- published: 09 Dec 2016
- views: 32362
Touko Laaksonen (8 May 1920 – 7 November 1991), best known by his pseudonym Tom of Finland, was a Finnish artist notable for his stylized homoerotic fetish art and his influence on late twentieth century gay culture. He has been called the "most influential creator of gay pornographic images" by cultural historian Joseph W. Slade.
Over the course of four decades, he produced some 3500 illustrations, mostly featuring men with exaggerated primary and secondary sex traits with tight or partially removed clothing.
Laaksonen was born and raised by a middle-class family in Kaarina, a town in southwestern Finland, near the city of Turku. Both of his parents were schoolteachers who taught at the grammar school that served Kaarina. The family lived in the school building which had living quarters attached.
He studied in Turku and in 1939, at the age of 19, he moved to Helsinki to study advertising. In his spare time he also started drawing erotic images for his own pleasure. He first kept his drawings hidden, but then destroyed them "at least by the time I went to serve the army." His drawings were based on images of masculine laborers he had seen from an early age. The country soon became embroiled in the Winter War with the USSR, and then became formally involved in World War II. He was conscripted in February 1940 into the Finnish Army. He served as an anti-aircraft officer, holding the rank of second lieutenant. He later attributed his fetishistic interest in uniformed men to encounters with men in army uniform, especially soldiers of the German Wehrmacht serving in Finland at that time. "In my drawings I have no political statements to make, no ideology. I am thinking only about the picture itself. The whole Nazi philosophy, the racism and all that, is hateful to me, but of course I drew them anyway—they had the sexiest uniforms!" After the war, in 1945, he returned to studies.
Finland (i/ˈfɪnlənd/; Finnish: Suomi [suomi]; Swedish: Finland [ˈfɪnland]), officially the Republic of Finland, is a Nordic country in Northern Europe, a peninsula with Gulf of Finland to the south and Gulf of Bothnia to the west. It has land borders with Sweden and Norway to the north and Russia to the east. Finland is part of the geographic region of Fennoscandia, which also includes Scandinavia and parts of Russia.
Finland's population is 5.5 million (2014), staying roughly on the same level with only about 9% increase in 24 years since the last economic depression in 1990. The majority live in the southern regions. The single largest group of foreigners living in Finland are Russians and Estonians, 36% of all of the foreigners (2014). In terms of area, it is the eighth largest country in Europe and the most sparsely populated country in the European Union. Finland is a parliamentary republic with a central government based in the capital Helsinki, local governments in 317 municipalities, and an autonomous region, the Åland Islands. Over 1.4 million people live in the Greater Helsinki metropolitan area, which produces a third of the country's GDP. Other large cities include Tampere, Turku, Oulu, Jyväskylä, Lahti, and Kuopio.
TOM OF FINLAND - virallinen traileri (suomeksi)
TOM OF FINLAND – Official teaser trailer (English)
TOM OF FINLAND - A NATIONAL HERO (Welcome To Finland #10)
Tom of Finland - MOCA U - MOCAtv
Tom of Finland - Official Teaser
TOM OF FINLAND Bande Annonce (2017)
«Tom of Finland» - finsk trailer
Tom of Finland - (Trailer legendado em português PT)
Tom of Finland - Officiell trailer - Biopremiär 3 mars
Tom of Finland:一個情色帝國的締造者
Dome Karukosken Tom of Finland -elokuvan virallinen traileri. Touko Laaksosen elämästä kertova ja vapauden, rakkauden ja rohkeuden sanomaa julistava elokuva saapuu elokuvateattereihin 24.2.2017. Tom of Finland -elokuva on kaunis ja tunteikas kuvaus suomalaisen taiteilijan Touko Laaksosen matkasta kansainväliseen menestykseen. Elokuvassa Touko palaa kotiin rintamalta palveltuaan isänmaataan sodassa. Elämä rauhanajan Suomessa osoittautuu raskaaksi. Homoseksuaalisuus on laitonta, joten Touko joutuu salaamaan rakkaussuhteensa, mutta löytää kaipaamansa pakotien kuvataiteesta. Hän alkaa piirtää lihaksikkaita, vapaita ja estottomia, nahkavaatteisiin pukeutuneita homomiehiä. Piirrokset kuljettavat Toukon Berliinin kautta Los Angelesiin, jonka ennakkoluulottomassa ilmapiirissä Touko saa arvostusta...
