Red Envelope紅包 GhostOfHuaKuang魂飛花兒街
Envelope 紅包 #すみか #魂飛花兒街 #GhostOfHuaKuang
Red symbolizes luck in
Chinese tradition. Other envelope colors are used for other occasions, for example, white enveloped are used for funerals.
Red envelopes (紅包, hóngbāo is simply a long, narrow, red envelope with money in it.) are also popular gifts for weddings and birthdays, a short message, typically a 4 character expression, and signature are optional. Some 4 character expressions appropriate for a wedding red envelope are 天作之合 (tiānzuò zhīhé, marriage made in heaven) or 百年好合 (bǎinián hǎo hé, happy union for one hundred years).
Forced eviction by police 強拆暴政!
Heavy penalty by law 罰款殺人!!
Trailer 預告:
Film 全集:
Far East Taiwan 看台灣
佔領台 Occupy Taiwan
Sky Lee
Huakuang 華光社區 is an informal settlement since 1949 (when
KMT took over Taiwan in the name of
ROC), a 10 hectare community around the
1895 Japan-built
Taipei Jail, located now in the center of
Taipei City. In
2007, There were hundreds of low-income families, some notable monuments and a sea of old trees, started to face the forced eviction or heavy penalty without affordable housing options, by the name of Taipei
Wall Street_an unknown market-driven megaproject between the govt and some capitalists.
#Taiwan Brief
History 台灣簡史:
Japanese colonial period. 日本治台50年。
-1947: KMT (
Chinese Nationalist Party) retreated from
China civil war to occupy Taiwan & initiated ROC (apart from
PROC) with a martial law. Over hundreds of thousands of
Taiwanese were tortured, killed or vanished in 4 decades of
White Terror (unidentified for Top
Classified). 國民黨自中國內戰被推翻後,以中華民國之名撤退/殖民/接管台灣,實行戒嚴專制約半世紀,#二二八 #白色恐怖 時期,被刑求/屠殺/失蹤的民眾難以估計(自數千至數十萬人數因國安理由未能公開)。
-1971: PROC China claimed ROC Taiwan ownership from UN. China regards Taiwan as a rebel region that must be reunited by force if necessary. 聯合國決議一個中國,佔領台灣的中華民國從此喪失國際主權。
Taiwan & China became "1 country 2 systems" according to PROC-ROC secret agreement. 國民黨開始倡導模稜兩可的 #一中各表 #一國兩治。
-2000: With the election of
President Chen Shui-bian from the opposition
Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan changed from One
Party Dictatorship into Corporatocracy, as most of the financial & political power still controlled by KMT. 雖有首位民選總統陳水扁,但民進黨並未積極 #轉型正義,而國民黨仍舊掌握大多數資源,台灣由一黨獨裁變成權貴政治。
Corruption allegations undermined Mr
Chen's popularity and contributed to the
DPP's loss to a resurgent KMT. 民進黨爆發貪瀆,執政權回歸國民黨。
-2014: #OccupyCongress (
0318~0424) by students, activists,
NGOs & pro-Taiwan independent groups united to fight the tyranny
China Trade Pacts & the systemic corruption of KMT government, turned into the national
Sunflower Movement. 以台北社運圈為中心的反服貿運動,在318佔領立法院後壯大為全島響應的太陽花運動。
-2015: New generation start to use citizen power calling for changes, such as the legislative, constitutional and educational reform. There is no turning back for democracy Taiwan. 新生代受到太陽花運動鼓舞, 公民運動與投入政治開始蔚為風潮。