Family of Paris attack victim sues internet giants

Jacob Bogage 10:39 AM   The family of an American student killed by the Islamic State during the November attack in Paris is suing Twitter, Facebook and Google for providing, "material support" to the terrorist group.

Top world stories

Man charged over murder of British MP

Murdered Labour MP Jo Cox.

Nick Miller 10:53 AM   Police have charged Thomas Mair with the murder of British MP Jo Cox, after Nazi regalia and far-right wing literature were reportedly found at his home.

Iraq forces retake Fallujah from Islamic State

Iraqi security forces celebrate in central Fallujah, Iraq, after fighting against the Islamic State militants.

The Iraqi flag flies over the city and thousands of civilians flee after being used as human shields by IS.

Olympic state declares financial emergency

From left, Rio de Janeiro's Major Eduardo Paes delivers the key to the Olympic Village to Organising Committee President ...

Rio de Janeiro's governor has declared a state of financial emergency and requested federal funds to help fulfil obligations for public services during the 2016 Olympic Games which start on August 5.

30 stories of divorce aim to change law

How quickly can a divorce be done?

Amrit Dhillon 3:27 PM   Muslim men in India are being urged to use Ramadan to consider whether it's OK to divorce their wives just by texting a word three times.

Comments 17

Putin plays down support for Trump

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on Friday.

1:38 AM   President Vladimir Putin said on Friday he accepted the United States was still the world's only superpower, saying he was ready to work with whoever won the White House.

Latest world news

Obama not planning strikes on Assad forces despite diplomatic call

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Arshad Mohammed and Matt Spetalnick 1:48 PM   A leaked "dissent memo" signed by dozens of American diplomats unlikely to make Barack Obama consider military strikes against Bashar al-Assad.

Man arrested after 12 Amish girls found in his home

Married women among the Amish wear bonnets, full-length dresses and aprons. The Amish have maintained a conservative ...

Robert Moran 12:13 PM   A 51-year-old man was found living with 12 girls, including two he fathered, after sexually assaulting a teenager he considered his wife, authorities said Friday.

Family of Paris attack victim sues Google, Facebook and Twitter

Paris attack suspect Salah Abdeslam's lawyer says he "is the perfect example of the generation who thinks he lives in a ...

Jacob Bogage 10:39 AM   The family of an American student killed by the Islamic State during a November 2015 attack in Paris is suing Twitter, Facebook and Google for providing, "material support" to the terrorist group.

Sounds Australia could fall silent at the end of the year

APRA songwriter of the year Courtney Barnett is one of many artists to benefit from Sounds Australia funding.

Nick Miller 10:05 AM   Australian artists could miss out on lucrative international deals - and even Grammy nominations - due to a funding screw-up that threatens to gut the official organisation that promotes and supports Australian musicians overseas.

A starving wolf stalked a woman and her dog for 12 hours. Then along came a bear.

Joanne Barnaby claims she was stalked by a wolf for 12 hours.

Michael E. Miller 9:35 AM   Joanne Barnaby was deep in the deadfall, smeared in mosquitoes and blood, dehydrated and near exhaustion, when she heard the call of a mama bear searching for its cub.

EgyptAir second black box located

Personal belongings and other wreckage from EgyptAir flight 804 retrieved from the crash site.

Nour Youssef 9:15 AM   ​The flight data recorder from EgyptAir Flight 804, which crashed in the Mediterranean last month, has been recovered.

Charges sought for 7 in gang rape of 16-year-old in Rio

An activist poses for a photo in front of an installation on Copacabana beach portraying the anguish suffered by abused ...

Jenny Barchfield 8:59 AM   Investigations into the gang rape 'by 30 men' of a Brazilian teenager that shocked the world last month have concluded.

Ex-Auschwitz guard, 94, sentenced to five years in jail

Former SS sergeant Reinhold Hanning, who served as a guard at Auschwitz, sits in the courtroom in Detmold on Friday.

Elke Ahlswede 7:04 AM   A 94-year-old former Auschwitz guard was sentenced to jail in Germany on Friday by a judge who branded him a "willing and efficient henchman" in the Holocaust.

Rye Hunt's family prepare to bring him home from Brazil

Rye Hunt and, inset, his girlfriend Bonnie Cuthbert.

3:49 AM   The remains of backpacker Rye Hunt, who died while travelling in Brazil, are expected to return to his Hobart home this weekend.

Australians warned of Zika virus in Indonesia

Zika virus has been linked to a surge of microcephaly.

Jewel Topsfield 11:59 PM   The Australian government has updated its travel advice to Indonesia to warn the country is experiencing sporadic transmission of the mosquito-borne Zika virus.

MP's alleged killer a quiet loner with 'links to far right'

Alleged killer Thomas 'Tommy' Mair.

Nick Miller 9:19 PM   As Britain searches for answers over its first murder of a female MP, Jo Cox, attention is focused on the alleged killer: 52 year-old Thomas 'Tommy' Mair, a quiet loner whose motives are still a mystery.

Man with two names: first Australian conviction for China's Fox Hunt?

"I don't know who Xie Renliang is. I am Zhang Jianping": the man who Chinese authorities have sentenced to life in jail ...

Philip Wen 7:06 PM   Chinese authorities say the first Australian conviction under Operation Fox Hunt is a case of fake identity.

British MP dies after being shot by a man reportedly shouting 'Britain First'

British MP Jo Cox has died after being attacked in the street.

Nick Miller 5:42 PM   Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said the whole of the Labour party "and indeed the whole country will be in shock at the horrific murder".

Australian oil rig worker killed in Israel

James Synan in a photo from his son's Facebook tribute.

Kate Shuttleworth 4:54 PM   An Australian worker has been killed in Israeli-occupied territory just days before his 59th birthday.

Police fire warning shot as stranded Sri Lankan women disembark boat in Indonesia

The women who jumped off the boat mimed shooting themselves.

Jewel Topsfield and Amilia Rosa 4:31 PM   The five women are among stranded 44 Sri Lankans who were en route to Australia when their boat had engine trouble.

Brexit vote could bring Cameron's government crashing down

Bremain: British Prime Minister David Cameron after an interview in which he laid out reasons for Britain to stay in the ...

Griff Witte 3:48 PM   British Prime Minister David Cameron's high-stakes decision to let the British public decide whether the country stays in the European Union looks increasingly like a bad bet, with his party veering into civil war and the polls pointing toward an exit.

After British MP Jo Cox's murder, UK holds its breath, asking if it was political violence?

Killed: Labour member of Parliament Jo Cox.

Nick Miller 3:30 PM   The murder of an MP, the first in more than two decades, was an assault on democracy. But whether is was politically motivated has Britain holding its breath.

MH370 search thousands of kilometres off target: Australian aviation expert

MH370 captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah.

Lindsay Murdoch 3:12 PM   An Australian aviation expert says he is convinced MH370 crashed into the sea west of the Malaysian mainland without proper control of the pilots who were incapacitated by a catastrophic event on board the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777.

Saudi Arabia upset after Hillary Clinton links oil kingdom to terrorism

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton listens to a question during a panel discussion on national security.

Daniel Flitton 2:54 PM   Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have piled on outrage after Hillary Clinton condemned the weekend slaughter in Orlando and directly linked the oil-rich monarchies to the funding of terrorism.

Britain's booming far-right party that denies racism but storms mosques

A British Union flag, commonly known as a Union Jack  next to a European Union (EU) flag.

Patrick Foster 2:47 PM   Although it claims to have just 6000 members, Britain First has built an army of online fans, using social media to push innocuous causes, such as ending animal cruelty or promoting Remembrance Day poppies, and asking users to "like" its messages.