
John McCain: Barack Obama 'directly responsible' for Orlando shooting, as battle for gun control reaches Senate

Washington: Just as a long-running battle over gun control moves closer to a vote in the US Senate, Republican Senator John McCain used Thursday's debate to accuse President Barack Obama of being "directly responsible" for the Orlando shooting.

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Mr Obama was in Orlando consoling the survivors of the rampage by a gunman who claimed allegiance to Islamic State militants, as debate got under way on measures to limit gun control.

While it is far from likely new measures will pass, after the gay nightclub massacre of 49 people, there are signs Americans are more willing to accept some limited restrictions.

Senator John McCain.
Senator John McCain. Photo: AP

About 71 per cent of Americans, including eight out of 10 Democrats and nearly six out of 10 Republicans, now favour at least moderate regulations and restrictions on guns, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted from Monday to Thursday. That was up from 60 per cent in late 2013 and late 2014.

As always, Democrats were challenging Republicans to vote for new restrictions and reject pressure from the National Rifle Association (NRA), the powerful gun lobby that has been known to punish politicians who thwart its will.


A suggestion by NRA-endorsed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that something be done - after causing furor by being the first to politicise the massacre - has also fostered further debate.

Senator Chris Murphy and fellow Democrats set the Capitol abuzz by talking on the Senate floor for nearly 15 straight hours to demand that Congress act on gun control.

President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden carry bouquets of 49 white roses in total, at a memorial to the 49 ...
President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden carry bouquets of 49 white roses in total, at a memorial to the 49 victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting. Photo: AP

But it was Senator McCain, currently in a tough re-election race in Arizona, who provided one of the most dramatic moments in the debate. He told reporters Mr Obama was "directly responsible" for Islamic State-inspired attacks on Americans like the one in Orlando.

He later said he meant to say he blamed Mr Obama's decision to withdraw most US forces from Iraq, and that this had fuelled the rise of Islamic State.

Police and investigators at the scene of the Orlando shooting on Sunday.
Police and investigators at the scene of the Orlando shooting on Sunday. Photo: Florida Today/AP

Senator McCain then recanted officially, using Twitter to state he had misspoken on the issue. A statement posted by him was unavailable online.

Orlando shooter Omar Mateen, his second wife Noor Salman and their son.
Orlando shooter Omar Mateen, his second wife Noor Salman and their son. 

But the damage was done, as some of the replies he received illustrate.

As the post-Orlando gun debate rages in the US, Dom Knight tries to make sense of the 'right to bear arms'.
As the post-Orlando gun debate rages in the US, Dom Knight tries to make sense of the 'right to bear arms'. Photo: Stocksy

During the debate, Senator Murphy asked what would be the message if the Senate failed to act on the gun control measures next week, and suggested it could be a campaign issue for the November 8 election.

"There are going to be a lot of voters in this country who are going to watch ... the votes that are cast next week," he said.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump pumps his fist after speaking at a rally on Wednesday.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump pumps his fist after speaking at a rally on Wednesday. Photo: AP

Speeches ended before dawn. They included a Republican pledge to hold votes soon on measures to expand background checks on gun buyers and to prevent people on US terrorism watch lists from buying guns.

The Senate is expected to vote on Monday on four proposals. One from Democrat Dianne Feinstein would let the government prevent terrorist suspects from buying guns. A second from John Cornyn, the No.2 Senate Republican, would require court approval within three days for a government ban on an individual's attempt to buy a gun.

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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump attacked Democrats following the massacre at an Orlando nightclub, saying "I watched President Obama today and he was more angry at me, than the shooter."

Democrats have said Senator Cornyn's plan is unworkable; Republicans say Senator Feinstein's might harm the rights of people wrongly on terror suspect lists.

A third proposal, from Senator Murphy, would expand background check procedures to the sales of all firearms, including those online and at gun shows.

A fourth proposal, from Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, would provide for law enforcement to be notified if a person investigated for terrorism in the last five years tries to buy a gun.

Gun control is a potent issue in US politics. Republicans, who control the Senate, have blocked Democratic-backed gun control measures over the years, saying they infringe on the right to bear arms guaranteed by the US Constitution's Second Amendment.

Any bill would have to pass both houses of Congress and be signed by the president to become law. At his weekly news conference on Thursday, Paul Ryan, speaker of the House of Representatives, injected a note of caution.

"We don't take away a citizen's rights without due process," he said. "If you have a quick idea in the heat of the moment that says let's take away a person's rights without due process, we're going to defend the Constitution."

The last major gun control measure was a ban in 1994 on semi-automatic assault weapons such as the one used in Orlando on Sunday. The ban expired 10 years later.

A string of mass shootings in schoolhouses, churches, cinemas and other public places has failed to break the deadlock.

Earlier Mr Trump jumped into the gun debate by saying he would meet with NRA leaders to talk about barring people who are on terrorism watch lists from buying guns.

"I'll be looking at it very, very seriously - the terror watch list and the no-fly list, I'm going to be talking to the NRA about that and starting a real dialogue. I think a lot of people agree with me but I want to really hear what they have to say," Trump told Fox News on Wednesday night.

Democrats were deeply skeptical of Republican support for Democratic-backed gun control proposals.

"He is going to meet with the NRA. ... What's he going to come out saying? 'Oh the NRA and I agreed we shouldn't have terrorists have guns,' but doing nothing about it," Senator Chuck Schumer said.


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