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Don't be fooled by Dan Andrews' port trickery


Privatising the Port of Melbourne and using the money to finance the removal of level crossings is a modern version of the old pea and thimble trick.

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Choosing China: Andrews' first trade mission complete

Sunday Age state political editor Farrah Tomazin spent a busy week following the Victorian premier around the economic powerhouse that is China.

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Premier Daniel Andrews and his Treasurer, Tim Pallas, have both made speeches recently saying that the government should take advantage of its triple-A credit rating to raise public debt to finance infrastructure, where the benefit to the state is likely to exceed the cost of borrowing. It is a pity they haven't followed their own advice when it comes to the financing of the removal of suburban level crossings around Melbourne.

Greater Melbourne has more than 100 level crossings, compared to two in outer Sydney. A program to remove them, to increase the flow of traffic and frequency of trains was stopped in Melbourne to finance construction of the Eastern Freeway.

Now the lease of arguably Melbourne's greatest strategic asset, the Port of Melbourne, has been advanced as the best way to finance the removal of 50 level crossings – rather than going into debt.

The infrastructure investment with the most benefits is the port-rail terminal at Swanson Dock, foreground, which has ...

The infrastructure investment with the most benefits is the port-rail terminal at Swanson Dock, foreground, which has been delayed. Photo: Craig Abraham

Leave aside the fact that the world's greatest container ports, such as Singapore and Rotterdam, remain in public ownership for the simple reason that they have to serve conflicting objectives. They need to generate profits from stevedoring charges to shippers, while keeping costs down and promoting the growth of their hinterland. The inherent conflicts can best be resolved in-house by a government-owned port authority.

Why should the money for level-crossing removals be raised via a complex privatisation transaction at an effective rate of interest of 7 per cent (the minimum yield which private owners of the port would expect on their 50-year lease), compared to half the cost to taxpayers if the government exploited Victoria's triple-A credit rating to raise the money?

Who benefits? Who pays? It is a modern version of the old pea and thimble trick.

In its modern version, the hucksters are financial engineers and the thimbles they construct are elaborate schemes – usually variants of public private partnerships – purporting to relieve the state of debt and deficit and improve the quality of services previously provided by government.

The latest variant of this game is asset recycling, by leasing the port (out of sight, out of mind and hence ripe for the plucking), then using the money to finance the removal of level crossings (in sight and very much on the minds of voters).

By now most people know these games (replacing cheap public debt with expensive private debt and engineering a structure that allows the main players scope for multimillion-dollar rent seeking) are on the nose, so it is important that they receive some sort of blessing from a respectable authority such as the Productivity Commission.

Hence the commission produced a report (Public Infrastructure, 2014) which appeared to provide the imprimatur for deals that sugar-coat unpopular privatisations with popular investments such as level-crossing removals. The report said: "While the linking of the two decisions may be a useful mechanism to alleviate community resistance to privatisation, this should not replace the need to undertake these sets of analysis separately. Ideally, both sets of decisions would be made within a transparent decision-making environment, where a robust cost-benefit analysis is undertaken and there is scope for independent review."

None of the commission's caveats has been met. To do so would violate techniques for success of the pea and thimble trick.

Cost-benefit analysis, if undertaken, would be likely show that about 10 to 12 level-crossing removals would achieve a positive economic result.

At an estimated cost of $90 million per removal, the total cost would be $1.1 billion, which could easily be financed by public borrowings at 3.5 per cent without affecting Victoria's triple-A rating. The savings in terms of reduced vehicle congestion, more frequent trains, less local pollution, fewer deaths and improved health would be more than the cost of public borrowing and easily captured by the state.

But the remaining level-crossing removals on the RACV list are probably marginal.

The supreme irony is that the infrastructure investment with by far the most benefits involves the spending of $58 million on the planned Swanson Dock port-rail terminal. This would facilitate the recently completed $350 million Footscray Road overpass to allow up to 28 rail-freight train movements in and out of the port each day. This in turn would displace 3500 truck movements each day throughout Melbourne, deferring the need for the $6.6 billion public-private partnership investment proposed by Transurban for toll roads to distribute containers through the Western suburbs.

