Jimmy Fontana - Il Mondo
published: 24 May 2009
Mala fontana
Pokušajte i vi u vašem dvorištu da napravite jednu malu fontanu, koja ne iziskuje veliki trošak.Ali je poseban ugodjaj, probajte.
published: 24 Apr 2019
Curso Exclusivo Direito Constitucional por Questões - Prof. Nelma Fontana
🟢📢[SUPERDESCONTO] 20% de desconto na Assinatura Procuradorias, somente até 17/05: https://bit.ly/2PrktBx
O Estratégia Carreira Jurídica está preparando para você o maior e mais completo projeto para Procuradorias que você já viu. Confira o que estará presente na Assinatura Procuradorias:
Cursos Completos Pré e Pós-Edital para todas as provas de PGEs e as principais provas de PGM, Procuradorias Legislativas e outras áreas da advocacia pública, com aulas específicas para cada uma das carreiras;
Trilhas Estratégicas para as provas de Procuradoria;
Rodadas Estratégicas formuladas pelo nosso time de procuradores, com temas específicos e tópicos aprofundados para as provas;
Estudo Estratégico, como cadernos de jurisprudência, planos e técnicas de estudo, série “como estudar” e muito mais;
published: 04 May 2021
Curso de Direito Constitucional começando do Zero - Prof. Nelma Fontana
🦉Curso Regular → https://www.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/cursosPorProfessor/nelma-fontana-3644/
🥇 Estude com o material que mais aprova no Brasil → https://bit.ly/3vl1s2Y
📖 Material de apoio gratuito →
🎯 Confira nosso artigo no blog → https://www.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/blog/concursos-2021/
📚 E-book → https://gratis.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/e-book-concursos-2021/
🔔Estratégia Concursos:
✓ Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/estrategiaconcursos/
✓ Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/EstrategiaConcursos/
✓ Twitter → https://twitter.com/EstratConcursos
💡 Saiba as maiores notícias dos concursos:
✓ Concursos Abertos → https://www.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/blog/concursos-abertos/
✓ Concursos 2021 → https://www.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/blog/concursos-2021/
✓ 𝑨𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆 → https://www.est...
published: 12 May 2021
Il Mondo - Jimmy Fontana
About Time Soundtrack
published: 17 Oct 2013
Vita in Montagna - Giorno 176- arrivano i rinforzi! pt.2 (La fontana d'Ambrogio)
La fontana d'Ambrogio torna pian piano ad essere quella di un tempo. Tanta fatica ma riscoprire il passato è per noi meraviglia pura. La magia della montagna! #iduevagamondi
📕📗 i migliori libri che ci hanno cambiato, in positivo, la Vita: https://bit.ly/2XMiNV5 📘📙
🔥 Se ti piacciono i nostri video e la nostra filosofia di vita supportaci su PayPal: simone.mondino@gmail.com oppure su Patreon https://www.patreon.com/iduevagamondi ogni contributo può, per noi, fare la differenza! 🔥
Se volete inviarci qualcosa non speditelo a casa nostra perchè i corrieri non arrivano. Questo è l'indirizzo corretto: Trattoria Marisa, via Madonna dei boschi 124, 12016 Peveragno (CN)
⏰ Iscriviti al canale http://youtube.com/iduevagamondi e attiva la campanella! 🔔
💻 Sito web https://www.iduevaga...
published: 11 May 2021
Andate a seguire @franceskina252 su Tik Tok
published: 18 Jan 2020
dvorisna fontana 2 lajkovac - www.fontane.in.rs
Fontane Djeram Lajkovac - http://www.fontane.in.rs Proizvodnja fontana za kuce i dvorista, najrazlicitijih oblika i velicina od prirodnog kamena. Izradjujemo jezera, potoke, slapove, pecine, vodoskoke...sve u skladu sa Vasim zeljama i zahtevima! U ponudi izdvajamo fontane: BUNAR, DJERAM i STARA PUMPA ZA VODU koje su prenosive! http://sites.google.com/site/fontanedjeram
published: 02 Apr 2011
fontana u dvoristu 4 - www.fontane.in.rs
http://www.fontane.in.rs Fontane Djeram Lajkovac - Proizvodnja fontana za kuce i dvorista, najrazlicitijih oblika i velicina od prirodnog kamena. Izradjujemo jezera, potoke, slapove, pecine, vodoskoke...sve u skladu sa Vasim zeljama i zahtevima! U ponudi izdvajamo fontane: BUNAR, DJERAM i STARA PUMPA ZA VODU koje su prenosive! http://sites.google.com/site/fontanedjeram
published: 02 May 2011
Mala fontana
Pokušajte i vi u vašem dvorištu da napravite jednu malu fontanu, koja ne iziskuje veliki trošak.Ali je poseban ugodjaj, probajte.
Pokušajte i vi u vašem dvorištu da napravite jednu malu fontanu, koja ne iziskuje veliki trošak.Ali je poseban ugodjaj, probajte.
Pokušajte i vi u vašem dvorištu da napravite jednu malu fontanu, koja ne iziskuje veliki trošak.Ali je poseban ugodjaj, probajte.
- published: 24 Apr 2019
- views: 61909
Curso Exclusivo Direito Constitucional por Questões - Prof. Nelma Fontana
🟢📢[SUPERDESCONTO] 20% de desconto na Assinatura Procuradorias, somente até 17/05: https://bit.ly/2PrktBx
O Estratégia Carreira Jurídica está preparando para vo...
