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Suspected pipe bomb at Geelong house 'made safe': police


Neelima Choahan

Geelong police are on the scene at what some reports say is a pipe bomb in a car.

Geelong police are on the scene at what some reports say is a pipe bomb in a car. Photo: Georgia Matts

Police have confirmed a Geelong house that was suspected to contain a pipe bomb has been "made safe".

Victoria Police spokeswoman Amelia Penhall said the bomb squad had secured the scene at Robin Avenue, Norlane.

"The item located was a pipe containing black powder," Ms Penhall said.

"Police are investigating how the device came to be at the premises."


Victoria Police Inspector Ian Geddes said the Victoria Police bomb squad were called to the house in Norlane after a warrant search revealed a suspicious item on Friday morning.

Streets were closed around the house, and a 100-metre exclusion zone was applied to the site.

An X-ray revealed the pipe had no internal mechanism.

More to come. 


HuffPost Australia

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