Latest News for: katsumi suzuki


Silence lifting over clergy abuse

Arkansas Online 15 Dec 2019
TOKYO -- During Pope Francis' recent visit to Japan, Harumi Suzuki stood where his motorcade passed by holding a sign that read ... Katsumi Takenaka stood at another spot, on another day, holding up his banner that read, "Catholic child sexual abuse in Japan, too." ... It's unclear whether that includes decades-old cases like Takenaka's and Suzuki's.

Cries of abuse in Catholic Church start to be heard in Japan

Federal News Radio 15 Dec 2019
TOKYO (AP) — During Pope Francis’ recent visit to Japan, Harumi Suzuki stood where his motorcade passed by holding a sign that read ... Katsumi Takenaka stood at another spot, on another day, holding up his banner that read, “Catholic child sexual abuse in Japan, too.” ... It’s unclear whether that includes decades-old cases like Takenaka’s and Suzuki’s.
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