Latest political news

Labor within striking distance

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten with his campaign bus. He has made gains but the majority of voters still predict a ...

Mark Kenny 12:26 AM   Bill Shorten has held on to his overall lead during the last fortnight despite a full-throated Coalition attack on economic management, to be within striking distance of an upset win on July 2, according to the latest Fairfax-Ipsos poll.

Shorten steps up Parakeelia attack on Turnbull

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten says it is inconceivable that Malcolm Turnbull did not know about the Parakeelia ...

David Wroe, James Robertson and Tom McIlroy 12:00 AM   Bill Shorten has accused Malcolm Turnbull of "using Senator Sinodinos' defence" over the Parakeelia scandal, claiming it was "inconceivable" that Mr Turnbull as Liberal Party treasurer did not know about profits from the controversial software firm.

AFP report leaves unanswered questions on top secret intelligence leak

​Independent Tasmanian MP Andrew Wilkie flatly denies leaking the report.

Deborah Snow 7:33 PM   Andrew Wilkie has strongly rejected what he claims is offensive and unfounded "innuendo" levelled against him in a 12-year-old Australian Federal Police report.

A Current Affair gets rare access to Nauru

<i>A Current Affair</i>, which will air its report on Nauru on Monday, says the story will "stun Australia".

Nicole Hasham 5:23 PM   A virtual media blackout at the remote republic of Nauru is set to be temporarily broken, after tabloid television program A Current Affair announced it had gained exclusive access to the island's offshore detention centre.

Separatist Exclusive Brethren members are secret Liberal donors

World leader of the Exclusive Brethren, Sydney-based Bruce Hales

Michael Bachelard 11:45 PM   Members of the extremist religious sect donate to the Liberal Party "under the radar".

Albanese's 'difficult conversation' in battle against Greens

Anthony Albanese.

Deborah Snow 12:15 AM   Used to being feted as a lion of the Left and champion of progressive causes inside the ALP, Anthony Albanese has become infuriated at his portrayal by the Greens as a relative dinosaur.

Singapore to out multinationals shifting profits

Singapore's government has long maintained that it is not a tax haven, but a value-adding hub.

Nassim Khadem 11:45 PM   The low-tax nation has signed up to a global plan to fight tax evasion.

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Shorten vows youth jobs plan

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten says Labor's youth jobs plan has been costed by the Parliamentary Budget Office and will ...

David Wroe   Bill Shorten has vowed a Labor government would help 20,000 young Australians get into employment through six weeks' training followed by six months work at award wages.

Australian politicians brush off security fears

Killed: UK Labour member of Parliament Jo Cox.

Michael Koziol   Australian politicians have brushed off suggestions that greater personal security might be in order following the daylight murder of British Labour MP Jo Cox.

Australian navy sailor dies in Middle East

A sailor serving aboard HMAS Darwin has died on shore leave in the Middle East.

An Australian navy sailor serving aboard HMAS Darwin has died while on shore leave in the Middle East.

'It's never been a better time to vote for anyone else': Malcolm Turnbull hit by hoax text campaign

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has condemned the preacher's comments on homosexuality.

Katie Burgess   This time it's the prime minister telling people to vote for someone other than himself.

Cowboy Katter 'shoots two dead' in campaign video

Screen grab from Bob Katter's latest campaign ad.

Maverick Queensland MP Bob Katter is well known for his fast-shooting mouth.

Anti-gay Islamic preacher's visa under review

A video still of Farrokh Sekaleshfar.

David Wroe, Adam Gartrell   The Turnbull government is urgently reviewing the visa of an anti-gay Islamic preacher who sermonised in Orlando ahead of the Pulse nightclub massacre and is now visiting Australia.

Greens put Nile candidate before gay Lib

Geoffrey Winters is the Liberals' star candidate for Sydney.

Heath Aston   Greens give preference to the Christian Democratic Party of Reverend Fred Nile above the Liberal candidate for Sydney, an indigenous gay man who is wants same-sex marriage.

Prioritise Reef over coal: survey

Hunter Valley open cut coal mine

Nicole Hasham   A thumping majority of Australians want the health of the Great Barrier Reef prioritised over coal mining, according to a survey of more than 63,000 Fairfax Media readers.

Greens to preference Labor in every Queensland seat

The Greens in Queensland attracted 6.22 per cent of the primary vote in lower house contests in 2013.

Cameron Atfield   ALP election chances in Queensland get significant boost.

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PwC advises multinationals 'read the play'

Nassim Khadem dinkus.

Nassim Khadem   Multinationals will still strategise how to pay less tax in the new political landscape, just with a new spin.

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Public servants to Armidale: the missing evidence

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce remains adamant public servants will be on the move .

Noel Towell   Business case for forced relocation of public servants should have been done by now: reports.

