- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 265820
The mail or post is a system for physically transporting documents and other small packages, as well as a term for the postcards, letters, and parcels themselves. A postal service can be private or public, though many governments place restrictions on private systems. Since the mid-19th century national postal systems have generally been established as government monopolies with a fee on the article prepaid. Proof of payment is often in the form of adhesive postage stamps, but postage meters are also used for bulk mailing. Modern private postal systems are typically distinguished from national postal agencies by the names "courier" or "delivery service".
Postal authorities often have functions other than transporting letters. In some countries, a postal, telegraph and telephone (PTT) service oversees the postal system, as well as hasa authority over telephone and telegraph systems. Some countries' postal systems allow for savings accounts and handle applications for passports. The Universal Postal Union (UPU), established in 1874, includes 192 member countries and sets the rules for international mail exchanges.
The Postal Service - Give Up [FULL ALBUM STREAM]
The Postal Service - Such Great Heights [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
The Postal Service - Nothing Better
The Postal Service - The District Sleeps Alone Tonight [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
The Postal Service - Sleeping In
The Postal Service - Sleeping In
The Postal Service - We Will Become Silhouettes [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
The Postal Service - Brand New Colony
The Postal Service - Clark Gable
The Postal Service - This Place is a Prison
FULL ALBUM STREAM of The Postal Service - Give Up 1. The District Sleeps Alone Tonight (0:00) 2. Such Great Heights (4:46) 3. Sleeping In (9:11) 4. Nothing Better (13:31) 5. Recycled Air (17:20) 6. Clark Gable (21:49) 7. We Will Become Silhouettes (26:44) 8. This Place Is a Prison (31:44) 9. Brand New Colony (35:39) 10. Natural Anthem (39:52) Find Official Music Videos from The Postal Service http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbOGt8cOph4VYDSu4k1vLYnet_atOG5iH&feature;=view_al The Postal Service’s 2/18/03 released album, Give Up Available on vinyl, cassette & digital at Sub Pop’s Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/the_postal_service/give_up The 4/9/13 released Deluxe Edition of Give Up (available on CD, LP, Digital) Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/re...
FULL ALBUM STREAM of The Postal Service's Give Up https://youtu.be/oPwXHSqFl9Q The Postal Service’s 2/18/03 released album, Give Up Available on vinyl, cassette & digital at Sub Pop’s Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/the_postal_service/give_up And the 4/9/13 released Deluxe Edition of Give Up (available on CD, LP, Digital) Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/the_postal_service/give_up_deluxe_edition iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/give-up-deluxe-10th-anniversary/id597936899 Amazon http://amzn.com/B00BB5OJV4 Watch more videos from The Postal Service http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbOGt8cOph4VYDSu4k1vLYnet_atOG5iH&feature;=view_al The Postal Service http://postalservicemusic.net/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thepostalservicemusic Twitter ...
FULL ALBUM STREAM of The Postal Service's Give Up https://youtu.be/oPwXHSqFl9Q "Nothing Better" from The Postal Service’s 2/18/03 released album, Give Up Available on vinyl, cassette & digital at Sub Pop’s Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/the_postal_service/give_up And the 4/9/13 released Deluxe Edition of Give Up (available on CD, LP, Digital) Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/the_postal_service/give_up_deluxe_edition iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/give-up-deluxe-10th-anniversary/id597936899 Amazon http://amzn.com/B00BB5OJV4 Watch more videos from The Postal Service http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbOGt8cOph4VYDSu4k1vLYnet_atOG5iH&feature;=view_al The Postal Service http://postalservicemusic.net/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/theposta...
FULL ALBUM STREAM of The Postal Service's Give Up https://youtu.be/oPwXHSqFl9Q "The District Sleeps Alone Tonight" from The Postal Service’s 2/18/03 released album, Give Up Available on vinyl, cassette & digital at Sub Pop’s Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/the_postal_service/give_up And the 4/9/13 released Deluxe Edition of Give Up (available on CD, LP, Digital) Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/the_postal_service/give_up_deluxe_edition iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/give-up-deluxe-10th-anniversary/id597936899 Amazon http://amzn.com/B00BB5OJV4 Watch more videos from The Postal Service http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbOGt8cOph4VYDSu4k1vLYnet_atOG5iH&feature;=view_al The Postal Service http://postalservicemusic.net/ Facebook https://www.fa...
FULL ALBUM STREAM of The Postal Service's Give Up https://youtu.be/oPwXHSqFl9Q "Sleeping In" from The Postal Service’s 2/18/03 released album, Give Up Available on vinyl, cassette & digital at Sub Pop’s Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/the_postal_service/give_up And the 4/9/13 released Deluxe Edition of Give Up (available on CD, LP, Digital) Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/the_postal_service/give_up_deluxe_edition iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/give-up-deluxe-10th-anniversary/id597936899 Amazon http://amzn.com/B00BB5OJV4 Watch more videos from The Postal Service http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbOGt8cOph4VYDSu4k1vLYnet_atOG5iH&feature;=view_al The Postal Service http://postalservicemusic.net/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thepostalse...