🟢📢[SUPERDESCONTO] 20% de desconto na Assinatura Procuradorias, somente até 17/05: https://bit.ly/2PrktBx
O Estratégia Carreira Jurídica está preparando para você o maior e mais completo projeto para Procuradorias que você já viu. Confira o que estará presente na Assinatura Procuradorias:
Cursos Completos Pré e Pós-Edital para todas as provas de PGEs e as principais provas de PGM, Procuradorias Legislativas e outras áreas da advocacia pública, com aulas específicas para cada uma das carreiras;
Trilhas Estratégicas para as provas de Procuradoria;
Rodadas Estratégicas formuladas pelo nosso time de procuradores, com temas específicos e tópicos aprofundados para as provas;
Estudo Estratégico, como cadernos de jurisprudência, planos e técnicas de estudo, série “como estudar” e muito mais;
Mentoria com Procuradores, um novo modelo de mentoria específico para os níveis iniciante, intermediário e avançado de preparação;
Cursos para Provas Escritas de questões discursivas e peças prático-profissionais, com treinamento prático e correção individualizada;
Cursos para Provas Orais com correção individualizada;
Análise dos membros da banca examinadora;
Cursos Intensivos e de Extensão;
Simulados Inéditos Pré e Pós edital;
e muito mais!
A preparação com a Assinatura Procuradorias é completa: estaremos com você do início ao fim da preparação, fornecendo o material e a orientação necessários à sua aprovação. Da prova objetiva à prova oral, todos os nossos professores têm um único objetivo: a realização do seu sonho.
Assista à transmissão do Curso Exclusivo Direito Constitucional por Questões - Prof. Nelma Fontana
Material de Apoio: https://goo.su/5GSa
Acompanhe o Estratégia Carreira Jurídica pelo:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/estrategiacarreirajuridica/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/estrategiacarreirajuridica/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EstratJuridica
#ConcursoProcuradorias #ConcursoJuridico #ConcursoProcurador
🟢📢[SUPERDESCONTO] 20% de desconto na Assinatura Procuradorias, somente até 17/05: https://bit.ly/2PrktBx
O Estratégia Carreira Jurídica está preparando para você o maior e mais completo projeto para Procuradorias que você já viu. Confira o que estará presente na Assinatura Procuradorias:
Cursos Completos Pré e Pós-Edital para todas as provas de PGEs e as principais provas de PGM, Procuradorias Legislativas e outras áreas da advocacia pública, com aulas específicas para cada uma das carreiras;
Trilhas Estratégicas para as provas de Procuradoria;
Rodadas Estratégicas formuladas pelo nosso time de procuradores, com temas específicos e tópicos aprofundados para as provas;
Estudo Estratégico, como cadernos de jurisprudência, planos e técnicas de estudo, série “como estudar” e muito mais;
Mentoria com Procuradores, um novo modelo de mentoria específico para os níveis iniciante, intermediário e avançado de preparação;
Cursos para Provas Escritas de questões discursivas e peças prático-profissionais, com treinamento prático e correção individualizada;
Cursos para Provas Orais com correção individualizada;
Análise dos membros da banca examinadora;
Cursos Intensivos e de Extensão;
Simulados Inéditos Pré e Pós edital;
e muito mais!
A preparação com a Assinatura Procuradorias é completa: estaremos com você do início ao fim da preparação, fornecendo o material e a orientação necessários à sua aprovação. Da prova objetiva à prova oral, todos os nossos professores têm um único objetivo: a realização do seu sonho.
Assista à transmissão do Curso Exclusivo Direito Constitucional por Questões - Prof. Nelma Fontana
Material de Apoio: https://goo.su/5GSa
Acompanhe o Estratégia Carreira Jurídica pelo:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/estrategiacarreirajuridica/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/estrategiacarreirajuridica/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EstratJuridica
#ConcursoProcuradorias #ConcursoJuridico #ConcursoProcurador
- published: 04 May 2021
- views: 2222
Curso de Direito Constitucional começando do Zero - Prof. Nelma Fontana
🦉Curso Regular → https://www.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/cursosPorProfessor/nelma-fontana-3644/
🥇 Estude com o material que mais aprova no Brasil → https://bit.l...
🦉Curso Regular → https://www.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/cursosPorProfessor/nelma-fontana-3644/
🥇 Estude com o material que mais aprova no Brasil → https://bit.ly/3vl1s2Y
📖 Material de apoio gratuito →
🎯 Confira nosso artigo no blog → https://www.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/blog/concursos-2021/
📚 E-book → https://gratis.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/e-book-concursos-2021/
🔔Estratégia Concursos:
✓ Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/estrategiaconcursos/
✓ Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/EstrategiaConcursos/
✓ Twitter → https://twitter.com/EstratConcursos
💡 Saiba as maiores notícias dos concursos:
✓ Concursos Abertos → https://www.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/blog/concursos-abertos/
✓ Concursos 2021 → https://www.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/blog/concursos-2021/
✓ 𝑨𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆 → https://www.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/blog/
“O segredo do sucesso é a constância no objetivo.” ®
#concurso2021 #MonitoriaSEFAZSP #SEFAZSP
🦉Curso Regular → https://www.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/cursosPorProfessor/nelma-fontana-3644/
🥇 Estude com o material que mais aprova no Brasil → https://bit.ly/3vl1s2Y
📖 Material de apoio gratuito →
🎯 Confira nosso artigo no blog → https://www.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/blog/concursos-2021/
📚 E-book → https://gratis.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/e-book-concursos-2021/
🔔Estratégia Concursos:
✓ Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/estrategiaconcursos/
✓ Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/EstrategiaConcursos/
✓ Twitter → https://twitter.com/EstratConcursos
💡 Saiba as maiores notícias dos concursos:
✓ Concursos Abertos → https://www.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/blog/concursos-abertos/
✓ Concursos 2021 → https://www.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/blog/concursos-2021/
✓ 𝑨𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆 → https://www.estrategiaconcursos.com.br/blog/
“O segredo do sucesso é a constância no objetivo.” ®
#concurso2021 #MonitoriaSEFAZSP #SEFAZSP
- published: 12 May 2021
- views: 0
Vita in Montagna - Giorno 176- arrivano i rinforzi! pt.2 (La fontana d'Ambrogio)
La fontana d'Ambrogio torna pian piano ad essere quella di un tempo. Tanta fatica ma riscoprire il passato è per noi meraviglia pura. La magia della montagna! #...
