nagoya, covering an area of about 1.85 square kilometres (460 acres). A smaller area of 0.15 square kilometres (37 acres) nearby, accessible by gondola from the main site near Seto was also part of the Expo. Great care was taken to build the pavilions out of recycled or recyclable materials, to minimize environmental impact on the site, and to provide environmentally friendly transportation to and within the Expo area.
EXPO 2005 Aichi Japan memories
Expo 2005 Aichi - JVT 2005
Christian Tissier Aiki Expo 2005
Promo Expo 2005 Aichi
YOSHIKI Aichi Expo 2005
Electronic Entertainment Expo 2005 Часть 2
EXPO 2005 Aichi Commemorative Park
World EXPO 2005 Aichi Japan - The Finale at Singapore Pavilion by ShowFEST
Expo 2005 runs for six months until Sept. 25 features 84 pavilions, with exhibits and events from 120 nations, international organizations, NGOs and NPOs.The Theme of the EXPO is Nature's Wisdom, and site has a highly ecological design with an emphasis on recycling and sustainability. Site transportation systems showcase eco-friendly concepts and future technology is dramatically represented by large numbers of robots, including multilingual robot information guides. Japan Video Topics © Web-Japan.org The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Electronic Entertainment Expo 2005 — Часть 2 Главное вселенское событие мира игр. Десятки тысяч посетителей, сотни компаний и тысячи представленных проектов. Вторая часть сначала продолжает рассказ о платформах следующего поколения, а затем переходит к проектам настоящего. Интервью с разработчиками, рассказ о произошедших на выставке событиях и многое другое. Прямо из Лос-Анджелеса. Для вас.
Official: http://www.hotei.com HOTEI- C'Mon Everybody [Live] Hotei performs the classic song "C'Mon Everybody" as part of his Guitar Symphony concert at the 2005 World Expo held in Aichi, Japan. 2005年、愛・地球博で開催された「GUITAR SYMPHONY in EXPO 2005」より「C'MON EVERYBODY」のライブ映像 Official: http://www.hotei.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HOTEI.world Twitter: https://twitter.com/HoteiOfficial
The Singapore Pavilion show was very popular at the World EXPO 2005. The final show was an emotional one where thousands of friends and fans turned up at the pavilion to have a last glimpse of their favourite performance by our Singapore performers who did our country proud. The show was produced by ShowFEST.
Música: Dub_Cowboy, Dream_Land Cedida por Biblioteca de Audio de YouTube.
EXPO 2005 AICHI JAPAN emphasized the close links binding humanity to nature in the 21st century through its theme of "Nature's Wisdom." The EXPO gave visitors a chance to experience at first-hand the leading-edge technologies, new social systems and future lifestyles that may provide solutions to the many serious issues now facing the entire world. This was also an opportunity for people from all nations to share their varied insights and unique approaches, and to lay the foundations for working together on a global scale. We believe this EXPO will leave an enduring legacy for our children and for the whole world, and we extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all who participated, and to the vast numbers of vistors who came from all over the world.
Música: Dancing_on_Green_grass, First_Aid. Cedida por Biblioteca de Audio de TouTube.
Música: Glass_Hero, Aflora, Dancing-on_Green_Grass, Moon_Landings, Hey_Now, Hang_Ups_ (Want_Yoú. Cedida por Biblioteca de Audio de YouYube.
http://aikidojournal.com/2016/08/04/ellis-amdur-demonstrates-araki-ryu-and-toda-ha-buko-ryu-at-aiki-expo-2005/ Ellis Amdur demonstrates Araki-ryu and Toda-ha Buko-ryu at Aiki Expo 2005 sponsored by Aikido Journal. Amdur Sensei was among 36 instructors who participated in this historic event. http://aikidojournal.com/2016/08/04/ellis-amdur-demonstrates-araki-ryu-and-toda-ha-buko-ryu-at-aiki-expo-2005/
Feel free to use "my" videos (or parts of them) for you. No reference to my channel or my videos are necessary. I'm not the owner of the copyrights of the videos, i only uploading them for the public. I don't make money with the video and my channel. If you have the copyrights of a video and don't want it here, please send me a message or start a copyright claim on youtube. I will delete or block the video then.
Christian Tissier Sensei Shihan (Aikikai) Aiki Expo 2005 A fantastic study video that'll add some brilliant insights into some of aikidos core foundation principles as demonstrated by the highly skilled Christian's highly. Quite a few aikido techniques to study here.
The Anime Expo 2005 Opening Ceremonies as recorded by Dragon's Anime. Unfortunately the last five minutes were not recorded due to the fact I ran out of tape and it ended within minutes of me running out of tape. Probably the first time I truly cursed DV tape. Another reason I am quite happy with the current SD and CF card based H.264 format HD video recording cams with their ability to record six and seven hours of video at a time non stop.
Para que serve o homem? Por que Deus o criou? Se você já parou alguma vez para pensar sobre isso, e não encontrou uma resposta, saiba que existimos para adorar a Deus. Sim, fomos formados da Terra à sua imagem e semelhança, recebemos o Espírito do Senhor e tomamos o lugar de Lúcifer, o anjo que abdicou de louvar a Deus para querer ser maior que o Criador. O pastor Marco Feliciano encerrou o Abala São Paulo, evento que reuniu milhares de pessoas na capital paulista, com esta mensagem. Ele falou sobre o mundo antes da criação do homem, descrito em Gênesis 1:1-2. Lúcifer caiu, e Deus viu necessidade de criar o homem, cuja maior obra é adorar a seu Criador. Somos nós que devemos cantar e louvar no lugar dos anjos caídos, ensinou. Com uma palavra profética, o pastor Marco declarou falidos os de...
Concert for the Platinum tickets at Toronto Expo 2005. Set List - Button Down Vandals (half of it) - Every Man - This town - Long Time - Angel - Birth of the Blues - Smile - Civilized Man - Goodbye - Bad - Dangerous - For what I need - Louise - Finer Than Gold
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to radio station EXP.
Tonight we are featuring an interview
with a very peculiar looking gentleman
who goes by the name of Mr. Paul
Corusoe on the dodgy subject of are
there or are there not flying saucers
or UFOs? Please Mr. Corusoe, please
could you give us your regarded
opinion on this nonsense about
spaceships and even space people?
Thank you As you well know
you just can't believe everything you
see and hear, can you? Now, if you'll
excuse me, I must be on my way.
Bu...but,but...gulb...I,I,don't belive it