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Browse Firefighter jobs

15 Firefighter jobs in Australia

The job of a firefighter is to assist in emergency cases – wildfires, accidents, building fires, rescue operations, natural disasters and other emergency situations. Bring your high energy and gusto for saving lives to work because firefighters are on the run throughout the day (and night!). In addition to dealing with emergency situations, firefighters are also regularly involved with activities and programs to prevent fires, public education, workshop duties and checking and maintaining of firefighting equipment. Firefighters are in constant contact with other emergency services, and need to be available throughout the day for leaving what they were busy with and rush over to emergency scenes. Professional firefighters are often assisted by volunteer firefighters – but first the volunteers need basic training on equipment handling and dealing with emergency cases. Firefighters are therefore responsible for the training of volunteers on equipment, evacuation procedures and basic first aid to fire victims.

Responsibilities & Skills

Firefighters are required to operate in extreme conditions – this requires a very specific skill and personality combo! Your day might start without any emergencies, in which case you will be responsible for fire drills, checking public facilities for validity and working condition of fire equipment, but chances are good you will get called out to an emergency situation. At the fire scene, you will be responsible for quick reaction in getting the fire under control, with the help of firefighting equipment and your firefighting knowledge. Assisting victims and performing basic first aid is critical – your prompt actions will save lives!

- Physically able to work in a fast-paced and extreme environment
- Smooth working as part of a team
- Ability to work in difficult spaces (heights, confined areas) while under pressure

Required Qualifications

  • Grade 12 matriculation
  • Appropriate training (e.g. Metropolitan Fire & Emergency Services Board)
  • Diploma or certificate in First-Aid and Emergency Training

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