La fontana d'Ambrogio torna pian piano ad essere quella di un tempo. Tanta fatica ma riscoprire il passato è per noi meraviglia pura. La magia della montagna! #iduevagamondi
📕📗 i migliori libri che ci hanno cambiato, in positivo, la Vita: https://bit.ly/2XMiNV5 📘📙
🔥 Se ti piacciono i nostri video e la nostra filosofia di vita supportaci su PayPal: simone.mondino@gmail.com oppure su Patreon https://www.patreon.com/iduevagamondi ogni contributo può, per noi, fare la differenza! 🔥
Se volete inviarci qualcosa non speditelo a casa nostra perchè i corrieri non arrivano. Questo è l'indirizzo corretto: Trattoria Marisa, via Madonna dei boschi 124, 12016 Peveragno (CN)
⏰ Iscriviti al canale http://youtube.com/iduevagamondi e attiva la campanella! 🔔
💻 Sito web https://www.iduevagamondi.com
📧 hello@iduevagamondi.com
☃️@iduevagamondi http://bit.ly/2lLRDg6
🎈@simone.mondino https://bit.ly/378EWkd
💐 @_glacey_ http://bit.ly/2kJ4uPQ
🍄 iduevagamondi https://bit.ly/3dtsVK4
La fontana d'Ambrogio torna pian piano ad essere quella di un tempo. Tanta fatica ma riscoprire il passato è per noi meraviglia pura. La magia della montagna! #iduevagamondi
📕📗 i migliori libri che ci hanno cambiato, in positivo, la Vita: https://bit.ly/2XMiNV5 📘📙
🔥 Se ti piacciono i nostri video e la nostra filosofia di vita supportaci su PayPal: simone.mondino@gmail.com oppure su Patreon https://www.patreon.com/iduevagamondi ogni contributo può, per noi, fare la differenza! 🔥
Se volete inviarci qualcosa non speditelo a casa nostra perchè i corrieri non arrivano. Questo è l'indirizzo corretto: Trattoria Marisa, via Madonna dei boschi 124, 12016 Peveragno (CN)
⏰ Iscriviti al canale http://youtube.com/iduevagamondi e attiva la campanella! 🔔
💻 Sito web https://www.iduevagamondi.com
📧 hello@iduevagamondi.com
☃️@iduevagamondi http://bit.ly/2lLRDg6
🎈@simone.mondino https://bit.ly/378EWkd
💐 @_glacey_ http://bit.ly/2kJ4uPQ
🍄 iduevagamondi https://bit.ly/3dtsVK4
- published: 11 May 2021
- views: 6333
Andate a seguire @franceskina252 su Tik Tok
Andate a seguire @franceskina252 su Tik Tok
Andate a seguire @franceskina252 su Tik Tok
- published: 18 Jan 2020
- views: 28780
dvorisna fontana 2 lajkovac - www.fontane.in.rs
Fontane Djeram Lajkovac - http://www.fontane.in.rs Proizvodnja fontana za kuce i dvorista, najrazlicitijih oblika i velicina od prirodnog kamena. Izradjujemo je...
Fontane Djeram Lajkovac - http://www.fontane.in.rs Proizvodnja fontana za kuce i dvorista, najrazlicitijih oblika i velicina od prirodnog kamena. Izradjujemo jezera, potoke, slapove, pecine, vodoskoke...sve u skladu sa Vasim zeljama i zahtevima! U ponudi izdvajamo fontane: BUNAR, DJERAM i STARA PUMPA ZA VODU koje su prenosive! http://sites.google.com/site/fontanedjeram
Fontane Djeram Lajkovac - http://www.fontane.in.rs Proizvodnja fontana za kuce i dvorista, najrazlicitijih oblika i velicina od prirodnog kamena. Izradjujemo jezera, potoke, slapove, pecine, vodoskoke...sve u skladu sa Vasim zeljama i zahtevima! U ponudi izdvajamo fontane: BUNAR, DJERAM i STARA PUMPA ZA VODU koje su prenosive! http://sites.google.com/site/fontanedjeram
- published: 02 Apr 2011
- views: 85961
fontana u dvoristu 4 - www.fontane.in.rs
http://www.fontane.in.rs Fontane Djeram Lajkovac - Proizvodnja fontana za kuce i dvorista, najrazlicitijih oblika i velicina od prirodnog kamena. Izradjujemo je...
http://www.fontane.in.rs Fontane Djeram Lajkovac - Proizvodnja fontana za kuce i dvorista, najrazlicitijih oblika i velicina od prirodnog kamena. Izradjujemo jezera, potoke, slapove, pecine, vodoskoke...sve u skladu sa Vasim zeljama i zahtevima! U ponudi izdvajamo fontane: BUNAR, DJERAM i STARA PUMPA ZA VODU koje su prenosive! http://sites.google.com/site/fontanedjeram
http://www.fontane.in.rs Fontane Djeram Lajkovac - Proizvodnja fontana za kuce i dvorista, najrazlicitijih oblika i velicina od prirodnog kamena. Izradjujemo jezera, potoke, slapove, pecine, vodoskoke...sve u skladu sa Vasim zeljama i zahtevima! U ponudi izdvajamo fontane: BUNAR, DJERAM i STARA PUMPA ZA VODU koje su prenosive! http://sites.google.com/site/fontanedjeram
- published: 02 May 2011
- views: 259262
Living in Fontana CA
Are you thinking about living in Fontana? If you are, you definitely should tune in to my latest video.
From shopping, family activities, great neighborhoods and more, this may be a city you should consider.