The delay in building the Swanson Dock terminal, even though the money has been allocated, means Port of Melbourne-related rail-freight traffic has declined from 14 per cent three years ago to an estimated 8 per cent now.

Unnecessary deaths and respiratory diseases, let alone the destruction of urban amenity caused by the Swanson Dock delay, is potentially an avoidable public health scandal rivalling the failure of successive government to close the Hazelwood power station – or the latest Treasury thought bubble, to widen Punt Road to a six-lane highway.

Kenneth Davidson is a senior columnist with The Age.

6 comments so far

  • Most of the public is financially illiterate and as any marketing / advertisng/media group knows, the public is easily manipulated by snaky words. To make matters worse, the incompetence in the government and many in the public service representing the taxpayer seem to get done over , time and again by the financial parasites when ever they get into these PPPs. Too many vested interests and not enough robust financial analysis is the perpetual problem. Unfortunately I cant see that changing ever.

    Date and time
    September 28, 2015, 8:34AM
    • "By now most people know these games (replacing cheap public debt with expensive private debt".
      Unfortunately Ken, most people don't know! Most people don't understand that they have to pay the debt, whether it is cheap Government debt or expensive private debt. They think that private debt is paid by private enterprise, they don't understand that the debt repayments are then passed on to the public through pricing of the goods and services they buy. Who understands or cares that the price of the shoes they just bought has a transport cost component that pays for that expensive debt?

      I think you may be the only journalist who has consistently informed the public of this, and sadly, your voice is drowned out by all the other commentators supporting these privatization rorts.

      Colin Expat
      Date and time
      September 28, 2015, 11:28AM
      • Financial engineering is being used as a fig leaf to "protect" the state"s AAA rating. We all await the Federal Reserve's stated desire to raise rates. The end of our housing bubble. A rise in interest will unravel many PPP type "lease" deals. The Port of Melbourne "lease" will be just one of many. The shonky deal hole is now very deep. The endless conga line of rent seekers now extends across much of government. When the music stops all the chairs would have been long sold. Even the spivs are going to go down with the ship of state. Their fodder simply too expensive even for the local printer. Asset inflation,.... deflating.

        Date and time
        September 28, 2015, 12:37PM
        • I remember well reading Kenneth Davidson's warnings about the stupidity and waste of the proposed Desal Plant - when the Victorian Public hadn't even been informed of the project, but the unions were already fighting over the spoils.
          Why does this article have the same plaintive note? You are a voice in the wilderness Mr Davidson, and the politicians will ignore you yet again. The public ought to be up in arms over this. But they won't, and yet another piece of the farm will be sold off.

          I despair
          Date and time
          September 29, 2015, 7:06AM
          • People who use the Monash Freeway will be paying for the Western Distributor through toll extensions for the next 15 years.
            Here’s what this means for someone who uses the Monash from Malvern through to the CBD or Kings Way:
            Malvern to Kings Way or CBD is $7.24 per trip or $14.48 return
            $14.48 per day X 5 days a week = $72.40 per week = $313 per month for the next 15 years!

            This plan also places the tunnel portal among homes and destroys rare green space inner West when there's other options that negate the need for this! It's highway robbery to maximise profit for Transurban

            Date and time
            September 29, 2015, 12:38PM
            • Committing to East and West Swanson Docks is a huge mistake! This is the last opportunity to move both docks to the old Webb Dock area, downstream from Westgate bridge. Once there is no need for high-clearance shipping, we no longer need westgate bridge at all. We can solve all our westgate and westlink traffic problems with cheaper low bridges and surface roads; no need for expensive tunnels. All for the cost of moving some portainers 2 km to some different flat ground.
              Alas, there will be opposition to this from the existing port operators and the wanna-be tunnel-diggers.

              Date and time
              October 03, 2015, 10:59AM

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