A music video to the track Sleeping In by the Postal Service (not official folks, fan made in 2006 with some professional kit). Update Well thanks everyone! 2 Million.. now 3 Million+ Views and 2800 Comments! As a special gift I have uploaded a HD Version for you to enjoy - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9S_eIOK6s8 and I have put together a Making Of Video which reveals some of the tricks used http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MohSros6IR8 See you at 5 Million!
FULL ALBUM STREAM of The Postal Service's Give Up https://youtu.be/oPwXHSqFl9Q "We Will Become Silhouettes" from The Postal Service’s 2/18/03 released album, Give Up Available on vinyl, cassette & digital at Sub Pop’s Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/the_postal_service/give_up And the 4/9/13 released Deluxe Edition of Give Up (available on CD, LP, Digital) Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/the_postal_service/give_up_deluxe_edition iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/give-up-deluxe-10th-anniversary/id597936899 Amazon http://amzn.com/B00BB5OJV4 Watch more videos from The Postal Service http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbOGt8cOph4VYDSu4k1vLYnet_atOG5iH&feature;=view_al The Postal Service http://postalservicemusic.net/ Facebook https://www.facebook....
FULL ALBUM STREAM of The Postal Service's Give Up https://youtu.be/oPwXHSqFl9Q "Brand New Colony" from The Postal Service’s 2/18/03 released album, Give Up Available on vinyl, cassette & digital at Sub Pop’s Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/the_postal_service/give_up And the 4/9/13 released Deluxe Edition of Give Up (available on CD, LP, Digital) Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/the_postal_service/give_up_deluxe_edition iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/give-up-deluxe-10th-anniversary/id597936899 Amazon http://amzn.com/B00BB5OJV4 Watch more videos from The Postal Service http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbOGt8cOph4VYDSu4k1vLYnet_atOG5iH&feature;=view_al The Postal Service http://postalservicemusic.net/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thepos...
FULL ALBUM STREAM of The Postal Service's Give Up https://youtu.be/oPwXHSqFl9Q "Clark Gable" from The Postal Service’s 2/18/03 released album, Give Up Available on vinyl, cassette & digital at Sub Pop’s Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/the_postal_service/give_up And the 4/9/13 released Deluxe Edition of Give Up (available on CD, LP, Digital) Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/the_postal_service/give_up_deluxe_edition iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/give-up-deluxe-10th-anniversary/id597936899 Amazon http://amzn.com/B00BB5OJV4 Watch more videos from The Postal Service http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbOGt8cOph4VYDSu4k1vLYnet_atOG5iH&feature;=view_al The Postal Service http://postalservicemusic.net/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thepostalse...
FULL ALBUM STREAM of The Postal Service's Give Up https://youtu.be/oPwXHSqFl9Q "This Place is a Prison" from The Postal Service’s 2/18/03 released album, Give Up Available on vinyl, cassette & digital at Sub Pop’s Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/the_postal_service/give_up And the 4/9/13 released Deluxe Edition of Give Up (available on CD, LP, Digital) Mega Mart https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/the_postal_service/give_up_deluxe_edition iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/give-up-deluxe-10th-anniversary/id597936899 Amazon http://amzn.com/B00BB5OJV4 Watch more videos from The Postal Service http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbOGt8cOph4VYDSu4k1vLYnet_atOG5iH&feature;=view_al The Postal Service http://postalservicemusic.net/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/...
[Lyrics Hefner - A Hymn for the Postal Service] Sobriety breeds sincerity, and Lydia Pond she is my gravity. I don't know how she felt when she took that E, But in the morning she shaking, she was twitching, she was jerking. On June the 5th she moved to Paris, she could not stand the state of British politics, And I just can't convince her that I'm socialist, And every night I pray for mail in the morning. Sweet Lydia Pond is doing it for me, And I want to sing a hymn for the postal service. Sinful and proud since I stopped sleeping around, I am so faithful now to Lydia's handwriting, That makes me guess the circumstances under which she wrote it, Why she used the f-word when she never, ever spoke it, She pasted on a passport photo of herself in pigtails, And underneath she'd written did m...
I decided to take my GoPro out in service. I also filmed most of that day. But after some deliberation I decided to not start a v-log. I feel that it would show me a lot more than necessary and I don't want to have the focus be on myself. I do plan to start filming a lot more though. But I want to keep the focus on fun adventures and Jehovah's creation. I'm hoping to advertise Ecuador as an amazing place to serve and grow up. I am moving to the coast of Ecuador to a town called Canoa in the province of Manabi mid December. The song in this video is "Sleeping In" by The Postal Service. I do not own the rights to this song and I give all credit to the Artist. I also want to that The Postal Service for this amazing song. For anything business related contact me at comstcha000@gmai...