✅ Richard Petty Driving Experience
✅ CalSpeed Karting
✅ Before you buy a home, give yourself a solid financial plan:
🎥 My equipment used for this and/or other videos:
Camera: https://amzn.to/3mrtcOG
Microphone: https://amzn.to/3msHEWw
Lighting: https://amzn.to/2Woiq0Y
Camera tripod: https://amzn.to/3oSUpeG
Flexible camera tripod: https://amzn.to/3mt2ghk
🔔 Be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss any upcoming videos!
📲 You ...
published: 15 Sep 2020
4K - Driving Tour of Fontana, California, USA (North Part) Wide View
4K - Driving Tour of Fontana, California, USA (North Part)
Dash Cam Tours
#Tour #Fontana #RanchoCucamonga
Fontana, California
Fontana is a city in San Bernardino County, California. Founded by Azariel Blanchard Miller in 1913, it remained essentially rural until World War II, when entrepreneur Henry J. Kaiser built a large steel mill in the area.
It is now a regional hub of the trucking industry, with the east-west Interstate 10 and State Route 210 crossing the city and Interstate 15 passing diagonally through its northwestern quadrant.
It is home to a renovated historic theater, a municipal park, and the Auto Club Speedway on the site of the Kaiser Steel Mill. Fontana also hosts the Fontana Days Half Marathon and 5K run.
This race is the fastest half-mar...
published: 24 Dec 2020
Pros and Cons of Living in Fontana CA
Fontana is not a bad city to move to. As with every city, there are both pros and cons to living in Fontana.
In this video I will lay out some of the bigger pros and cons to Fontana.
If you're serious about considering moving to here, after you finish this video, here is another video I made about moving to the city of Fontana that you should watch: https://youtu.be/YaS82MRol9g
✅ Auto Club Speedway
✅ Center Stage Theater
✅ Before you buy a home, give yourself a solid financial plan::
🎥 My equipment used for this and/or other videos:
Camera: https://amzn.to/3mrtcOG
Microphone: https://amzn.to/3msHEWw
Lighting: https://amzn.to/2Woiq0Y
Camera tripod: https://amzn.to/3oSUpeG
Flexible came...
published: 30 Mar 2021
Fontana is in San Bernardino County in sunny California and was founded in 1913.
published: 13 Nov 2019
Fontana, California Aerial Drone HD
Short teaser for full length video coming soon.
Fontana, California from the air.
Fontana Park, Fontana Soccer Complex, and Catawba Park (Southridge)
My video was featured on the City of Fontana Facebook page. Gained over 40,000 views.
FAA Licensed Commercial Pilot
sUAS Registered Commercial Operator
Part 107, Insured services
Video editing
If you need aerial drone video for: events, commercials, promotions, weddings, construction, inspections - contact me.
Email: UASpilotMark[at]gmail.com
Proper credit required to reuse footage. E-mail with questions.
published: 26 Oct 2016
10 Places in CALIFORNIA You Should NEVER Move To
Which places in California would you never want to live in?
California is a super cool place to live in many areas. There’s awesome beaches, wide open spaces, mountains, lakes and some of the most stimulating culture around. In fact a lot of places in California seem like the best place in the country.
Then, you’ve got the bad side of California. You know it when you see it. These are the places in California where people are broke, there’s a lot of crime, and frankly, there’s either nothing to do, or it’s rough.
The goal in this report is to talk about those worst cities and towns in California. Now, California is a very liberal place, so you’re gonna find lots of bad places to live just because of that one reason alone. But we’re leaving politics out of this one. For the most part.
published: 11 Jul 2019
Fontana California in 1998!
So this is 1998, I was hanging out on Sierra st in Fontana California.
published: 19 Jan 2018
Top 15 Things To Do In Fontana, California
Cheapest Hotels To Stay In Fontana - http://bit.ly/CheapHotelsPrices-
Best Tours To Enjoy California - http://bit.ly/CaliforniaTours
Cheap Airline Tickets - http://bit.ly/CheapAirlinePrices-
Here are top 15 things to do in Fontana, California
All photos belong to their rightful owners. Credit next to name.
1. Martin Tudor Hills Regional Park - http://bit.ly/2rGhkOH
2. Mount Jurupa - http://bit.ly/2A2vD4G
3. Fiesta Park - http://bit.ly/2rGJEkj
4. Smoke Stack Trail - http://bit.ly/2rFknqD
5. Auto Club Speedway - http://bit.ly/2rFkouq
6. Artist Showcase at City Hall - http://bit.ly/2rFknXo
7. Fontana Park - http://bit.ly/2A4AkLp
8. Steelworkers’ Auditorium - http://bit.ly/2rFkeD...
published: 27 Dec 2018
Fontana California
Fontana is a city in San Bernardino County, California. Founded by Azariel Blanchard Miller in 1913, it remained essentially rural until World War II, when entrepreneur Henry J. Kaiser built a large steel mill in the area.
published: 08 Oct 2020
Tesla Crash Fontana
Federal Transportation Officials are now investigating a Tesla crash in Fontana, near Citrus
published: 13 May 2021
Living in Fontana CA
Are you thinking about living in Fontana? If you are, you definitely should tune in to my latest video.
From shopping, family activities, great neighborhoods a...
Are you thinking about living in Fontana? If you are, you definitely should tune in to my latest video.
From shopping, family activities, great neighborhoods and more, this may be a city you should consider.
✅ Richard Petty Driving Experience
✅ CalSpeed Karting
✅ Before you buy a home, give yourself a solid financial plan:
🎥 My equipment used for this and/or other videos:
Camera: https://amzn.to/3mrtcOG
Microphone: https://amzn.to/3msHEWw
Lighting: https://amzn.to/2Woiq0Y
Camera tripod: https://amzn.to/3oSUpeG
Flexible camera tripod: https://amzn.to/3mt2ghk
🔔 Be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss any upcoming videos!
📲 You can connect with me on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/josesepulvedarealestate/
LinkdIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jose-sepulveda-3b431967/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/your_realtorjose/
My Blog Site: http://www.josesepulveda.myagent.site/
It goes without saying, I absolutely appreciate everyone that visits my channel, watches my videos and all those that subscribe. My goal is to always provide great value for you.
