Greek Septuagint vs Hebrew Masoretic
Greek Septuagint vs
Hebrew Masoretic
(pause as necessary)
The King James Bible is the perfect
Word of God. There are two streams of
Bibles since the beginning. One Godly stream is from
Antioch where they
were first called Christians. And the other unGodly stream is from
Alexandria, Egypt and has infiltrated all modern
English translations.
The Septuagint did not exist before Christ walked the
Earth as mainstream
scholarship puts forth. This is a clever lie that has been propagated to make you believe the
Satanic stream of manuscripts are the oldest and thus the most accurate.
The masoretic text is the underlying text for the
King James Bible OT which is the perfect Word of God. The Septuagint is
Satan's forgery which is one of the underlying text for unGodly translations.
Codex Sinaiticus and
Codex Vaticanus are catholic corruptions and are supposedly some of the oldest
Greek manuscripts which support the readings of the Septuagint.
Origin was a heretic who castrated himself and created the Septuagint we have today in the Hexapla.
The "Letter of
Aristeas" is a fairy tale and read in light of the predominant culture and
Biblical context is an absolutely absurd story.
Deuteronomy 17:16 says that
Israel should not even obtain horses from
Egypt. Why would you think Christ and His disciples would quote a
Greek Bible that comes from Egypt?
What motive would you think an African
King in Egypt (
Ptolemy Philadelphus II) would have for wanting a
Hebrew Bible for His people?
Maybe to see how the
Jews massacred them in
Exodus 4-15?
Think about this! Why would an African King in Egypt care about apostate Jews to read the
Bible in Greek?!?
Do you think it not strange that not one Greek scholar showed up to participate in the production of a
Greek Old Testament. Not one!!!
The questions that PP II asks the
Jewish translators in the
Letter of Aristeas are about everything except the Bible! Isn't that odd? Not one question was asked about the Bible that they were supposedly going to translate!!!
We are to believe that all 12 teams, working in isolated companies, each did _ALL_ the canonical Hebrew books separately and all six teams came out matching "word for word, perfect!" If you believe that, then I have a bridge in
Brooklyn I would like to sell you.
The earliest writer to mention the mythological Septuagint was an Alexandrian (
African Jew) named Aristobulus around 190
B.C. Aristobulus was a liar and he revised the original letter of Aristeas claiming the author lied and that the whole old testament was not translated; it was just the Pentateuch (
Gen. -
Deut.). He was forced to change the official story due to lack of manuscript evidence.
For more details on the Mythological Septuagint and
Satanic Bible forgeries throughout history, please see the following resources. They will answer all your objections and questions as to whether
Jesus Christ and his disciples used a Greek Septuagint or not.
The Mythological Septuagint
Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
Dr. Peter S. Ruckman (
Biblical Scholarship
Dr. Peter S. Ruckman (
Facts about the Septuagint,
the Greek Old Testament
Lamp in the
Tares Among the
Codex Sinaiticus: The Oldest Bible? Or a
Modern Hoax?