Official teaser trailer of the Tom of Finland movie by Dome Karukoski. A story of Touko Laaksonen, the artist known as Tom of Finland. Coming 2017.
Finland’s leading visual artist was a gay pornographer. This is why we love him. MORE WTF: WTF #10 TOM OF FINLAND - A NATIONAL HERO https://youtu.be/U9kjTvQPRk8 WTF #9 FINNISH PEOPLE TRYING POSITIVITY https://youtu.be/ygzn12ATB_k WTF #8 WORLD'S MOST PUBLIC SAUNA: https://youtu.be/lTQHXT10d4Y WTF #7 SWAMP WRESTLING: https://youtu.be/7afkRD1Wb_4 WTF #6 FINNISH TOURIST: https://youtu.be/SeojagmCLs4 WTF #5 WASTELAND FESTIVAL: http://youtu.be/nBw2GKdhwNY WTF#4 MIDNIGHT SUN FILM FESTIVAL @ SODANKYLÄ: http://youtu.be/vQKxnHwf7OU WTF#3 FINNISH WINTER COTTAGE: https://youtu.be/LXdhWG56Krs WTF#2 NATIONAL PARK NUUKSIO: https://youtu.be/AopWzAPus58 WTF#1 NORTHERN LIGHTS: https://youtu.be/hRWuuzv6ghA Thanks: Producer Tiina-Rakel Liekki Cameraman Roosa Kuosmanen Lights Sakari Luhtala Original artwork...
Famed erotic artist Tom of Finland made as much of an impact on the lives of individual men as he did on the history of masculine representation. On a palm tree-lined street in Echo Park sits the Tom of Finland Foundation, a site that testifies to both personal and historical memory. Foundation co-founder and former Bruce Weber model Durk Dehner met Tom because of a compelling image on a bathroom wall, and soon became the artist's muse, patron, and longtime friend. In this short video, Dehner and foundation vice president S.R. Sharp discuss Tom's radical imaginary, his command of the gay male gaze, how Tom of Finland got his name, and why Tom made the move to Los Angeles. Dehner has preserved the home he shared with Tom as a homage to Tom's legacy, and to this day, the home remains open to...
TOM OF FINLAND, a biopic about the life and work of Finnish artist and gay icon Touko Laaksonen (best known as Tom of Finland), will have its North American Premiere at the 2017 Tribeca Film Festival. Kino Lorber will release the film theatrically later this year.
Touko Laaksonen, officier héroïque de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, est de retour en Finlande. Mais la vie à Helsinki n’est pas de tout repos. La persécution contre les homosexuels est insidieuse les contraignant le plus souvent à se marier et avoir des enfants. Touko trouve alors refuge dans l’art dessinant dans le plus grand secret des hommes musclés, désinhibés et fiers d’être gays. TOM OF FINLAND Bande Annonce Date de sortie : 19 Juillet 2017 © 2017 - Rezo Films Comédie, action, films pour enfants et famille, cinéma d'animation, blockbusters américains, humour, films français... Il y en a pour tous les goûts ! Un point complet sur l'actualité cinéma, DVD & Blu-Ray via les trailers et extraits en français (VF et VOSTFR) ● Notre Chaine Jeux Vidéo ► https://www.youtube.com/c/JeuxA...
HOMOFIL KJÆRLIGHET: Jakob Oftebro er for tiden aktuell i den finske filmen «Tom of Finland» som blant annet portretterer homofil kjærlighet. Filmen handler om kunstner «Tom of Finland», eller Touko Laaksonen, som han egentlig het. Video: Youtube / Tom of Finland Movie
Touko Laaksonen har tjänstgjort som officer under andra världskrigets svåra år i Finland, men livet som följer efteråt visar sig lika tufft. Efterkrigstidens Helsingfors erbjuder ett högst begränsat livsrum för unga homosexuella män som Touko, med en vardag av förföljelse och hot om straffpåföljder. Under pseudonymen "Tom of Finland" finner han ett sätt för åtrå och längtan att komma till uttryck; i sin konst gestaltar han homoerotiska läderfantasier. Den blir en väg till frigörelse, för Touko och många med honom. Tom of Finland skildrar den verkliga historien om Touko Laaksonens spektakulära livsresa, från det krigshärjade Finland, via Berlin till Kaliforniens liberala 70-talsparadis. Om hur hans provocerande konst uppnådde ikonstatus och inspirerade en hel generation unga homosexuella m...