If you have any real estate related questions, feel free to contact me at (909) 730-1011 or by email at: myhomesoldbyjose@gmail.com
As of the recording of this video, Jose Sepulveda is a real estate sales person (Lic# 01962654) in California with Remax.
The information provided in my videos is meant to provide you with an educated starting point in the purchase or sale of your home. For information more specific to your individual situation, please be sure to speak with your local real estate agent and/or lender.
This video and description contain affiliate links where I’ll earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase at no additional cost to you.
This content is not intended for children under 18 years old.
Are you thinking about living in Fontana? If you are, you definitely should tune in to my latest video.
From shopping, family activities, great neighborhoods and more, this may be a city you should consider.
✅ Richard Petty Driving Experience
✅ CalSpeed Karting
✅ Before you buy a home, give yourself a solid financial plan:
🎥 My equipment used for this and/or other videos:
Camera: https://amzn.to/3mrtcOG
Microphone: https://amzn.to/3msHEWw
Lighting: https://amzn.to/2Woiq0Y
Camera tripod: https://amzn.to/3oSUpeG
Flexible camera tripod: https://amzn.to/3mt2ghk
🔔 Be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss any upcoming videos!
📲 You can connect with me on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/josesepulvedarealestate/
LinkdIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jose-sepulveda-3b431967/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/your_realtorjose/
My Blog Site: http://www.josesepulveda.myagent.site/
It goes without saying, I absolutely appreciate everyone that visits my channel, watches my videos and all those that subscribe. My goal is to always provide great value for you.
If you have any real estate related questions, feel free to contact me at (909) 730-1011 or by email at: myhomesoldbyjose@gmail.com
As of the recording of this video, Jose Sepulveda is a real estate sales person (Lic# 01962654) in California with Remax.
The information provided in my videos is meant to provide you with an educated starting point in the purchase or sale of your home. For information more specific to your individual situation, please be sure to speak with your local real estate agent and/or lender.
This video and description contain affiliate links where I’ll earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase at no additional cost to you.
This content is not intended for children under 18 years old.
- published: 15 Sep 2020
- views: 2998
4K - Driving Tour of Fontana, California, USA (North Part) Wide View
4K - Driving Tour of Fontana, California, USA (North Part)
Dash Cam Tours
#Tour #Fontana #RanchoCucamonga
Fontana, California
4K - Driving Tour of Fontana, California, USA (North Part)
Dash Cam Tours
#Tour #Fontana #RanchoCucamonga
Fontana, California
Fontana is a city in San Bernardino County, California. Founded by Azariel Blanchard Miller in 1913, it remained essentially rural until World War II, when entrepreneur Henry J. Kaiser built a large steel mill in the area.
It is now a regional hub of the trucking industry, with the east-west Interstate 10 and State Route 210 crossing the city and Interstate 15 passing diagonally through its northwestern quadrant.
It is home to a renovated historic theater, a municipal park, and the Auto Club Speedway on the site of the Kaiser Steel Mill. Fontana also hosts the Fontana Days Half Marathon and 5K run.
This race is the fastest half-marathon course in the world.
The United States Census Bureau estimated Fontana's 2019 population at 214,547, making it the second-most populous city in San Bernardino County and the 19th largest in the state.
The name fontana is Italian for fountain or water source, being in close proximity to the Santa Ana River to the east.
Fontana's current economy is driven largely by industrial uses, particularly trucking-based industries. Public funding assists in reducing the associated pollution impacts the community.
The city is home to several truck dealerships, and other industrial equipment sales centers, and, like its neighbors Ontario and Rancho Cucamonga, many product distribution centers for such companies as Toyota, Target, Sears, Mercedes-Benz, Southern California Edison, Home Shopping Network, and Avery Dennison.
The city is also home to numerous small manufacturers of building materials and other locally used products, and many small auto dealerships and salvage yards.
Fontana's economy has also heavily encouraged, at least until such activities had been somewhat hampered by the Subprime mortgage crisis, the planning, developing and construction of new housing tracts.
The city also has numerous local shopping centers, such as the Summit Heights Gateway/Falcon Ridge Town Center at the north end of the city, and Palm Court in the southern section.
The city also features commercial strip zoning along several of its major avenues and boulevards, such as the "Miracle Mile" straddling State Route 210 between Citrus and Sierra Avenues.
The official Fontana Auto Center is part of that zone, with two major dealerships already in place.
Check out my second channel with scenic walking tours:
Follow on Twitter:
4K - Driving Tour of Fontana, California, USA (North Part)
Dash Cam Tours
#Tour #Fontana #RanchoCucamonga
Fontana, California
Fontana is a city in San Bernardino County, California. Founded by Azariel Blanchard Miller in 1913, it remained essentially rural until World War II, when entrepreneur Henry J. Kaiser built a large steel mill in the area.
It is now a regional hub of the trucking industry, with the east-west Interstate 10 and State Route 210 crossing the city and Interstate 15 passing diagonally through its northwestern quadrant.
It is home to a renovated historic theater, a municipal park, and the Auto Club Speedway on the site of the Kaiser Steel Mill. Fontana also hosts the Fontana Days Half Marathon and 5K run.
This race is the fastest half-marathon course in the world.
The United States Census Bureau estimated Fontana's 2019 population at 214,547, making it the second-most populous city in San Bernardino County and the 19th largest in the state.
The name fontana is Italian for fountain or water source, being in close proximity to the Santa Ana River to the east.
Fontana's current economy is driven largely by industrial uses, particularly trucking-based industries. Public funding assists in reducing the associated pollution impacts the community.
The city is home to several truck dealerships, and other industrial equipment sales centers, and, like its neighbors Ontario and Rancho Cucamonga, many product distribution centers for such companies as Toyota, Target, Sears, Mercedes-Benz, Southern California Edison, Home Shopping Network, and Avery Dennison.
