SMH Editorials

Shorten hangs on but Turnbull's stability pitch looms large

7:00 PM   The Coalition's headstart on economic management and asylum policy will be tough to claw back.

Nation building on Indigenous recognition needs a mature debate

SMH editorial dinkus

What does it say about us as a nation, that there never seems to be a good time to talk about a treaty with Indigenous Australians?

Baird's half-baked property tax grab

SMH editorial dinkus

Not that such brazen fund-raising is such a bad thing – in theory.

Better gun laws could have stopped tragedy

SMH editorial dinkus

Donald Trump is playing to the gun lobby and the jelly-backed Congressmen and women at its beck and call.

Damming is not the best way to care for our most precious natural resource

SMH editorial dinkus

We should beware of politicians bearing dams. The economic benefits are nearly always overstated and the environmental costs are likely to be understated.

British poll a scary exercise in democracy

SMH editorial dinkus

Britons are going to the polls over the question of whether or not the United Kingdom should remain in the European Union. It's turning out to be a fascinating exercise in democracy as Prime Minister David Cameron fights for his political life.


ARU is behind the game on player weight

Sun-Herald editorial dinkus.

The competition for a slice of our children's free time is fierce and the lure of the computer and the couch is strong, so it's crucial for the health of the community and their own survival, that sporting codes do all in their power to make their games safe and attractive to children.

Labor gives Turnbull a free kick on budget repair

SMH editorial dinkus

The Prime Minister's "jobs and growth" mantra, as amorphous and meaningless as it is, may just start to sink in.

Clinton's historic achievement only the start

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The Democratic Party nominee's comeback is the stuff of American lore. Now for the real contest.

The high price of waterfront living - and who should pay

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Managed retreats from coastal development remain a sensible alternative to sea walls.

Baird's bad look on ICAC funding squeeze

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The last thing the people of NSW need is a watchdog so financially restrained that it cannot fulfill its safeguard role properly.

Politics and money: a toxic combination

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The obstacles to donations reform are not insurmountable. Voters just have to vent their anger at the ballot box.

Muhammad Ali transcended boxing and stereotypes

SMH editorial dinkus

For many, he was the greatest individual athlete to place his body on the line for sport and, more importantly, for his people.

Parents need to take control to counter teen drinking

Sun-Herald editorial dinkus.

Helicopter parent is a label many mums and dads of young children fear earning, but a high degree of hovering may be of benefit when it comes to teenagers and substance use.

The resurgent Shorten's Achilles heel

SMH editorial dinkus

Voters are prioritising policy over leader performance. That should help Labor, except that the economic policy momentum is shifting towards the coalition.

Words matter, but some words matter more than others

SMH editorial dinkus

Condemning use of the word "guys" may have been a stroke of genius to garner maximum publicity for the Diversity Council of Australia's "Words at Work" campaign.

NRL scandal demands national sports watchdog

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Little has been done since the dire warnings about drugs, betting rorts and organised crime on the darkest day in Australian sport more than three years ago.

Economic boost aids Turnbull's 'continuity and certainty' sales pitch

SMH editorial dinkus

An appeal to economic continuity is much simpler for the government than trying to explain what the slogan "jobs and growth" actually means when it comes to reviving a struggling economy.

Trump's failure to disclose on tax returns trashes transparency principle

SMH editorial dinkus

A Trump presidency must now be rated as a realistic possibility, but his failure to release his tax returns could prove disastrous.


Barrier Reef danger exposes Turnbull on global warming

SMH editorial dinkus

It is beyond belief that in 2016 the Reef's future is not assured.

University college scandals: Let the sun shine in cloisters of privilege

SMH editorial dinkus

Australia's universities like to see themselves as progressive, outward looking, forward thinking, open and welcoming institutions. But there is a troubling disconnect between this and the reality of the behaviour in some of the residential colleges attached to the universities

Intergenerational report reveals $17 billion a year hole in future finances

SMH editorial dinkus

In an era when the vision of our politicians seems ever more myopic, the NSW government's Intergenerational Report is to be welcomed.

Let's celebrate the bravery of campaigners like the Kellys

Sun-Herald editorial dinkus.

Sometimes it takes a fresh pair of eyes and wrenching personal experience to see a problem and provide the impetus for a solution. This was the case with Ralph Kelly,

No time to waste in cleaning up NSW Labor

SMH editorial dinkus

It is the fate of opposition leaders in this state to be somewhat invisible, especially when they are up against an opponent with the standing of Mike Baird, Australia's most popular premier.

There is a simple solution to the council merger mess

SMH editorial dinkus

There is no excuse for thuggery and intimidation. The protesters who spat at, booed and jostled the state-government appointed head of the new Inner West Council on Tuesday night showed not only a complete lack of respect for the state government's council amalgamation process but for civil civic discourse too.

We need to enhance not undermine Medicare

SMH editorial dinkus

Another election, another Medicare scare campaign. We can expect dramatic overstatements to escalate in number and intensity the closer we get to polling day. Bill Shorten got off to an early start in this festival of hyperbole when he declared the vote on July 2 to be a referendum on the future of Medicare.

The Opal shines, but sensible fare reform a long time coming

SMH editorial dinkus

The Opal card has, for the most part, been a great success. Queues for tickets at train stations on Monday mornings have been eliminated as promised.

Comments 62

Higher education reform delayed but more urgent than ever

SMH editorial dinkus

There's a right way and a wrong way to make reforms. The Coalition is belatedly going about it the right way, but the cost of Christopher Pyne's bungling has been three years of policy paralysis.

Sydney must share the shame of gay-hate crimes

Sun-Herald dinkus

The story of Sydney has many dark chapters, but one of the darkest is the wave of gay-hate bashings and killings that took place from the late 1970s to 2000. Men were murdered in their homes in ferocious attacks. Some of Sydney's most picturesque coastal and neighbourhood parks were the sites of killings characterised by their brutality.

Silent on the sidelines please, for children's sake

SMH editorial dinkus

When a parent disrespects other children, fans or volunteer officials, the effect is magnified and long lasting for kids who just want to get fit, have fun and be part of a team.