超緊身皮褲、制服,四肢雄厚強健,胸肌發達、翹臀,誇張到滑稽程度的碩大丁丁……這群快樂、極具荷爾蒙氣息的男人們,就是著名的「芬蘭湯姆」。該形象的創作者圖克·拉科松南,在40多年里畫了約3500張漫畫,深刻影響了20世紀晚期的同性戀文化。 Click here to subscribe to Yitiao Video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCulF... Like Yitiao Video on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yitiaotv/ Click here to subscribe to Food Video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJsq4QYu9BaxXDk0qR8Ms3w Like Food Video on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/%E7%BE%8E%E9%A3%9F%E5%8F%B0-Foodvideo-1684196245188870/?fref=ts
Tom of Finland speaking at California Institute of the Arts in 1988
Finland’s leading visual artist was a gay pornographer. This is why we love him. MORE WTF: WTF #10 TOM OF FINLAND - A NATIONAL HERO https://youtu.be/U9kjTvQPRk8 WTF #9 FINNISH PEOPLE TRYING POSITIVITY https://youtu.be/ygzn12ATB_k WTF #8 WORLD'S MOST PUBLIC SAUNA: https://youtu.be/lTQHXT10d4Y WTF #7 SWAMP WRESTLING: https://youtu.be/7afkRD1Wb_4 WTF #6 FINNISH TOURIST: https://youtu.be/SeojagmCLs4 WTF #5 WASTELAND FESTIVAL: http://youtu.be/nBw2GKdhwNY WTF#4 MIDNIGHT SUN FILM FESTIVAL @ SODANKYLÄ: http://youtu.be/vQKxnHwf7OU WTF#3 FINNISH WINTER COTTAGE: https://youtu.be/LXdhWG56Krs WTF#2 NATIONAL PARK NUUKSIO: https://youtu.be/AopWzAPus58 WTF#1 NORTHERN LIGHTS: https://youtu.be/hRWuuzv6ghA Thanks: Producer Tiina-Rakel Liekki Cameraman Roosa Kuosmanen Lights Sakari Luhtala Original artwork...
Stuart Sandford, Tom of Finland Foundation Artist-in-Resident 2014, TOM House, Los Angeles. This interview is between Durk Dehner (president and cofounder of ToFF) and artist Stuart Sandford, and includes his evaluation of being part of the Artist-in-Residency program. © Tom of Finland Foundation
Produced by Jim Pfanner & Bob Khoury in 1998. This program features Durk Dehner, President of the Tom of Finland Foundation talking about Tom, his art and the history of the Foundation. The Leather Archives & Museum film and video digitization project transfers resources on expiring media (reel film and cassette tapes such as VHS and Beta) to current media (digital files and archival quality DVDs). During the transfer process, the LA&M; curates short segments and clips of the film to make available online. Most of the films selected by the curators are no longer available and were produced by organizations no longer in business. The Leather Archives provide clips of these films to get our history out of Chicago and into the world.
TOM's Casino presents: Tom of Finland: The Pleasure of Play At Taidehalli, Helsinki, Finland. Durk Dehner, The president of Tom of Finland Foundation. Interview by Maarit Uber. (May 2016) Part 2
The star of Brooklyn gives Stephen a primer in speaking with an Irish brogue.
Interview with Durk Dehner, President of the Tom of Finland Foundation.
Tom of Finland -musikaalin säveltäjät Jussi Vahvaselkä ja Jori Sjöroos kertovat, miten Touko Laaksosen elämäntarina muuttuu musiikiksi. / An interview with the composers of Tom of Finland the Musical.
