Watch This Insane Video Of A 13-Year-Old Buying A Gun In Seconds

We have no words.

17/06/2016 3:24 PM AEST | Updated June 17, 2016 16:13
The video, from a 2014 HBO sports segment, shows 13-year-old Jack buying a gun with relative ease.

With debate raging over how easy it is for someone to buy a gun in the U.S. raging in the wake of the Orlando massacre, a 2014 video showing how easily a child can purchase a gun proves just how ridiculous the situation is.

The video, from a segment from HBO's Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, shows a 13-year-old Virginia boy being refused cigarettes, pornography and alcohol.

But he can buy a gun.

Jack, a young actor who at the time was 13, is at one point filmed trying to buy lottery tickets.

"How old are you, you got your ID," the woman behind the counter asks.

Jack responds that he's 13, at which point he is refused.

But when he goes to a gun show, he apparently purchases a .22 bolt-action rifle for a handful of cash.

"It should shoot pretty good for you," the seller says, handing over the rifle.

"I'll take it," Jack responds.

The video was shared 25,000 times after being re-posted on Twitter on Thursday.

According to Virginia State Police you have to be 18 to buy a rifle or shot gun, and 21 to buy a handgun.

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