good at spying, shooting, and now art

Edit Kill Screen 21 Mar 2016
Creators Sang-won Leigh, Harshit Agrawal, and Pattie Maes from the MIT Fluid Interfaces Lab poke at an answer to that question with their project The Flying Pantograph. The gist of it is that they’ve given a drone a marker and programmed it to draw on a canvas in response to human motions with a pen ... It sure is no Picasso. Heck, it’s not even Warhol ... However, The Flying Pantograph is still something noteworthy by virtue of the process ... ....

Moving forward (MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Edit noodls 19 Aug 2014
(Source. MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology). For young Niaja Farve, one thing was certain. She was going to college, whether she liked it or not. She grew up in Gaithersburg, Md., with her mother, who made it clear that Farve would be the first in her family to pursue education past high school ... Birthday money went straight into a college fund ... Coming full circle ... With the support of her advisor, Pattie Maes, the Alexander W....

Finger device allows blind to read

Edit The Japan News 21 Jul 2014
The so-called FingerReader, a prototype produced by a 3-D printer, fits like a ring on the user’s finger, equipped with a small camera that scans text ... Pattie Maes, an MIT professor who founded and leads the Fluid Interfaces research group developing the prototype, says the FingerReader is like “reading with the tip of your finger and it’s a lot more flexible, a lot more immediate than any solution that they have right now.” ... ....

FingerReader Is a 3D-Printed Device That Reads Text Aloud to the Blind

Edit Mashable 14 Jul 2014
Researchers at MIT have developed a new technology that enables blind and vision-impaired people to read any printed text without the use of braille ... See also. Imagining a New Way to Read, One 3D-Printed Book at a Time. The device offers an experience like "reading with the tip of your finger" to people who cannot see, according to Pattie Maes, an MIT professor involved with creating the prototype ... BONUS. What Is the Internet of Things? ... ....


Edit U~T San Diego 14 Jul 2014
The so-called FingerReader, a prototype produced by a 3-D printer, fits like a ring on the user’s finger, equipped with a small camera that scans text ... Pattie Maes, an MIT professor who founded and leads the Fluid Interfaces research group developing the prototype, says the FingerReader is like “reading with the tip of your finger, and it’s a lot more flexible, a lot more immediate than any solution that they have right now.” ... Page.. ....

MIT Finger Device Reads to the Blind in Real Time

Edit Newsfactor 12 Jul 2014
The so-called FingerReader, a prototype produced by a 3-D printer, fits like a ring on the user's finger, equipped with a small camera that scans text ... Pattie Maes, an MIT professor who founded and leads the Fluid Interfaces research group developing the prototype, says the FingerReader is like "reading with the tip of your finger and it's a lot more flexible, a lot more immediate than any solution that they have right now."....

FingerReader allows blind to read beyond Braille

Edit The Examiner 09 Jul 2014
According to the project’s founder and lead research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Pattie Maes, the device is worn on the index finger ... In the meantime, Shilkrot and Maes emphasized that their device was not “meant to replace Braille, but to give visually handicapped people access to texts not available in it.” ....

The gadget that reads to blind

Edit Independent online (SA) 09 Jul 2014
London - Scientists have developed a device designed to be worn on a finger which can read words aloud when pointed towards a block of text ... Professor Pattie Maes, who is trying to get the prototype ready to go on sale, said ... ....

Can a ring help the blind to read? Find out

Edit Deccan Chronicle 09 Jul 2014
Mumbai ... The so-called FingerReader, a prototype produced by a 3-D printer, fits like a ring on the user's finger, equipped with a small camera that scans text ... Pattie Maes, an MIT professor who founded and leads the Fluid Interfaces research group developing the prototype, says the FingerReader is like "reading with the tip of your finger and it's a lot more flexible, a lot more immediate than any solution that they have right now." ... ....

MIT finger device reads to the blind

Edit Canberra Times 09 Jul 2014
Reading is as easy as pointing the finger at text. Special software tracks the finger movement, identifies words and processes the information ... Pattie Maes, an MIT professor who founded and leads the Fluid Interfaces research group developing the prototype, says the FingerReader is like "reading with the tip of your finger and it's a lot more flexible, a lot more immediate than any solution that they have right now." ... AP. ....

MIT device reads to the blind in real time

Edit MSNBC 09 Jul 2014
The so-called FingerReader, a prototype produced by a 3-D printer, fits like a ring on the user's finger, equipped with a small camera that scans text ... Pattie Maes, an MIT professor who founded and leads the Fluid Interfaces research group developing the prototype, says the FingerReader is like "reading with the tip of your finger and it's a lot more flexible, a lot more immediate than any solution that they have right now." ... ....

FingerReader, a smart ring to help the blind ‘read’ books

Edit The Times of India 09 Jul 2014
CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS ... Reading is as easy as pointing the finger at text ... He works from the Perkins School for the Blind in Watertown, Massachusetts ... Pattie Maes, an MIT professor who founded and leads the Fluid Interfaces research group developing the prototype, says the FingerReader is like "reading with the tip of your finger and it's a lot more flexible, a lot more immediate than any solution that they have right now." ... ....

FingerReader could make reading easy for the visually impaired

Edit 09 Jul 2014
Associated Press. Tuesday, July 8, 2014 7.03pm. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Related News/Archive ... Reading is as easy as pointing the finger at text ... Pattie Maes, an MIT professor who founded and leads the Fluid Interfaces research group developing the prototype, said the FingerReader is like "reading with the tip of your finger, and it's a lot more flexible, a lot more immediate than any solution that they have right now." ... Loading... ... ....