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  • Gympie


8 jobs available in Gympie

Within the wider region of Wide Bay-Burnett sits the Queensland town of Gympie. It is quite far north of Brisbane, around 169km, and has a population of approximately 18,602 (2006). The town is most famous and recognised for its gold mine and has numerous historical buildings noted in world heritage listings. An exciting attraction is the town's Deep Creek fossicking area, where people can try their luck at panning for gold.

The Gympie Music Muster is another notable drawing card and is Australia's biggest outdoor country music festival. It features one large-scale, main stage and eight other surrounding stages. The festival is a not-for-profit and the numerous community groups and volunteers contribute to its ability to raise money for Australian charities, raising over 14 million dollars since it was launched. Gympie's affordable living and relaxed environment has made it a popular location for people to settle down in.

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