- published: 26 Sep 2016
- views: 45232
Şırnak (Kurdish: Şirnex) is a Turkish town in southeastern Turkey. It is the capital of Şırnak Province, a new province that split from the Hakkari province. The Habur border gate with Iraq which is one of Turkey's main links to Middle Eastern countries is also on Şırnak.
It is believed that the settlement was originally called "Sehr-i Nuh" (the city of Noah) since it was near Cudi Mountain where Noah's Ark finally landed after the Flood. The original name later transformed into "Sernah".
Şırnak was originally an Assyrian settlement that encompassed a region known as Hakkari. The city was once a hub of bustling rural villages, but everyone either got massacred or fled in the Assyrian Genocide during World War I.
During the Guti Empire's reign in the region, a special inscription style called "civi zend" was invented. Mount Cudi, surrounded by other mountains to the east and northeast and plains to the west and southwest has a unique place in history. It is the mountain on which Noah's Ark is believed to have landed. One of its peaks, at over 2000 meters, is "Noah's Visit" (some Islamic scholars argue that Noah landed on Cudi mountain).
Şırnak Guze Kurke Karakol Eylemi : 6 Eylül 2016
HPG gerillalarının Şırnak eylemi
Şırnak Merkezde tank terörisleri böyle susturdu
Figen Yüksekdağ Şırnak'a giremedi
Şırnak Tanıtım Filmi
Şırnak'ta bayrak provakasyonu - Gazete32
Şırnak Özyönetim Şehitleri 2016
Şırnak'ta Çatışma Kameralara Böyle Yansıdı
Şırnak / İdil de teröristin vurulma anı
1990'larda Şırnak Cizre Newrozu'ndan hiç yayınlanmamış yeni görüntüler
Figen Yüksekdağ Şırnak'a giremedi
Şehr-i Nuh Otel
Şırnak'ın Beytüşşebap ilçe merkezinde dün gece çıkan çatışmada 10 asker şehit olurken, 20 PKK'lının cenazelerinin ilçeden alınışı sırasında da gerginlik yaşandı. Cenazeleri vermek istemeyen bazı provokatörler ile polis arasında önce gerginlik çıktı ardından cenazeleri taşıyan askeri araca PKK terör örgütünü temsil eden sarı kırmızı ve yeşil renklerde bez parçası asıldı.
Şırnak, Cizre ve Nusaybin’de 1990′lı yıllarda yakılan Newroz ateşi kurşun yağmurlarıyla söndürülmek istendi. Kitleselleşen Newroz kutlamalarına yönelik silahlı saldırılarda onlarca kişi katledildi, yüzlerce kişi yaralandı, yüzlerce kişi gözaltına alındı, kentlerde sokağa çıkmalar yasaklandı, “devlet terörü” o gün başladı ve yıllarca sürdü. Newroz kutlamalarında katliamları gerçekleştiren polis, asker, korucu ve JİTEM elemanları hakkında her hangi bir işlem yapılmadı. Kürt hareketinin başlattığı mücadele 1990′lı yıllarda bölgenin hemen hemen her tarafına yayılırken, Kütler, o güne kadar kutlamamaları için kendilerine unutturulmak istenen Newroz ateşini yeniden yakmaya başladı. Bu durum devletin genel ve yereldeki sözcülerin pek hoşuna gitmezken, kitlesel Newroz kutlamaları, silahlı saldırı...
It always turns me on to see
The way you look at me
With your eyes that dance on the pale white moon
Would you even think about leaving so soon?
And there she hits you within your eye
You know all is lost and about to die
Then she turns her head with a beautiful smile
And talks for a while with that
Fateful severed spiteful boy
Deep away in the heart of joy
Talks like crazy, talks to the sea
Sea is what you see in me
Track to the city filth that lies below
When I'm with you the streets are fields where flowers grow
You look pretty in every stitch you're in, I'm a little boy
I'm in love with you in ways they'll never try
Set sails for the future head on into the night
Set sails for the future head on into the night
You give yourself the red carpet grave
The last of the lost was hereby saved
With the serpent tongue and a hot plated heart
She turned back to the story from the start
And there she goes all dressed in style
All is won within all that dies
Then she turns her head with a beautiful smile
And talks for a while with that
Deadly severed spiteful tongue
Sweep away the heart with songs
Run like crazy, run to the sea
Sea is what you see in me
Track to the city filth that lies below
When I'm with you the streets are fields where flowers grow
You look pretty in every stitch you're in, I'm a little boy
I'm in love with you in ways they'll never try
Set sails for the future head on into the night
Set sails for the future head on into the night
A rose dressed in thorns
Yet your touch is just a feeble plot
A rose dressed in thorns
A black kingdom between mountains of lust
Yet your touch is just a feeble plot
Kick up a fire and watch them explode
Track to the city filth that lies below
When I'm with you the streets are fields where flowers grow
You look pretty in every stitch you're in, I'm a little boy
I'm in love with you in ways they'll never try
Set sails for the future head on into the night