- published: 18 Oct 2016
- views: 60
The Caprimulgiformes is an order of birds that includes a number of birds with global distribution (except Antarctica). They are generally insectivorous and nocturnal. The order gets its name from the Latin for "goat-milker", an old name based on an erroneous view of the European nightjar's feeding habits.
The classification of the various birds that make up the order has long been controversial and difficult, particularly in the case of the nightjars. All things considered, the nightjar order would probably best be limited to potoos, nightjars, and eared-nightjars, all other lineages being elevated to order level, and the owlet-nightjars being altogether distant:
The tawny frogmouth (Podargus strigoides) is a species of frogmouth native to Australia that is found throughout the Australian mainland and Tasmania. Tawny frogmouths are big-headed stocky birds often mistaken for owls due to their nocturnal habits and similar colouring. The tawny frogmouth is sometimes incorrectly referred to as "mopoke", a common name for the southern boobook whose call is often confused for the tawny frogmouth's.
The tawny frogmouth was first described in 1801 by English naturalist John Latham. Its specific epithet is derived from the Latin strix meaning "owl" and oides meaning "form". Tawny frogmouths belong to the frogmouth genus Podargus which includes the two other species of frogmouths found within Australia, the marbled frogmouth and the Papuan frogmouth. The frogmouths form a well-defined group within the order Caprimulgiformes. Although related to owls, their closest relatives are the oilbirds, potoos, owlet-nightjars, and true nightjars. The earliest fossil evidence of frogmouths are from the Eocene and imply that they diverged from their closest relatives during the early Tertiary. Three subspecies of the tawny frogmouth are currently recognised:
Совообразные (лат. Strigiformes, или Striges) — отряд хищных птиц, включающий более 420 крупных и средней величины видов, в основном ночных птиц, распространённых во всех странах света. В отряде два семейства: совиные, или настоящие совы, и сипуховые, однако в таксономии Сибли-Алквиста в отряд помещаются все семейства отряда козодоеобразных (Caprimulgiformes). Краткая характеристика: крупная голова, большие круглые глаза спереди головы, клюв короткий, хищный. Охотится ночью, оперение мягкое, полёт бесшумный, когти длинные и острые, окрас маскирующий.
Nature has got a big list of animals that like to Camouflage. But some of them can be ver well camouflaged. So, they defense and attack the other animals. You can watch our list in this video. Top 10 Animals list that can be very well camouflaged. 10-Baron Caterpillar 9-Merlet's Scorpionfish: Scorpionfish, are a family of mostly marine fish that includes many of the world's most venomous species. 8-Pygmy Seahorse: The pygmy seahorse is both tiny and well camouflaged. It is very difficult to spot amongst the sea grasses, soft corals, or gorgonians (sea fans) that it inhabits. 7-Tawny Frogmouth: The frogmouths belong in Caprimulgiformes, which in turn is part of Neoaves. The frogmouth family has been around for about 56 million years, since the Eocene period. 6-Leafy Sea Dragon 5-Underwing ...
The Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides) is an Australian species of frogmouth, a type of bird found throughout the Australian mainland, Tasmania and southern New Guinea. The Tawny Frogmouth is often mistaken to be an owl. Many Australians refer to the Tawny Frogmouth by the colloquial names of "Mopoke" or "Morepork", which usually are common alternative names for the Southern Boobook. Frogmouths are not raptorial birds. Males and females look alike and are 35--53 cm (14--21 in) long. This very bulky species can weigh up to 680 grams (1.5 lbs) and, in overweight zoo specimens, up to 1400 grams (3.1 lbs). This species thus reaches the highest weights known in the Caprimulgiformes order. They have yellow eyes and a wide beak topped with a tuft of bristly feathers. They make loud clacking so...
تشريح الطيور الطيران البيض الريش المنقار الرؤية اصابع القدم غدة الزمكى السلوك التغريد الذكاء الهجرة الحضانة متطفلات الأعشاش التعشيش التهجين التطور تطور الطيور أصل الطيور شراشير داروين الطيور البحرية جوارح (Accipitriformes)-(العقاب والباز) إوزيات (Anseriformes)-(طيور الماء) خطافيات (Apodiformes)-(السمامة والطنان) سبديات (Caprimulgiformes)-(السبد والتوابع) سيريميات (Cariamiformes)-(السيريمات والتوابع) زقزاقيات (Charadriiformes)-(النوارس والتوابع) لقلقيات (Ciconiiformes)-(اللقالق) كوليات (Coliiformes)-(آكلات الفئران) حماميات (Columbiformes)-(الحمائم) شقراقيات (Coraciiformes)-(الرفراف والتوابع) وقواقيات (Cuculiformes)-(الوقواق والتوابع) صقريات (Falconiformes)-(الصقور والتوابع) دجاجيات (Galliformes)-(الطرائد) غواصيات (Gaviiformes)-(الغماسات أو الغواصات) كركيات (Gruifor...
| Orden: Caprimulgiformes | Familia: Nyctibiidae | Nyctibius jamaicensis | Pájaro Estaca Norteño | Northern Potoo
Toute premier témoignage vidéo d'une passion pour la nature du groupe des Caprimulgiformes.
Aves de México. (Nyctidromus albicollis) Nightjars - Chotacabras. Filmado en Salsipuedes, Reserva de la Biósfera "Pantanos de Centla", Tabasco, México. El chotacabras pauraque (México), también denominado atajacaminos de collar blanco (Argentina) , bujío (Colombia), curiango (Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay), tapacaminos común (Costa Rica), pocoyo tapacaminos (Nicaragua), pucuyo coliblanco (Honduras), tapacaminos picuyo (México), aguaitacamino común (Venezuela), bacurau (Brasil) o pauraque (Estados Unidos), es una especie de ave caprimulgiforme, una de las dos únicas pertenecientes al género Nyctidromus que integra la familia Caprimulgidae conocidos como chotacabras. Es nativo de las zonas tropicales y subtropicales del continente americano. Su hábitat se conforma de bosques tropical...