- published: 12 Apr 2013
- views: 6458
The Joint Commission (TJC) is a United States-based nonprofit tax-exempt 501(c) organization that accredits more than 21,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States. A majority of state governments recognize Joint Commission accreditation as a condition of licensure and the receipt of Medicaid reimbursement.
The Joint Commission is based in the Chicago suburb of Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois.
The Joint Commission was formerly the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and previous to that the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAH).
The Joint Commission was renamed Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals in 1951, but it was not until 1965 that accreditation had any official impact. In 1965 the federal government decided that a hospital that met Joint Commission accreditation met the Medicare Conditions of Participation. Section 125 of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA) removed The Joint Commission's statutorily-guaranteed accreditation authority for hospitals, effective July 15, 2010. At that time, The Joint Commission’s hospital accreditation program would be subject to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requirements for organizations seeking accrediting authority. To avoid a lapse in accrediting authority, The Joint Commission would have to submit an application for hospital accrediting authority consistent with these requirements and within a time frame that would enable CMS to review and evaluate their submission. CMS would make the decision to grant deeming authority and determine the term.
Commission may refer to:
A joint or articulation (or articular surface) is the location at which bones connect. They are constructed to allow movement (except for skull, sacral, sternal, and pelvic bones) and provide mechanical support, and are classified structurally and functionally.
Joints are mainly classified structurally and functionally. Structural classification is determined by how the bones connect to each other, while functional classification is determined by the degree of movement between the articulating bones. In practice, there is significant overlap between the two types of classifications.
Terms ending in the suffix -sis are singular and refer to just one joint, while -ses is the suffix for pluralization.
An articulate facet is generally seen as a small joint, especially used when speaking of the joints of the ribs.
Structural classification names and divides joints according to the type of binding tissue that connects the bones to each other. There are three structural classifications of joints:
The Joint may refer to:
Quality and Safety Resources for Joint Commission Customers
Around the World with Joint Commission International
Intro to The Joint Commission - Inside the Survey and Beyond the Standards
JCI Leadership Team
Ramkhamhaeng Hospital Joint Commission International (JCI) USA
Joint Commission International at Indonesia
Joint Commission International
Apa itu JCI ?
Joint Commission International Standards of Patients and Family Rights
Webcast: How to Survive a Joint Commission Audit
The Joint Commission offers practical and proven quality and safety resources -- powerful complimentary tools and examples as a benefit of Joint Commission accreditation. These tools can assist your organization in meeting the many challenges of today's health care environment, including • Readmission rates • Risk reduction • Health Care-Associated Infections • Pay for performance and value-based purchasing • Staff education Please share this information with appropriate staff in your organization.
Raising the bar for excellence in health care throughout the world.
A narrated video that explores the concepts guiding healthcare survey and surveying. It includes discussion regarding where to find non-compliance, what promotes non-compliance, process variation, patient safety concepts, and applications. Brought to you by HealthcareInfoSources.com. Click on the arrow box to start the presentation, and enjoy!
Meet members of JCI's management team, spanning the globe from the United States to the United Arab Emirates to Singapore. Executive and regional leaders describe what drew them health care and what motivates them in their work with Joint Commission International. Video features Vice President Dr. Paul Chang, Managing Director Dr Ashraf Ismail, Director Joyce Chang, and Country Director Dr. Zhiwu (Zack) Fang.
Ramkhamhaeng Hospital is certified with JCI accreditation from the Joint Commission International (JCI) - America , an international healthcare accreditation and certification organization.
Joint Commission International at Indonesia, Kariadi Hospital Central Java Semarang.
The Joint Commission International ( JCI ) adalah badan akreditasi non profit yang berpusat di Amerika Serikat dan bertugas menetapkan dan menilai standar performa para pemberi layanan kesehatan. Hingga kini, akreditasi JCI dianggap sebagai STANDAR EMAS dalam pelayanan kesehatan secara global.
For this session lead by Dr. Jon Spiers we covered the Joint Commission. Compliance with TJC standards are not mandatory, but are useful tools for improvement and assessment of your facility. Every survey focuses on patient safety and quality of care – but if you are not prepared, the unintended consequences lead to organizational misery and financial harm.
Joint Commission International at Indonesia, Kariadi Hospital Central Java Semarang.
