- published: 10 Apr 2011
- views: 4176
DW7 Conquest Voice Clips- Sima Shi
Seems to like destiny a lot, and is it just me or does he seem to have a thing for Yuanji?...
published: 10 Apr 2011
DW7 Conquest Voice Clips- Sima Shi
Seems to like destiny a lot, and is it just me or does he seem to have a thing for Yuanji?
- published: 10 Apr 2011
- views: 4176
Dynasty Warriors 7 [Jin Story Mode] [Part 12] [Sima Shi's Death] Xbox 360
Authority has been passed to Shima Zhao..... Another no regrets when dying....
published: 17 Apr 2011
Dynasty Warriors 7 [Jin Story Mode] [Part 12] [Sima Shi's Death] Xbox 360
Authority has been passed to Shima Zhao..... Another no regrets when dying....
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
- published: 17 Apr 2011
- views: 7826
Sima Shi Legendary Battle 2 Hard Jin Conquest Gameplay Video Dynasty Warriors 7 PS3
Conquest Gameplay Video Dynasty Warrior 7
Dynasty: Jin
Character: Sima Shi
Sex: Male
published: 09 Apr 2011
Sima Shi Legendary Battle 2 Hard Jin Conquest Gameplay Video Dynasty Warriors 7 PS3
Conquest Gameplay Video Dynasty Warrior 7
Dynasty: Jin
Character: Sima Shi
Sex: Male
Costume: Normal Outfit 2
Legendary Battle 2: Eliminate Shu
Difficulty: Hard
This is a Conquest gameplay video for Sima Shi in his Legendary Battles.
Use comments to share your thoughts on this character.
Visit my channel for more DW 7 Character Profile, as well as Conquest gameplay video. Please Subscribe if you enjoyed my watching my videos. Thanks!
Please take the time to RATE my video if you LIKED IT. It helps me know what video to continue making, and motivates me to make more. Thanks!
- published: 09 Apr 2011
- views: 1917
Warriors Orochi 3/無双OROCHI 2 Sima Shi Chaos Solo With Commentary
Sima Shi is a fast character with very fast C attacks and a awesome C jump attack the son ...
published: 01 Oct 2012
Warriors Orochi 3/無双OROCHI 2 Sima Shi Chaos Solo With Commentary
Sima Shi is a fast character with very fast C attacks and a awesome C jump attack the son of sima yi can really tear a crowd in half with a ex attack. The jin army has some excellent characters and there squad is pretty bad ass:) If your good at evading then this is the character for you.
Sima Shi musou is very powerful and has decent range to get enemies that are a little farther away from you. With a agility he is super fast. As i said before you need help with the game just inbox me and ill be glad to help also please read the comment boxs to see if i reply back which most the time i do reply just re read the comment box instead of assuming i didn't answer lol if i don't just leave a inbox message and ill get back to you:)
Sub,like,fav,thumbs up!:)
Thank you for watching the chaos series.
- published: 01 Oct 2012
- views: 1099
Dynasty Warriors 8 - Sima Shi Musou Attack!!
Hey Guys, This is Sima Shi's musou attack in Dynasty Warriors 8, check it out!!..:D Make S...
published: 08 Feb 2013
Dynasty Warriors 8 - Sima Shi Musou Attack!!
Hey Guys, This is Sima Shi's musou attack in Dynasty Warriors 8, check it out!!..:D Make Sure You Subscribe KOEI's Channel : http://www.youtube.com/user/KOEITECMOofficial?feature=watch
and Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE Me too and also LIKE MY FACEBOOK PAGE :
- published: 08 Feb 2013
- views: 1694
真・三國無双7/Dynasty Warriors 8 Sima Shi Walkthrough Commentary
Sima Shi moveset has been slightly changed but still awesome i like his ex attack and his ...
published: 10 Mar 2013
真・三國無双7/Dynasty Warriors 8 Sima Shi Walkthrough Commentary
Sima Shi moveset has been slightly changed but still awesome i like his ex attack and his yin yang charge attack which put the enemy in a slow down state. im still testing out every character so stay tune for more character walkthroughs and mr hack and slash known chaos series for dynasty warriors 8!