The city is also home to numerous small manufacturers of building materials and other locally used products, and many small auto dealerships and salvage yards.
Fontana's economy has also heavily encouraged, at least until such activities had been somewhat hampered by the Subprime mortgage crisis, the planning, developing and construction of new housing tracts.
The city also has numerous local shopping centers, such as the Summit Heights Gateway/Falcon Ridge Town Center at the north end of the city, and Palm Court in the southern section.
The city also features commercial strip zoning along several of its major avenues and boulevards, such as the "Miracle Mile" straddling State Route 210 between Citrus and Sierra Avenues.
The official Fontana Auto Center is part of that zone, with two major dealerships already in place.
Check out my second channel with scenic walking tours:
Follow on Twitter:
- published: 24 Dec 2020
- views: 5501
Pros and Cons of Living in Fontana CA
Fontana is not a bad city to move to. As with every city, there are both pros and cons to living in Fontana.
In this video I will lay out some of the bigger pr...
Fontana is not a bad city to move to. As with every city, there are both pros and cons to living in Fontana.
In this video I will lay out some of the bigger pros and cons to Fontana.
If you're serious about considering moving to here, after you finish this video, here is another video I made about moving to the city of Fontana that you should watch: https://youtu.be/YaS82MRol9g
✅ Auto Club Speedway
✅ Center Stage Theater
✅ Before you buy a home, give yourself a solid financial plan::
🎥 My equipment used for this and/or other videos:
Camera: https://amzn.to/3mrtcOG
Microphone: https://amzn.to/3msHEWw
Lighting: https://amzn.to/2Woiq0Y
Camera tripod: https://amzn.to/3oSUpeG
Flexible camera tripod: https://amzn.to/3mt2ghk
🔔 Be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss any upcoming videos!
It goes without saying, I absolutely appreciate everyone that visits my channel, watches my videos and all those that subscribe. My goal is to always provide great value for you.
If you have any real estate related questions, feel free to contact me at:
📞 (909) 730-1011
📲 myhomesoldbyjose@gmail.com
Connect with me on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/josesepulvedarealestate/
LinkdIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jose-sepulveda-3b431967/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/your_realtorjose/
My Blog Site: http://www.josesepulveda.myagent.site/
As of the recording of this video, Jose Sepulveda is a real estate sales person (Lic# 01962654) in California with Remax.
The information provided in my videos is meant to provide you with an educated starting point in the purchase or sale of your home. For information more specific to your individual situation, please be sure to speak with your local real estate agent and/or lender.
This video and description may contain affiliate links where I’ll earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase at no additional cost to you.
This content is not intended for children under 18 years old.
Fontana is not a bad city to move to. As with every city, there are both pros and cons to living in Fontana.
In this video I will lay out some of the bigger pros and cons to Fontana.
If you're serious about considering moving to here, after you finish this video, here is another video I made about moving to the city of Fontana that you should watch: https://youtu.be/YaS82MRol9g
✅ Auto Club Speedway
✅ Center Stage Theater
✅ Before you buy a home, give yourself a solid financial plan::
🎥 My equipment used for this and/or other videos:
Camera: https://amzn.to/3mrtcOG
Microphone: https://amzn.to/3msHEWw
Lighting: https://amzn.to/2Woiq0Y
Camera tripod: https://amzn.to/3oSUpeG
Flexible camera tripod: https://amzn.to/3mt2ghk
🔔 Be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss any upcoming videos!
It goes without saying, I absolutely appreciate everyone that visits my channel, watches my videos and all those that subscribe. My goal is to always provide great value for you.
If you have any real estate related questions, feel free to contact me at:
📞 (909) 730-1011
📲 myhomesoldbyjose@gmail.com
Connect with me on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/josesepulvedarealestate/
LinkdIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jose-sepulveda-3b431967/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/your_realtorjose/
My Blog Site: http://www.josesepulveda.myagent.site/
As of the recording of this video, Jose Sepulveda is a real estate sales person (Lic# 01962654) in California with Remax.
The information provided in my videos is meant to provide you with an educated starting point in the purchase or sale of your home. For information more specific to your individual situation, please be sure to speak with your local real estate agent and/or lender.
This video and description may contain affiliate links where I’ll earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase at no additional cost to you.
This content is not intended for children under 18 years old.
- published: 30 Mar 2021
- views: 480
Fontana is in San Bernardino County in sunny California and was founded in 1913.
Fontana is in San Bernardino County in sunny California and was founded in 1913.
Fontana is in San Bernardino County in sunny California and was founded in 1913.
- published: 13 Nov 2019
- views: 8359
Fontana, California Aerial Drone HD
Short teaser for full length video coming soon.
Fontana, California from the air.
Fontana Park, Fontana Soccer Complex, and Catawba Park (Southridge)
My video...
Short teaser for full length video coming soon.
Fontana, California from the air.
Fontana Park, Fontana Soccer Complex, and Catawba Park (Southridge)
My video was featured on the City of Fontana Facebook page. Gained over 40,000 views.
FAA Licensed Commercial Pilot
sUAS Registered Commercial Operator
Part 107, Insured services
Video editing
If you need aerial drone video for: events, commercials, promotions, weddings, construction, inspections - contact me.
Email: UASpilotMark[at]gmail.com
Proper credit required to reuse footage. E-mail with questions.
Short teaser for full length video coming soon.
Fontana, California from the air.
Fontana Park, Fontana Soccer Complex, and Catawba Park (Southridge)
My video was featured on the City of Fontana Facebook page. Gained over 40,000 views.
FAA Licensed Commercial Pilot
sUAS Registered Commercial Operator
Part 107, Insured services
Video editing
If you need aerial drone video for: events, commercials, promotions, weddings, construction, inspections - contact me.