http://www.culturalchc.co.uk/ Public Lecture, British Library, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB September 23, 2016 The lecture will provide a description of the conditions and development of postal routes to and from Cyprus, reflecting the growth of commercial activity and population. Topics will include the Venetian period, the Ottoman postal service, Austrian and British post offices that operated in Cyprus, and Cypriot posts including the development of rural posts. Held under the auspices of the High Commissioner for the Republic of Cyprus Euripides L. Evriviades Video by Tas Anastasi
Get a free copy of the full audiobook and ebook: http://appgame.space/mabk/30/en/B01AGZ8LQS/book The United States Postal Service is a wondrous American creation. Seven days a week, its army of 300,000 letter carriers delivers 513 million pieces of mail, forty percent of the worlds volume. It is far more efficient than any other mail servicemore than twice as efficient as the Japanese and easily outpacing the Germans and British. And the Usps has a storied history. Founded by Benjamin Franklin, it was the information network that bound far-flung Americans together, fostered a common culture, and helped American business to prosper. A first class stamp remains one of the greatest bargains of all time, and yet, the Usps is slowly vanishing. Critics say it is slow and archaic. Mail volume is ...
SHS Variety Show 2016 - Saturday Night
The U.S. Postal Service has asked for proposals to build a new delivery vehicle to replace their classic postal truck. Rut, Tanner and Adam answer the call, modify the used automobile of their choice, and put it through a series of tests to find out which could make the best new postal delivery vehicle. Sharing: https://youtu.be/dvaosziQe5w
Yes its a long video so please bare with me. Just explaining how to apply, what my position is, what to expect and a basic pro/con of my 6 months in the Postal Service.
The Postal Service performing live at the Bank of America Pavillion in Boston, Massachusetts on 6/12/13. SETLIST: 00:00:00 The District Sleeps Alone Tonight 00:04:38 We Will Become Silhouettes 00:10:13 Sleeping In 00:14:58 Turn Around 00:18:44 Nothing Better 00:22:39 Recycled Air 00:27:16 Be Still My Heart 00:30:21 Clark Gable 00:35:19 Our Secret (Beat Happening Cover) 00:40:41 This Place Is A Prison 00:44:38 There's Never Enough Time 00:48:02 A Tattered Line of String 00:50:55 Such Great Heights 00:55:54 Natural Anthem Encore: 01:04:50 (This Is) The Dream of Evan and Chan (Dntel cover) 01:09:40 Brand New Colony
On March 25, the Center for Effective Public Management at Brookings hosted a discussion to address the current health of the USPS and reform efforts to modernize and improve the financial condition of this government institution. http://www.brookings.edu/events/2015/03/25-postal-service-future-kamarck Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=BrookingsInstitution Follow Brookings on social media! Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/Brookings Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/BrookingsInst Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/brookingsinst LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/com/company/the-brookings-institution
USPS is the worst parcel delivery service ever.
In this episode we start building Stampy's Flap Postal Service!
In this video we finish up Stampy's Flap Postal Service. This is a replacement to the original Part 2 video I uploaded that had a weird missing part in the love garden. Sorry about that! :-) Up next we start the Caring Cat Clinic!
I will post the setlist sometime this week.
For nearly 400 years, the post office has been at the heart of our high streets, the centre of village life. But in recent years, keeping the doors of Britain's more than 11,000 post offices open has been costing the taxpayer millions, money the government has said it is no longer prepared to spend. With losses reducing, the Post Office is looking to the future. In south London, the Kennington Crown Post Office is being reinvented as a totally refurbished, hi-tech 'concept branch' to trial new technology, products and services in a bid to attract new customers and encourage existing ones to spend more. But in Whitstable, residents are taking to the streets in a last-ditch bid to stop their Crown Post Office from moving, and in rural Wales, Neil is at the sharp end of the Post Office's prom...
National Archives and Records Administration ARC Identifier 2569579 / Local Identifier 111-TV-309 Big Picture: The Army Postal Service Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations. U.S. Army Audiovisual Center. (ca. 1974 - 05/15/1984). The Army Postal Service is another of the Army's "Army-within-an-Army" groups. At the initial release of this program, the story becomes all the more timely as told through the eyes of a soldier who waits for his "package from home."
I've got a cupboard with cans of food, filtered water,
And pictures of you and i'm not coming out
Until this is all over
And i'm looking through the glass where the light bends
At the cracks
And i'm screaming at the top of my lungs pretending
The echoes belong to someone
Someone i used to know
And we become silhouettes when our bodies finally go
Ba ba ba...
I wanted to walk through the empty streets
And feel something constant under my feet,
But all the news reports recommended that
I stay indoors
Because the air outside will make our cells
Divide at an alarming rate until our shells
Simply cannot hold all our insides in,
And that's when we'll explode
(and it won't be a pretty sight)
And we'll become silhouettes when our bodies finally go
Ba ba ba...
And we'll become silhouettes when our bodies finally go
Ba ba ba...
And we'll become silhouettes when our bodies finally go
Ba ba ba...
And we'll become silhouettes when our bodies finally go
Ba ba ba...
And we'll become