Team Hack And Slash| Awesome Channels to sub
Jerzeeboii - http://www.youtube.com/user/jerzeeboii
Lady Hack And Slash - http://www.youtube.com/user/xCrimsonKunoichix
BlazinAce - http://www.youtube.com/user/BlazingAceNelson
Zeta - http://www.youtube.com/user/TheZetaspartan21
- published: 10 Mar 2013
- views: 493
WO3 - Sima Shi Bonds Quotes
Sima Shi's special quotes to all his bonds. I didn't record the others because you hear th...
published: 05 Jul 2012
WO3 - Sima Shi Bonds Quotes
Sima Shi's special quotes to all his bonds. I didn't record the others because you hear them in-game anyway.
- published: 05 Jul 2012
- views: 197
Sima Shi Legendary Battle 1 Hard Jin Conquest Gameplay Video Dynasty Warriors 7 PS3
Conquest Gameplay Video Dynasty Warrior 7
Dynasty: Jin
Character: Sima Shi
Sex: Male
published: 09 Apr 2011
Sima Shi Legendary Battle 1 Hard Jin Conquest Gameplay Video Dynasty Warriors 7 PS3
Conquest Gameplay Video Dynasty Warrior 7
Dynasty: Jin
Character: Sima Shi
Sex: Male
Costume: Normal Outfit 1
Legendary Battle 1: Eliminate Whu
Difficulty: Hard
This is a Conquest gameplay video for Sima Shi in his Legendary Battles.
Use comments to share your thoughts on this character.
Visit my channel for more DW 7 Character Profile, as well as Conquest gameplay video. Please Subscribe if you enjoyed my watching my videos. Thanks!
Please take the time to RATE my video if you LIKED IT. It helps me know what video to continue making, and motivates me to make more. Thanks!
- published: 09 Apr 2011
- views: 2110
真・三國無双6 Empires 司馬師(迅雷剣)修羅全土統一戦
真三國無雙6帝國 司馬師(迅雷劍)修羅全土統一戰
Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires - Sima Shi Chaos Final Battle
published: 22 Nov 2012
真・三國無双6 Empires 司馬師(迅雷剣)修羅全土統一戦
真三國無雙6帝國 司馬師(迅雷劍)修羅全土統一戰
Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires - Sima Shi Chaos Final Battle
- published: 22 Nov 2012
- views: 6811
真・三國無双7 Dynasty Warriors 8 _ Co-Op Hard - Sima Shi ( XLHGladiato) Yue Jin (Xvlido)
Skip to battle (2:25) we just play this to level up Sima Shi much faster, Free mode, Sima ...
published: 06 Mar 2013
真・三國無双7 Dynasty Warriors 8 _ Co-Op Hard - Sima Shi ( XLHGladiato) Yue Jin (Xvlido)
Skip to battle (2:25) we just play this to level up Sima Shi much faster, Free mode, Sima Shi level 1 Yue Jin level 11, We're going to make a special video when we unlock all characters, stay tuned!
- published: 06 Mar 2013
- views: 458
Vimeo results:
Cercant el Pont de les Ferreres
Pont del Diable o de les Ferreres
La romana és la primera gran civilització occidental qu...
published: 13 Oct 2011
author: lliurevolo
Cercant el Pont de les Ferreres
Pont del Diable o de les Ferreres
La romana és la primera gran civilització occidental que desenvolupa una enginyeria de l'aigua. Ja des dels seus inicis l'aigua va tenir diferents aplicacions: tant per cobrir les necessitats fisiològiques i d'higiene com en la seva funció industrial, ornamental i lúdica.
Tintoreries, fonts amb sortidors, estanys ornamentals, nimfeus, termes, etc. nombrosos elements demostraven el paper que tenia l'aigua per a la cultura romana.
Tarraco va disposar de dos aqüeductes que cobrien d'aigua la ciutat. L'un recollia l'aigua del riu Gaià, a l'alçada del Pont d'Armentera, i un altre procedia del riu Francolí. Aquest darrer se l'ha conegut amb el nom del Pont de les Ferreres o també com a Pont del Diable.
Es localitza prop de la CN-240 (Tarragona-Valls) a uns 3 quilòmetres del centre de la ciutat, en direcció al barri de Sant Salvador. La zona és totalment accessible.
L'Aqüeducte tenia el punt de captació de l'aigua prop de Puigpelat i la transportava fins a la zona mitja i baixa de la ciutat, amb un recorregut d'uns 15 quilòmetres. La seva construcció es deu a la desproporció del terreny del barranc dels Arcs, a 5 quilòmetres de Tarragona.
