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Why I quit social media after Orlando

Flowers surround a photograph of British MP Jo Cox. Her death is almost forgotten in the social media storm about how to ...

The last straw was the tragic murder of Jo Cox, the British MP, by a man yelling "Britain first". Was this not a radical, lone wolf Brexit supporter's act of terrorism? Not to my friends.

WestConnex spruikers won't stop the spin

Drivers may not enjoy the benefits promised by promoters of WestConnex freeway project.

The issues surrounding WestConnex are too big to ignore and attempting to sweep them under the rug by telling people they should be proud that it is going ahead does Sydney no favours at all.

Live cattle trade: enough is enough

A worker make preparations for cattle to be slaughtered in an abattoir in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Animals Australia ...

Over three years ago, when it was announced that Australia would export live cattle to Vietnam, I wrote in The Canberra Times that the decision would result in "…the final layer of credibility" being stripped from the live exports industry. At the time, a succession of barbaric incidents had been exposed and the public was outraged. "To send live Australian animals to Vietnam to slaughter," I wrote "is to invite further disaster." Yet, here we are.

Stop covering up your children's mess

Brock Turner and his father Dan Turner in court.

The very fact that the father of a convicted rapist is actually defending his son's actions and sees his son as the supposed victim in the case is outrageous.

Steven Freeman: Too little, too late

The Alexander Maconochie Centre.

It was 13 months ago that Steven Freeman, a young Aboriginal man on remand in the Alexander Maconochie Centre, was bashed so severely that he almost died.

Not all of Europe wants Britain to stay

A public opinion poll of five big European countries found that only 13 per cent of Germans were for Brexit, compared to ...

Might Brexit be a good thing for Europe? There's a comic wrinkle in watching the British Remain campaign translate the argument that Brexit would be devastating for Europe, when Europe itself is not so sure.

We should be proud of WestConnex

Tony Shepherd dinkus

I have been in this toll road game too long. Through Sydney Harbour Tunnel, Melbourne City Link, EastLink and now WestConnex, I have heard the same critics spouting the same untruths and unsubstantiated rubbish. They have all proved to be wrong. Sydney could not operate without the Sydney Harbour Tunnel and Melbourne would be a joke without Melbourne City Link. WestConnex is going through the same vilification by the same anti-progress naysayers who believe we can survive without modern road networks.