Email: UASpilotMark[at]gmail.com
Proper credit required to reuse footage. E-mail with questions.
- published: 26 Oct 2016
- views: 6433
10 Places in CALIFORNIA You Should NEVER Move To
Which places in California would you never want to live in?
California is a super cool place to live in many areas. There’s awesome beaches, wide open spaces, ...
Which places in California would you never want to live in?
California is a super cool place to live in many areas. There’s awesome beaches, wide open spaces, mountains, lakes and some of the most stimulating culture around. In fact a lot of places in California seem like the best place in the country.
Then, you’ve got the bad side of California. You know it when you see it. These are the places in California where people are broke, there’s a lot of crime, and frankly, there’s either nothing to do, or it’s rough.
The goal in this report is to talk about those worst cities and towns in California. Now, California is a very liberal place, so you’re gonna find lots of bad places to live just because of that one reason alone. But we’re leaving politics out of this one. For the most part.
So, let’s hop in our car just so we can sit in traffic for hours, as we explore California’s worst places to live.
We begin our journey through the worst places you can live in California in the city of Anaheim.
Now, it’s time to leave the peaceful enclaves of Orange County and hop on the 5 and head on up to our next worst place to live in California, Stockton.
It’s time to head back down the 5, and then take the 10 east as we arrive in the Inland Empire, and our favorite IE city, San Bernardino.
Wanna get away from San Bernardino? Than just head south (specifically take the 10 to the 215 to the 60) and eventually, you’ll find the center of all that is sad and depressing in Riverside County, the city of Hemet.
We’re going to head back to San Bernardino County again, and we’re gonna stop off at our next worst place to live in California, Barstow. To get there, pretend you’re going to Vegas, and then pull over like everyone else does who wants McDonalds or Del Taco.
But guess what Barstow? At least you’re better than your bigger brother, Victorville. In fact, Victorville has nearly 6 times as many people as Barstow does.
Sick of desert towns yet? Cause we’re not even close to being done. Our next stop is another San Bernardino County desert community. So let’s hop on the 10 as we go past Palm Springs and pull into Desert Hot Springs!
Moving on, we come to our third worst place to live in California, East LA. which is...east of LA. It’s also just east of South Central LA.
If you thought Desert Hot Springs was hot and isolated, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. To get to our second worst place to live in California, take the 395 up from Hesperia until you get to Ridgecrest. Don’t stop there, or waste your time at China Lake. Head east until you get to Trona.
Okay everyone. Time for our worst place to live in California. We’ll take the 5 to the 8 and go all the way out to practically Arizona and stop in El Centro.
Music by Kevin MacLeod and Chris Zabrinski. YouTube Creative Commons use
SUBSCRIBE to get REGIONAL INFORMATION about where YOU live: http://bit.ly/2deRUSV
Our goal is to combine recent data, fun videos, and thoughts about local culture into bite-sized snacks of shareable information. We call it bite-sized regional infotainment. We try to paint a picture of what’s happening in a region based on “Friday Night Science” — how’d you argue at a bar. To do that, we gather data from around the web to help determine a wide array of factors about where you live, things like safety, desirability, and culture.
We have another channel, too, which has other cool videos. Subscribe to it too! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY1W9MVJbzcvEgD2xATMWOg
Check out our website: https://www.homesnacks.net/
This is offendedism at its finest. Who's triggered?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HomeSnacks/
Business email: robikmarketing1@gmail.com
Mappy: Mappy@HomeSnacks.net. He'll do his best to answer your questions and fan mail.
Which places in California would you never want to live in?
California is a super cool place to live in many areas. There’s awesome beaches, wide open spaces, mountains, lakes and some of the most stimulating culture around. In fact a lot of places in California seem like the best place in the country.
Then, you’ve got the bad side of California. You know it when you see it. These are the places in California where people are broke, there’s a lot of crime, and frankly, there’s either nothing to do, or it’s rough.
The goal in this report is to talk about those worst cities and towns in California. Now, California is a very liberal place, so you’re gonna find lots of bad places to live just because of that one reason alone. But we’re leaving politics out of this one. For the most part.
So, let’s hop in our car just so we can sit in traffic for hours, as we explore California’s worst places to live.
We begin our journey through the worst places you can live in California in the city of Anaheim.
Now, it’s time to leave the peaceful enclaves of Orange County and hop on the 5 and head on up to our next worst place to live in California, Stockton.
It’s time to head back down the 5, and then take the 10 east as we arrive in the Inland Empire, and our favorite IE city, San Bernardino.
Wanna get away from San Bernardino? Than just head south (specifically take the 10 to the 215 to the 60) and eventually, you’ll find the center of all that is sad and depressing in Riverside County, the city of Hemet.
We’re going to head back to San Bernardino County again, and we’re gonna stop off at our next worst place to live in California, Barstow. To get there, pretend you’re going to Vegas, and then pull over like everyone else does who wants McDonalds or Del Taco.
But guess what Barstow? At least you’re better than your bigger brother, Victorville. In fact, Victorville has nearly 6 times as many people as Barstow does.
Sick of desert towns yet? Cause we’re not even close to being done. Our next stop is another San Bernardino County desert community. So let’s hop on the 10 as we go past Palm Springs and pull into Desert Hot Springs!
Moving on, we come to our third worst place to live in California, East LA. which is...east of LA. It’s also just east of South Central LA.
If you thought Desert Hot Springs was hot and isolated, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. To get to our second worst place to live in California, take the 395 up from Hesperia until you get to Ridgecrest. Don’t stop there, or waste your time at China Lake. Head east until you get to Trona.
Okay everyone. Time for our worst place to live in California. We’ll take the 5 to the 8 and go all the way out to practically Arizona and stop in El Centro.