Està format per dos nivells, un d'inferior i un de superior. La part baixa es composa de 11 arcs; l'alta està formada per un total de 26. Amb una alçada màxima de 24 metres i mig, el Pont de les Ferreres va ser construït amb grans carreus encoixinats units en sec, procedents d'un reguitzell de pedreres properes al monument. Per la part superior hi passava la conducció de l'aigua i va ser edificada amb morter de calç i pedra.
Es va construir entre finals del segle I aC i principis de l'I dC. L'època va coincidir amb el moment en què Tàrraco gaudia de la capitalitat de la província més gran de l'Imperi.
Tot plegat va coexistir amb el creixement urbanístic que es va donar a partir de l'època d'August. La seva utilitat, però, va finalitzar a les acaballes del segle XVIII.
Els ponts romans eren construïts amb un lleuger pendent per tal de permetre la correcta circulació de l'aigua i evitar que es quedés estancada. Els canals permetien el pas d'una persona perquè hi pogués fer un manteniment adequat. Finalment, desembocaven a les torres d'aigua situades en un punt alt de la ciutat.
L'Aqüeducte romà de Tàrraco se'l coneix popularment amb el nom de Pont del Diable perquè rere el topònim s'hi amaga una llegenda que ha sobreviscut els anys, generació rere generació.
Es diu que en època romana, davant els problemes d'aigua que tenia Tarragona, va caldre edificar un aqüeducte per unir dos turons que quedaven separats per una profunda torrentera. Un cop construïdes les dues rengleres d'arcades, unes fortes ventades i la fúria d'una gran tempesta, van enderrocar el pont.
El cap de la construcció, desesperat de veure tal tragèdia va advertir que només el diable podria edificar un pont de més de 1000 anys de durada. De sobte, se li aparegué Satanàs prometent-li un pont aixecat amb pedra del Mèdol aquella mateixa nit. Satanàs no treballaria en va, però la recompensa que demanava no eren diners. El diable volia l'ànima de la primera persona que begués aigua d'aquell pont. I un cop tracte fet, Satanàs va complir amb la seva paraula: l'endemà al matí Tàrraco tenia aqüeducte. El dimoni, però, no havia fugit, sinó que esperava a l'altra banda del pont el compliment del tracte fet. Finalment, des de l'altra banda del pont, el cap de construcció li ensenyà un ase com a mostra de ser el primer habitant que havia begut d'aquella aigua i Satanàs va haver de marxar amb la cua entre cames.
L'Aqüeducte de les Ferreres (també anomenat Pont del Diable) és un pont aqüeducte romà aixecat entre els costats del barranc dels Arcs al terme de Tarragona, que duia aigua del riu Francolí a l'antiga ciutat de Tàrraco. És un dels aqüeductes més monumentals i ben conservats de l'època romana i el més important de Catalunya.[1] La seva gestió depèn del Museu d'Història de Tarragona.[2]
Malgrat que no es coneix la data exacta de la construcció de l'aqüeducte, sembla probable que s'hagués aixecat al segle I dC, en l'època de l'emperador August, coincidint amb el creixement de Tàrraco per la urbanització de la part alta de la ciutat, seu del Concilium provinciae d'Hispània Citerior.[3]
L'aqüeducte va estar en funcionament fins a l'edat mitjana. Va ser restaurat al segle X —sota el regne del califa Abd al-Rahman III de Còrdova— i una altra vegada al segle XVIII. Durant el segle XIX i el segle XX es van dur a terme diversos treballs de conservació per aturar el deteriorament del monument.
El 1905 es va declarar Bé Cultural d'Interès Nacional i el 2000 Patrimoni de la Humanitat per la UNESCO com a part del Conjunt arqueològic de Tàrraco. Després de l'adquisició del terreny per l'Ajuntament de Tarragona, es va inaugurar l'any 2005 el «Parc Ecohistòric del Pont d
Youtube results:
Dynasty Warriors 7 [Jin Story Mode] [Part 11] Xbox 360
Sima Shi got slashed on his left eye, got new looks!!!
"Copyright Disclaimer...
published: 17 Apr 2011
Dynasty Warriors 7 [Jin Story Mode] [Part 11] Xbox 360
Sima Shi got slashed on his left eye, got new looks!!!
