Oligotrophic marshes develop in wet and cold climate regions. In
Romania are called "tinoave" and are located in the
Carpathian and Subcarpathian regions, between 500-1500 m. In its initial stage, while the vegetation kept contact with the soil, the Sphagnum peat is characterized by muscle and a relatively rich species of aquatic phanerogam.
Once peat layer groves several inches thick, the flora is isolated from the substrate and becomes almost exclusively influenced by precipitation. From that moment begins the conditions of an extreme acid environment and floristic conduit of the marsh. Oligotrophic peat has some unique characteristics that pertain to the structure and training.
Dominant color of this variety is yellow-brown, sometimes very light, and sometimes brown-black. These are varieties that are more acidic and poor in mineral substance.
Carbonate in particular may be missing altogether. It is the most acidic with well preserved plant components.
Typical flora in these marshes consists of various species of Sphagnum, which, by their way of life define reactions, chemical composition, physiognomy and living conditions of wetlands. Most of the times these Sphagnum cushions grows so fast, that phanerogams living on them need to adjust their own growth by the extent of abnormal conditions, by expanding the overlapping stories of foliage rosettes (
Drosera rotundifolia), the
Vaccinium myrtillus and Picea. Most woody plants are soon choked by the rapid growth in height of the Sphagnum cushions.
Tinovul de la
Fântâna Brazilor este situat la est de
Corund (jud.
Harghita) la o altitudine de cca 950 m în partea central-vesticã a platoului vulcanic Praid-Dealu al Munţilor Gurghiu. Tinovul de la Fântâna Brazilor, declarat sit
Natura 2000 în literatura de specialitate apare sub numele de Luc sau Ruc, dar localnicii ii spun Datka. Tinovul este înconjurat de o pãdure de molid (Vaccinio-Piceetum abietis). Din flora tinovului E.
Pop (1960) a remarcat urmãtoarele specii: diverse specii de muşchi (Sphagnum, Polytrichum strictum), pin de pãdure (
Pinus silvestris), molid (
Picea abies), bumbãcãriţa (
Eriophorum vaginatum), rogoz (
Carex pauciflora), coada zmeului (
Calla palustris), mesteacãn (
Betula verrucosa), mesteacãn pufos (
Betula pubescens), plop tremurãtor (
Populus tremula), roua cerului (Drosera rotundifolia), cruşin (
Rhamnus frangula), bobiţe negre (
Empetrum nigrum), ruginare (
Andromeda polifolia), merişor (
Vaccinium vitis-idaea), afin (Vaccinium myrtillus). Copacul dominant al tinovului este pinul, în ceea mai mare parte fiind însoţit de covoarele de Sphagnum acoperite cu Bumbãcãriţa (Eriophorum vaginatum). Pinul este din ce în ce mai mãrunt cu cât înaintãm spre centrul mai bombat al tinovului unde viteza mare de creştere a muschiului sufocã din ce în ce mai mult pinii. Aici încep sã domine pernele de Sphagnum cu Eriophorum vaginatum şi Andromeda polifolia, a cãror zonã închide în sine un complex central de regenerare lipsit de copaci în care sunt foarte frecvente sphagnetele cu
Andromeda şi mici bălți cu
Scheuchzeria palustris (Pop E., 1960). În jurul tinovului ia naştere o centură acvaticã în care vegeteazã numeroase plante înalte, mezo- chiar eutrofe, în contact cu solul mineral şi umed. Acest inel mlăștinos, de multe ori neregulat sau incomplet, cu florã deosebitã, se numeşte “lagg” (termen suedez).
Romániában E. Pop (1960) 436 lápot határozott meg, összterületük 7000 ha, közülük 265 oligotróf (dagadó- vagy felláp). A Fenyõkúti-tõzegláp a Görgényi-havasok vulkáni platóján alakult ki, oligotróf típusú. Luc vagy Ruc néven említik elõször, a helyi lakosság körében a Fenyõkúti-Datka megnevezés az elterjedt. Érdekessége, hogy a Keleti-Kárpátokban elõforduló erdei fenyõs tõzeglápok legnyugatibb képviselõje. Növényvilágát a következõ fajok alkotják: mohafélék, erdei fenyõ, lucfenyõ, hüvelyes gyapjúsás, sás, sárkánygyökér, közönséges nyír, molyhos nyír, rezgõ nyár, kereklevelû harmatfû, kutyabenge, mámorka, tõzegrozmaring, tõzegáfonya, vörös áfonya, fekete áfonya [E. Pop, 1960]. A láp uralkodó fája az erdei fenyõ, amely a láp közepe felé haladva méreteiben csökken, ugyanis a tõzeg vastagsága miatt nem kap elég tápanyagot a növekedéshez. Ez a jelenség egy természetesen lezajló bonsai-jelenség. Itt uralkodóvá válnak a tõzegmoha párnák, a hüvelyes gyapjúsás, a tõzegrozmaring. A tõzegláp szélén mezotróf, illetve eutróf mocsarak felé mutató átmeneti fajok az uralkodóak: sásfélék, rezgõ nyár. A társulást a svéd szakirodalomból átvett “lagg” elnevezéssel jelölik. A láp területén elõforduló állatfajok, mint az erdei béka, gyepi béka, foltos szalamandra, valamint az elevenszülõ gyík fokozott védelem alatt állnak.
- published: 25 Oct 2015
- views: 130