EXTREME UFO Activity PA 3/3~HD~ Alien ADAPTIV Camouflage
HD 720p
Nothing can replace SEEING IN PERSON. No amount of trying to 'analyze' a flat video screen will replace SEEING IN PERSON nor qualify as "investigating a
Big Bastard"
Manta Ray craft HD ZOOMED version here:
There is a reason over
100 others in various countries are ALSO filming and making the SAME CLAIMS
I AM in various locations scattered around the world now (PARTIAL list in my channel description--no more room to add more names).
Go on
MUFON.com or
NUFORC.org UFO reporting sites and educate yourself on what thousands of other folks eye-witnessing similar UFOs doing their various behavior or remain in the dark and ignorant to this fact.
... tell me.
Still WHY only a handful of TV
NEWS in the
USA is even mentioning UFO reports when they're so widespread?
Yeah, I guess either still the old make-fun-of-UFOs methods of keeping this quiet work, or maybe still too scared of the idea that 'we are not alone' to come out with it or can't personally deal with ALIENS checking out
.. Yet no government on our planet
YET has the guts to admit they have no control over their visits and that whoever they are, are coming here in fairly large volume of crafts now OF VARIOUS SHAPES/SIZES/LIGHTING CONFIGURATIONS (or no lights at all) and being seen regularly over major metropolitan areas of the world (like
St. Petersburg, Russia recently &
Moscow for 4 years or so -- in PLAIN view of thousands to witness, so EXCUSES/claims of "it's the USA secret
TR3B reverse-engineered ET craft", etc., ARE
CRAP spread with no visual evidence-- just empty words with no proof).
Hey people, I want to remind you that I'm still here after I'm
SURE being REALLY pesky to these guys for the last 3+ years now... So, although I still exercise CAUTION since they sneak and ignore attempts at contact, indicating they
WANT ANY CONTACT, I still haven't seen them here do anything here more than sight-seeing curiosity,possibly sample-taking, mining and NON-VIOLENT behavior, then leave.... So don't piss them off by shooting at them, since they HAVE
Dr. Bruce Cornet's letter to HARVARD also listing his impressive credentials:
Pine Bush, NY UFO history: http://www.weirdus.com/states/new_york/ancient_mysteries/pine_bush/index
OLD Hudson Valley, NY
UFO sightings (panic of residents back then is probably why they starting using camoflauge regularly):
~My June
2011 UFO video showing them DIVING INTO formerly thick-wooded hill shown now bare in this video (causing them to choose other still-wooded hills near here): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvOE1MfpvKU
...And STILL after 3 years of chasing them, I still can't get them to do a "meet-and-greet" or tell me who they are, where they're from, or what they're doing here....
NONE of my contacts worldwide have met them face-to-face either (only whotookmymojo in
Oregon has video showing them as being bald humanoids (big possibly
Mantis & small other types) but mostly stay inside their craft's translucent shell parked in the woods) THEREFORE, I take all claims from those claiming 'mental only contact' with a giant grain of salt since the various stories vary too widely to show any consistency or evidence that they're 'friends' with them enough to have 'em land and get a
VIDEO as proof they listened/obeyed their "vectoring". NONE
...And nothing observed of this group shows ANY evidence of them being here to "raise our consciousness", help us "ascend" or help our planet, for that matter. If so, then why not fix leaking Fukushima
Nuclear Plants spewing radiation around the globe damaging our environment? Why not give advance warning of earthquakes to save over 100,000 people in
Indonesia tsunami or
Japan's tsunami that died?
Yeah, think about it.
They're here to
LOOK THEN LEAVE, like we do on African Safaris.... Probably with some samples.... Like we're eventually going to do on
MARS and other planets when we reach them with manned flights.
So get your head on straight and deal with it, humans.
More advanced beings in the universe exist and are here checking out planet Earth and have been for a
L O N G time.
So please... don't create some weird pseudo-religion and/or worship them like
Gods or our "cosmic space brothers" etc....
Pretty good bet we aren't related genetically.
It'll make humans look STILL too unscientific, still too primitive, and still not ready to make contact with this particular group any time soon.
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