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
- published: 17 Apr 2011
- views: 7573
Dynasty Warriors 7 - Jin - History Repeats
After The Death Of Sima Yi Years Later Sima Shi Is In His Death Bed Like His Father And Le...
published: 15 Jun 2011
Dynasty Warriors 7 - Jin - History Repeats
After The Death Of Sima Yi Years Later Sima Shi Is In His Death Bed Like His Father And Leaves The Kingdom Of Wei To His Brother Sima Zhao As His Sucsessor Will Sima Zhao Also Have The Same Ambition As His Brother Or Father
- published: 15 Jun 2011
- views: 1281
Dynasty Warriors 7: XL(JPN PC)Sima Shi Gameplay#4
Legend Mode Sima Shi pt4
Dynasty Warriors 7 is the first game in the series to extend past...
published: 06 Aug 2012
Dynasty Warriors 7: XL(JPN PC)Sima Shi Gameplay#4
Legend Mode Sima Shi pt4
Dynasty Warriors 7 is the first game in the series to extend past the Battle of Wuzhang Plains.
Consequently, the Jin Kingdom was added. This game's Musou mode is not character based but kingdom based.
The Renbu combat system has been removed, replaced by the familiar charge system.
Characters are allowed to wield more than one weapon during battle, with the ability to execute a special attack upon switching.
In addition, both aerial musou attacks (depending on the character) and certain aerial combos have been introduced.
Players can also choose to switch their equipped weapons during battle and can obtain new weapons by defeating officers.
Characters have a special attack with a weapon indicated with an EX icon.
Characters also have 2 musou's that they perform using their Ex Weapon which can consist of grapples, midair, charges, quick/heavy strikes or a combo of hits performed in certain ways.
An additional mode known as Conquest Mode has been incorporated into the game.
The new characters add to the game are Guo Jia, Wang Yi and Pang De.
Swimming and climbing ladders from Dynasty Warriors 6 are once again present.
The Weapon system has been changed dramatically from previous titles and players can now choose up to 10 or 11 weapons
from each weapon category.
Support animals which aid players in battle, some will follow and battle with the player, some can be ridden.
Available animals are horses, bears, pandas, elephants, wolves, tigers and falcons.
My Twitter: http://twitter.com/NicoHDgaming
- published: 06 Aug 2012
- views: 164
Dynasty Warriors 7 - Jin Mission 11 - Attack on Sima Shi - Part 01
Sign up for free iOS apps! http://bit.ly/FREEAPPS
Due to the valiant efforts of Deng Ai, J...
published: 25 May 2011
Dynasty Warriors 7 - Jin Mission 11 - Attack on Sima Shi - Part 01
Sign up for free iOS apps! http://bit.ly/FREEAPPS
Due to the valiant efforts of Deng Ai, Jiang Wei was repelled once again. Sima Shi used this time to strengthen domestics within Wei. Slowly, the Wei empire became divided between those that were loyal to Sima Shi and those that remained loyal to Wei. The tension between these two factions grew to the point where rumours began circling about a plot to assassinate Sima Shi.
Dynasty Warriors 7 - Jin Mission 11 - Attack on Sima Shi
Player: Sima Zhao.Mission Objectives: 1.) Defeat all enemy units. 2.) Sima Shi must survive.Follow Sima Shi around for a while. Once Sima Shi reaches Li Feng, Li Feng will call in some assassins and he will turn against you. Assassins and Ministers are just another version of a generic officer.Follow Sima Shi until he runs into a group of Ministers that will turn against him. Sima Zhao's first AOE musou is a useful way to clear the mob. His second musou can launch enemies into the air.Follow Sima Shi north into the central courtyard. Sima Shi will be ambushed by Zhang Ji, ballistas, and archers. Defeat Zhang Ji as quickly as possible, since ballistas and archers will all be shooting at you. Take control of the ballista and shoot down all the archers.Head up the stairs. Ministers will charge you from either side, so defeat them then enter the palace.Head east and you will be ambushed by more Assassins and Ministers. Defeat them to proceed.Follow Sima Shi north into the top platform. Help Sima Shi defeat Xiahou Xuan. Once defeated, Assassins will appear at your position. Defeat them all.
Read more by visiting our page at:
- published: 25 May 2011
- views: 767