Music by Kevin MacLeod and Chris Zabrinski. YouTube Creative Commons use
SUBSCRIBE to get REGIONAL INFORMATION about where YOU live: http://bit.ly/2deRUSV
Our goal is to combine recent data, fun videos, and thoughts about local culture into bite-sized snacks of shareable information. We call it bite-sized regional infotainment. We try to paint a picture of what’s happening in a region based on “Friday Night Science” — how’d you argue at a bar. To do that, we gather data from around the web to help determine a wide array of factors about where you live, things like safety, desirability, and culture.
We have another channel, too, which has other cool videos. Subscribe to it too! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY1W9MVJbzcvEgD2xATMWOg
Check out our website: https://www.homesnacks.net/
This is offendedism at its finest. Who's triggered?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HomeSnacks/
Business email: robikmarketing1@gmail.com
Mappy: Mappy@HomeSnacks.net. He'll do his best to answer your questions and fan mail.
- published: 11 Jul 2019
- views: 1088020
Fontana California in 1998!
So this is 1998, I was hanging out on Sierra st in Fontana California.
So this is 1998, I was hanging out on Sierra st in Fontana California.
So this is 1998, I was hanging out on Sierra st in Fontana California.
- published: 19 Jan 2018
- views: 25265
Top 15 Things To Do In Fontana, California
Cheapest Hotels To Stay In Fontana - http://bit.ly/CheapHotelsPrices-
Best Tours To Enjoy California - http://bit.ly/CaliforniaTours
Cheap Airline Tickets - htt...
Cheapest Hotels To Stay In Fontana - http://bit.ly/CheapHotelsPrices-
Best Tours To Enjoy California - http://bit.ly/CaliforniaTours
Cheap Airline Tickets - http://bit.ly/CheapAirlinePrices-
Here are top 15 things to do in Fontana, California
All photos belong to their rightful owners. Credit next to name.
1. Martin Tudor Hills Regional Park - http://bit.ly/2rGhkOH
2. Mount Jurupa - http://bit.ly/2A2vD4G
3. Fiesta Park - http://bit.ly/2rGJEkj
4. Smoke Stack Trail - http://bit.ly/2rFknqD
5. Auto Club Speedway - http://bit.ly/2rFkouq
6. Artist Showcase at City Hall - http://bit.ly/2rFknXo
7. Fontana Park - http://bit.ly/2A4AkLp
8. Steelworkers’ Auditorium - http://bit.ly/2rFkeDk
9. Center Stage Theater - http://bit.ly/2rETset
10. Fontana Park Aquatics Center - http://bit.ly/2DNMFqY
11. Jessie Turner Health and Fitness Community Center - http://bit.ly/2rETuD7
12. Art Depot - http://bit.ly/2A3jVad
13. Sluggerville Batting Cages - http://bit.ly/2A3kjFH
14. Mary Vagle Museum and Nature Center - http://bit.ly/2LINmpH
15. Coyote Canyon Park - http://bit.ly/2DNMFqY
For business inquiries contact us at:
california,southern california,where to stay in california,fontana,cheap hotels in california,fontana - california,southern california attractions, fontana tour, fontana tourist, fontana guide, fontana attractions, visit fontana, travel fontana, fontana ca, fontana california, fontana hotels, fontana airport, fontana flights,things to do in fontana, things to see in fontana,
Cheapest Hotels To Stay In Fontana - http://bit.ly/CheapHotelsPrices-
Best Tours To Enjoy California - http://bit.ly/CaliforniaTours
Cheap Airline Tickets - http://bit.ly/CheapAirlinePrices-
Here are top 15 things to do in Fontana, California
All photos belong to their rightful owners. Credit next to name.
1. Martin Tudor Hills Regional Park - http://bit.ly/2rGhkOH
2. Mount Jurupa - http://bit.ly/2A2vD4G
3. Fiesta Park - http://bit.ly/2rGJEkj
4. Smoke Stack Trail - http://bit.ly/2rFknqD
5. Auto Club Speedway - http://bit.ly/2rFkouq
6. Artist Showcase at City Hall - http://bit.ly/2rFknXo
7. Fontana Park - http://bit.ly/2A4AkLp
8. Steelworkers’ Auditorium - http://bit.ly/2rFkeDk
9. Center Stage Theater - http://bit.ly/2rETset
10. Fontana Park Aquatics Center - http://bit.ly/2DNMFqY
11. Jessie Turner Health and Fitness Community Center - http://bit.ly/2rETuD7
12. Art Depot - http://bit.ly/2A3jVad
13. Sluggerville Batting Cages - http://bit.ly/2A3kjFH
14. Mary Vagle Museum and Nature Center - http://bit.ly/2LINmpH
15. Coyote Canyon Park - http://bit.ly/2DNMFqY
For business inquiries contact us at:
california,southern california,where to stay in california,fontana,cheap hotels in california,fontana - california,southern california attractions, fontana tour, fontana tourist, fontana guide, fontana attractions, visit fontana, travel fontana, fontana ca, fontana california, fontana hotels, fontana airport, fontana flights,things to do in fontana, things to see in fontana,
- published: 27 Dec 2018
- views: 7538
Fontana California
Fontana is a city in San Bernardino County, California. Founded by Azariel Blanchard Miller in 1913, it remained essentially rural until World War II, when entr...
Fontana is a city in San Bernardino County, California. Founded by Azariel Blanchard Miller in 1913, it remained essentially rural until World War II, when entrepreneur Henry J. Kaiser built a large steel mill in the area.
Fontana is a city in San Bernardino County, California. Founded by Azariel Blanchard Miller in 1913, it remained essentially rural until World War II, when entrepreneur Henry J. Kaiser built a large steel mill in the area.
- published: 08 Oct 2020
- views: 1925
Tesla Crash Fontana
Federal Transportation Officials are now investigating a Tesla crash in Fontana, near Citrus
Federal Transportation Officials are now investigating a Tesla crash in Fontana, near Citrus
Federal Transportation Officials are now investigating a Tesla crash in Fontana, near Citrus
- published: 13 May 2021
- views: 17983