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Browse Director of Sales jobs

261 Director of Sales jobs in Australia

The primary role of directors of sales and marketing is to make plans and goals to promote the sales of products. The director of sales and marketing is also responsible for the sales that other sales managers in their area are in charge of. There responsibilities can range from hiring and training staff, all the way to travelling to meetings and conventions on an international basis to promote and introduce the company's products and/or services to various market places.

It is important to note that Directors of Sales may be required to have some basic skills such as computer skills, and the ability to use various software programs that may assist them in doing thing preparing sales plan and giving business presentations such as Microsoft PowerPoint.

The director of sales may also be required to understand various financial and mathematical formulas in order to forecast sales quota for different territories, and analyze sales and marketing trends and their respective results.

Responsibilities & Skills

Though every company may have different descriptions of what the duties of director of sales and marketing do, but here are some basic duties that these professional men and women may do:

- Determining profits by creating marketing strategies
- Determining sales for both new and existing products
- Motivating sales staff to sell as many products as possible
- Building relationships with men and women from the same industry and also company business partners

Required Qualifications

  • Bachelor's Degree in Sales, Marketing, or Busines
  • Some companies require at least 5 years of managerial experience

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