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Miki Perkins

Miki Perkins is a senior reporter at The Age who writes about social affairs. Her stories cover family violence, social trends, the status of women, families, sexuality, disability and much more. Miki has previously covered city, education, courts and general reporting.

This 'joke' isn't funny anymore - Eddie McGuire's 'banter' falls flat

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs Politicians and anti-violence advocates have condemned the broadcaster's gibe about drowning Caroline Wilson, calling on sporting codes to stamp out sexism.

'We can't let the misogynist banter of Eddie McGuire slip past'

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs The transcript is so awful, you need to read it.

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Parents' 'risky' drinking encourages teens

Emma Thompson and her 13-year-old daughter, Charlotte.

Miki Perkins Charlotte, 13, has no interest in drinking. But her mum Emma knows this might change, and tries to be a good role model.

A housing problem solved is a pleasure shared

From left, Melanie Saleh, Belinda Cini and Jessica Shea at their share house in Geelong.

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs For years, the parents of people with disabilities have worried about where their children will live when they die. A happy share house in a Geelong suburb offers one answer.

A Melbourne toddler died. Another little boy could have. Why?

Sam* was taken to hospital with injuries three times before he died. (Stock photo.)

Miki Perkins and David Estcourt Questions arise about a man who was looking after one little boy who died, and was babysitting another rushed to hospital after eating meth. Yet on multiple occasions, authorities failed to act.

Gay sex in Australia: casual sex up, condom use down as drug reduces fear of HIV

Chris Williams, a PrEP user, is one of a growing number of gay men using the drug in Melbourne to protect against HIV.

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs A snapshot of the sex lives and relationships of gay men shows more are in open relationships, and using a drug that prevents them getting HIV.

Alcohol delivered to your door via app: logical step or too much licence with liquor?

Kali Sandbrook has alcohol delivered by Tipple delivery man Mark Boyle.

Miki Perkins Home-delivery liquor app raises interesting questions about how to measure the social impact of online business.

Want to end youth homelessness? This works

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs There is no surefire way to end youth homelessness. But here's one Victorian approach that works.

Physical, sexual abuse 'the norm' for Victorians with a disability

Abuse of people with a disability in Victoria is endemic.

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs Disability abuse in Victoria is widespread and women are targeted, an inquiry finds.

'Is this justice?': Former policeman Guy Felton convicted for family violence

Alison Kenny says taking her ex-husband Guy Felton to court for family violence has been emotionally and financially exhausting.

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs Alison Kenny has a court win after years of family violence at the hands of her ex-husband. But it doesn't feel like justice, she says.

Victorian government trials blind job applications to overcome hiring bias

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs For the first time in Australia, the Victorian government will trial removing personal details - like name, gender, age and location - from job applications to rule out discrimination or unconscious...

Will you still 'like' me? LGBTI teens come out of digital closet

Rory Blundell, 20,says coming out can be one of the most difficult things to do for young LGBTI people.

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs Now you can come out to your all friends on Facebook...anonymously.

Feeling unsafe

Should girls go out after dark? One in three young women say no

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs Do you feel safe going out at night? Many young women feel it's their responsibility to change their behaviour and stay alert in public places.

New York trip ends in mystery deportation for Melbourne artist Hamishi Farah

Contemporary Artist Hamishi Farah has an exhibition on in New York and was heading there for the opening but was detained at L.A. airport and then sent home with no explanation.

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs Why was young Melbourne artist Hamishi Farah held at LAX for 12 hours and then deported from the US and forced to miss his own art exhibition? He's not sure either.

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School journal a window into heart of new Human Rights Commissioner

Victoria's new Human Rights Commissioner Kristen Hilton.

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs When Kristen Hilton rang her mum to tell her she had been appointed as Victoria's new Human Rights Commissioner, Kerry Hilton dug out her daughter's grade five school journal.

Questions raised over police union paying legal fees of officer pleading guilty to family violence

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs The case of a police officer who beat his wife and son raises serious questions about who the powerful police union defends in court.

Ex police officer pleads guilty to beating wife and son

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs The case of a police officer who beat his wife and son raises serious questions about who the powerful police union defends in court: they paid his legal costs.

DV screening

'Do you feel safe?': family violence screening for pregnant mums

Pregnant women are at greater risk of family violence.

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs All women coming in for antenatal appointments at the Royal Women's Hospital will be asked how safe they feel at home in a groundbreaking program aimed at tackling family violence.

Victorian state budget 2016: Ambitious social budget to tackle state's darkest issues

A person's risk of suicide may one day be able to be determined by a blood test.

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs Over the long weekend, Victorians jumped into their cars and headed for the beaches and hills, mindful to drive carefully and not become a tragic statistic in the road toll.

Police and system failed Kelly Thompson, stabbed to death by ex-partner: Coroner

Kelly Thompson was killed by her partner Wayne Wood.

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs Kelly Thompson did "everything right" to keep herself safe from her ex-partner Wayne Wood, but the system failed her, a coroner has found.