
Three guilty over murder of man whose limbs they dumped in the Maribyrnong

Before his dismembered limbs began floating to the surface of the Maribyrnong River last year, few people outside Brendan Bernard's circle had heard of him.

The 32-year-old Melbourne man's short life had been marked by hardship, and he had struggled with drug addiction and periodic homelessness.

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But on Friday there were cries of glee in the Victorian Supreme Court as Mr Bernard's housemate, Matthew David Brennan, and two other men, Con Spaliaras​ and Edward Lionel "Nippy" Hill, were found guilty of Mr Bernard's murder.

A woman wept, and family members embraced as the jury announced its unanimous verdict.

The three had pleaded not guilty to murder, despite admitting to throwing hacked up pieces of Mr Bernard's body into the river, arguing that they did not intend for him to die.

Mr Bernard met his end during what was described as a "chaotic" night in late January last year at a North Melbourne unit, in which everyone present was drunk or affected by drugs, including ice.


During the trial before Supreme Court Justice Christopher Beale, the jury heard that Mr Bernard was ambushed after coming home to the flat he shared with Brennan, and was confronted over a $60 drug debt incurred the previous day, which he had failed to pay. 

The key prosecution witness, a woman who can be identified only as "KJ", told the Victorian Supreme Court she and the three accused men had been inside the flat when Mr Bernard arrived home.

She said the trio set upon Mr Bernard, brutally bashing him, before Spaliaras put  him into a "sleeper hold" until he lost consciousness.

Brennan's lawyer, Colin Mandy, told the court that the entire case against the three men rested on the testimony of KJ, an ice user and dealer who had once forgotten where she had left her baby.

But she insisted that she clearly remembered the three accused men committing a brutal assault on Mr Bernard on January 27, which "looked like a ball with arms and legs coming out ... like a cartoon".

She said the lengthy assault on Mr Bernard briefly ended when he fell into unconsciousness in the loungeroom. The men then went to another room to talk while KJ stayed with Mr Bernard, the court heard.

She told the court that when she noticed Mr Bernard wake up and try to escape through the front door, she shut the front door and called for Spaliaras.

Asked why she did that, KJ replied: "Because I didn't want Con to go to jail."

She said Mr Bernard was then dragged into the bathroom. After a while, she said, "it got really quiet".

KJ told the court she went into the bathroom to check what was happening, and saw Mr Bernard lying unresponsive in the bathtub with Spaliaras holding a rope around his neck.

She said Spaliaras asked her whether she wanted to "have a pull of the dog".

When she did nothing, she said, he pulled "really hard" and Mr Bernard's head banged against the edge of the bathtub but he didn't react.

KJ said she checked his pulse, but could not find one, and she did not see him move after that.

The court was told the three men left Mr Bernard's body in the bathtub for a week, with Brennan washing the body regularly to try to get rid of the smell.

After "about" a week, the court was told, Mr Bernard's body was dismembered and his body parts dumped in the Maribyrnong River. Spaliaras​ and Brennan admitted to doing this. Hill admitted only to taking part in the body's disposal.

All three men admitted they were involved in the assault on Mr Bernard.

Prosecutor Gavin Silbert, QC, told the court the men had decided to throw the dead man's head, hands and feet into a council bin near a playground so they could not be traced.

But, he said, by the time they came to this decision they had already dumped Mr Bernard's forearm in the river.

Mr Bernard's body parts surfaced in the river over several days in February 2015, and more parts were discovered in March.

A distinctive tattoo on Mr Bernard's forearm, of a devil wearing jeans and holding a spray can, was identified by his stepfather the day after the limb was discovered by a member of the public.

"There's no sophistication or cleverness in this case," Mr Silbert told the court.

Lawyers for Spaliaras and Hill invited the jury to find their clients guilty of manslaughter only, saying the entire case rested on the testimony of KJ who was not a reliable witness. 

The jury, after beginning their deliberations a week ago, did not comply.
