Well, having just gone through the process of getting married, I thought I'd pull out an idea that
I've had for ages, and adapt it to a marriage context. (
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People were asking me if my wedding was going to be a traditional church wedding - well, no. :)
point of the video - the bible is as good a source of information on the topic of
LOVE, as any ancient desert scribblings.
Sure, taken on its own, 1 Cor 13:4-7 is very nice, but not as nice as other descriptions of love that human beings have come up with. And anyway - would you take advice about love from someone whose biography revealed them to be an appallingly UNLOVING character in the first place?
The bible demolishes itself as a useful source for anything, other than an anthropological study in the history of metaphysical wonderings, superstition, ignorance, and delusion. When you read the words on the pages of the bible, what you actually see is horror, fear, violence, anger, rage, jealousy (fuck it, I think jealousy is a pretty low emotion/characteristic), pettiness, death, fear, - the very worst of human nature.
Just because there are a couple of nice sentences scattered throughout it to doesn't make up for the bulk of it being so revolting.
It's not as if nobody has ever come up with a better description of love than
St. Paul.
Anyone could. Many have.
Let's leave the bible in the dustbox of history.
A few weak points in this video?
Yeah, probably. eg, the fine line between envy and jealousy, whether or not god condones smashing babies to pieces on rocks. They're certainly worth bringing up, and it's not as if the bible isn't already an impossibly mistranslated, confused self-contradictory document. I'm not claiming my video is infallible, just making a point. And anyway - smearing shit on people's faces?
Deuteronomy 28? WWWTTTFFFFFFF???
Once again, let me assure my critics that I know christian doctrine rather well, and that I've read the counter arguments, for eg this one regarding whether or not God keeps a record of wrongs:
I know you can point to all sorts of examples of God being nice - but that's kind of the point, isn't it. There are examples of niceness, and also of the worst and most appalling cruelty.
I'll happily admit the former, I have nothing to lose from it. Just please admit the latter, without making shit up out of thin air about how those traits of this god are less important. The old testament is fucking BRIMMING with them. God must have been very deliberate in seeing to it that those elements of his character were recorded and preserved in such VOLUME!
And yes, that's my clunky organ playing.
Sorry to those who very kindly and generously volunteer to translate and subtitle these into other languages - it's really not going to work with this one, I guess, given that there's text already all over the page.
website and blog: http://www.nonstampcollector.com
twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nonstampNSC
- published: 03 Apr 2011
- views: 219559