Il Dottor Stefano Tenti sul Joint Commission International Accreditation
Ramkhamhaeng Hospital is certified with JCI accreditation from the Joint Commission International (JCI) - America , an international healthcare accreditation and certification organization.
See how Joint Commission International accreditation made an impact at Brazil’s Albert Einstein Hospital Israelita.
Il Progetto è stato selezionato da una prestigiosa commissione internazionale denominata Joint Commission International (JCI) tra i 600 progetti presentati dalle diverse regioni d'Italia, collocandosi tra i migliori quattro e grazie anche all'opera del DG Dott Perri che ha completato il progetto ed all'indispensabile apporto formativo della Dott.ssa Fittante.
Great Lakes Commission joint session with International Joint Commission (IJC) discussion of Lake Erie ecosystem priority to reduce phosphorus loads and GLC phosphorus task force report results.
This session provides an opportunity for Forum participants to provide their comments to the International Joint Commission, on the Progress Report of the Parties and the governments’ actions to meet the objectives of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
Nell'anno 2007 La Centuries Films produce un film-inchiesta sulla Joint Commission International, organizzazione per l'accreditamento di qualità nel mondo della sanità secondo canoni rigidi e precisi. La vicenda, letta in chiave comica dal regista Gabriele Secoli, racconta le origini della JCI e la visita di quattro commissari corrotti in un ospedale del nord Italia. Il giornalista Beppe Furetto vuole far luce sulle oscure vicende che vengono percepite nel campo della Joint Commission. Un'analisi rapida ma centrata sul problema della certificazione nella Sanità. 30 minuti di risate con Alessandro Bologna, Renata Korcova, Aneta Aleksova, Renè Nanga, Guillermo Prudencio Vargas, Diego Mezgec, Gianpaolo Cason, Davide Nait, Barbara Daltoe', Raffaella Di Meola, Nello Pappalardo, Umberto Tognolli...
The Health Care Forum / September 17th 2014 Boston, Massachusetts Major health companies are now global health care companies. All participants in the health care “value chain” are looking beyond traditional markets and exploring global opportunities. Mergers, acquisitions, international partnerships and satellite operations are now commonplace in health care, as ways to offer better care to more people at a competitive price. In a dynamic, talk-show style format, this session also looked at answering questions such as: • How are strategies adapting from market to market? • What regions present the most opportune areas of expansion? • What lessons do the models developing in some countries offer? Albert Bourla Group president of vaccines, oncology and consumer healthcare, Pfizer Sean...
Canada-U.S. Law Institute Distinguished Lecture Gordon Walker, Commissioner, International Joint Commission Filmed October 30, 2013 in London, Ontario
Joint meeting of the International Joint Commission, US and Canadian government agencies and Healing Our Waters- Great Lakes Coalition. Report on U.S. and Canadian efforts to restore the chemical, physical and biological diversity of the Great Lakes Basin, as required by the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
Once described as the North Star guiding binational Great Lakes policy, the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) was updated in 2012. How are its innovative new features working? How does it compare to public views synthesized in 2006? Join this session to explore the agreement’s potential to help the Lakes. Joel Brammeier, President, Alliance for the Great Lakes Kathryn Buckner, President, Council of Great Lakes Industries Dereth Glance, Commissioner, International Joint Commission John Jackson, Project Manager, Greater Lakes: Reconnecting the Great Lakes Water Cycle
The Malaysian Bar, in collaboration with the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (“IDEAS”), the Centre to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (“C4”), Citizens’ Network for a Better Malaysia (“CNBM”), and Transparency International Malaysia (“TI-M”), submitted a joint memorandum to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (“MACC”) on 28 July 2015 setting out our proposals to reform the MACC, for it to comprehensively address and deal with corruption. We hold the view that MACC’s limited success in its attempts to eradicate corruption in Malaysia is a result of corruption not having been addressed in a comprehensive and consistent manner. Thus, our reform proposals are aimed at ensuring a holistic treatment of the scourge of corruption through a viable constitutional and legislative ...
Joint session between Great Lakes Commission and International Joint Commission (IJC) continues on the topic of Lake Erie and Great Lakes nutrients. This panel discussion reviews the topics of State of Science - Lake Erie, and Rural Runoff and Ohio control efforts. Moderator Jim Zehringer, OH