Health matters 'more than economy': over 50s

Health trumps the economy for Australians over 50.

Peter Martin   Health care is by far the most important issue determining the votes of older Australians, eclipsing economic management for the first time.

Shorten slams Trump for 'demonising' Muslims

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten

David Wroe   Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has taken Donald Trump to task over the presumptive Republican candidate's claims the Orlando shooting shows he was right to call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States.

Labor's big internet play - faster broadband, same price range

Labor says it will move away from Malcolm Turnbull's NBN policy.

Mark Kenny, James Massola   Twice as many Australians would get faster fibre-to-the-home internet connections under a future Shorten Labor government, but the rollout of the NBN would cost taxpayers at most only $1 billion more and would be completed in the same time, Labor says.

Greens push PM on republic with cake stunt

Greens leader Senator Richard Di Natale

Michael Koziol   The Greens will attempt to put the elusive republic back on the menu today with a cake-based stunt atop Parliament House.

Greens pledge to crack down on 'free-range' eggs

The Greens say free-range eggs should live up to their name.

Cameron Atfield   The federal Greens will push for a national standard for free-range eggs that would slash the number of farm hens per hectare by 85 per cent.

Dissident voice in Parliament still speaking out

Judith Moylan was never afraid to speak out against her own party's policies. She has been appointed an Officer of the ...

Nicole Hasham   When former rebel MP Judi Moylan departed the party room after railing against Liberal policies, less daring colleagues often approached her in solidarity.

Rudd 'overturned' prize for 'sex lives' book

Not suitable for a prime ministerial prize in an election year? The Sex Lives of Australians by Frank Bongiorno.

Michael Koziol   Judges of the prestigious Prime Minister's Literary Award say then prime minister Kevin Rudd overruled their decision on the 2013 history prize.

Record field for Queensland Senate ballot paper

Australian Electoral Commission officials conduct the draw for the Queensland Senate ballot paper.

Cameron Atfield   Queenslanders will have 40 more Senate candidates to choose from than they did at the 2013 election, after 122 candidates put their names forward for election.

ALP candidate to remove army billboards

Labor candidate Pat O'Neill's billboard, on St Paul's Terrace, will be removed along by Saturday night.

Cameron Atfield   Pat O'Neill used billboards depicting him in his army uniform.

Penny Wong lavishes praise on Anthony Albanese

Anthony Albanese launching his campaign with Penny Wong at Vic on the Park Pub in Enmore.

Deborah Snow   Penny Wong and Anthony Albanese's political love-in points to a strong alliance between the pair after the election


Election 2016: the photographers' campaign

Photographers Alex Ellinghausen and Andrew Meares are travelling with Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten.These are some of their key images.

Australia: the American dependency

Irrespective of whether he wins November's presidential election, Donald Trump throws into question the nature of Australia's relationship with America, including the ANZUS alliance.

Stop counting how often leaders say 'Islam'

Both Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten have responded well to the Orlando massacre, yet inevitably there are right-wing commentators obsessing over how many times the leaders use the word "Islam", counting it up like they're playing bingo.

Turnbull's treaty attack on Shorten out of line and out of touch

Indigenous affairs has entered the campaign, but not in a good way, with Malcolm Turnbull accusing Bill Shorten of putting constitutional recognition of the first Australians at risk.

Attack on some of us more than others, and we should say so

The Orlando attack has been described as an attack on all of us. In some ways that's true - but it's also a homophobic hate crime, and we should say so.

Labor's recurring nightmare is haunting Shorten

There's no second prize in elections. And history has a tendency to repeat itself.

Cutbacks from Labor. It's about time

Labor is about to do what the Coalition did in the leadup to the last election. It's about to face reality.

Turnbull has the numbers

Malcolm Turnbull has the key numbers and the population is not fired-up enough to see Labor take the leadership of the country come July 2.

Labor errs on the politics of economics

If you're the leader of a party known for sending a cashed-up budget into the red when last in office, then the last thing you should do is behave in ways that confirms your opponents' worst depiction of you.

RBA's vote of confidence in Turnbull

This is one of the oddest endorsements you'll see this election campaign.

Australia should not treat Bright like terrorist

Jamie Bright was shot dead by an Islamic State fighter near the town of al-Shaddadi, in north-eastern Syria.

People should be free to leave country

No-one should have to love Australia or leave but people should have the right to go if they want.

Why Turnbull is his own worst enemy

Malcolm Turnbull's courage to swim against the tide had defined the future PM in the public mind. But his non-delivery since has offered Labor its best opportunity to dismantle his allure.

Brexiters promise Australian-style immigration system

Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.

Does Shorten have a secret two-election strategy?

Bill Shorten will deny it, but does he have one eye on his survival as Labor leader and the other on 2019?