Tom of Finland at CalArts, ca. 1988 Digitized video, 1 hr 7 mins Tom of Finland Foundation, Permanent Collection, Gift of Mike Kelley Courtesy of the California Institute of the Arts
Dome Karukosken Tom of Finland -elokuvan virallinen traileri. Touko Laaksosen elämästä kertova ja vapauden, rakkauden ja rohkeuden sanomaa julistava elokuva saapuu elokuvateattereihin 24.2.2017. Tom of Finland -elokuva on kaunis ja tunteikas kuvaus suomalaisen taiteilijan Touko Laaksosen matkasta kansainväliseen menestykseen. Elokuvassa Touko palaa kotiin rintamalta palveltuaan isänmaataan sodassa. Elämä rauhanajan Suomessa osoittautuu raskaaksi. Homoseksuaalisuus on laitonta, joten Touko joutuu salaamaan rakkaussuhteensa, mutta löytää kaipaamansa pakotien kuvataiteesta. Hän alkaa piirtää lihaksikkaita, vapaita ja estottomia, nahkavaatteisiin pukeutuneita homomiehiä. Piirrokset kuljettavat Toukon Berliinin kautta Los Angelesiin, jonka ennakkoluulottomassa ilmapiirissä Touko saa arvostusta...
Official teaser trailer of the Tom of Finland movie by Dome Karukoski. A story of Touko Laaksonen, the artist known as Tom of Finland. Coming 2017.
Finland’s leading visual artist was a gay pornographer. This is why we love him. MORE WTF: WTF #10 TOM OF FINLAND - A NATIONAL HERO https://youtu.be/U9kjTvQPRk8 WTF #9 FINNISH PEOPLE TRYING POSITIVITY https://youtu.be/ygzn12ATB_k WTF #8 WORLD'S MOST PUBLIC SAUNA: https://youtu.be/lTQHXT10d4Y WTF #7 SWAMP WRESTLING: https://youtu.be/7afkRD1Wb_4 WTF #6 FINNISH TOURIST: https://youtu.be/SeojagmCLs4 WTF #5 WASTELAND FESTIVAL: http://youtu.be/nBw2GKdhwNY WTF#4 MIDNIGHT SUN FILM FESTIVAL @ SODANKYLÄ: http://youtu.be/vQKxnHwf7OU WTF#3 FINNISH WINTER COTTAGE: https://youtu.be/LXdhWG56Krs WTF#2 NATIONAL PARK NUUKSIO: https://youtu.be/AopWzAPus58 WTF#1 NORTHERN LIGHTS: https://youtu.be/hRWuuzv6ghA Thanks: Producer Tiina-Rakel Liekki Cameraman Roosa Kuosmanen Lights Sakari Luhtala Original artwork...
Famed erotic artist Tom of Finland made as much of an impact on the lives of individual men as he did on the history of masculine representation. On a palm tree-lined street in Echo Park sits the Tom of Finland Foundation, a site that testifies to both personal and historical memory. Foundation co-founder and former Bruce Weber model Durk Dehner met Tom because of a compelling image on a bathroom wall, and soon became the artist's muse, patron, and longtime friend. In this short video, Dehner and foundation vice president S.R. Sharp discuss Tom's radical imaginary, his command of the gay male gaze, how Tom of Finland got his name, and why Tom made the move to Los Angeles. Dehner has preserved the home he shared with Tom as a homage to Tom's legacy, and to this day, the home remains open to...
TOM OF FINLAND, a biopic about the life and work of Finnish artist and gay icon Touko Laaksonen (best known as Tom of Finland), will have its North American Premiere at the 2017 Tribeca Film Festival. Kino Lorber will release the film theatrically later this year.
Touko Laaksonen, officier héroïque de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, est de retour en Finlande. Mais la vie à Helsinki n’est pas de tout repos. La persécution contre les homosexuels est insidieuse les contraignant le plus souvent à se marier et avoir des enfants. Touko trouve alors refuge dans l’art dessinant dans le plus grand secret des hommes musclés, désinhibés et fiers d’être gays. TOM OF FINLAND Bande Annonce Date de sortie : 19 Juillet 2017 © 2017 - Rezo Films Comédie, action, films pour enfants et famille, cinéma d'animation, blockbusters américains, humour, films français... Il y en a pour tous les goûts ! Un point complet sur l'actualité cinéma, DVD & Blu-Ray via les trailers et extraits en français (VF et VOSTFR) ● Notre Chaine Jeux Vidéo ► https://www.youtube.com/c/JeuxA...
HOMOFIL KJÆRLIGHET: Jakob Oftebro er for tiden aktuell i den finske filmen «Tom of Finland» som blant annet portretterer homofil kjærlighet. Filmen handler om kunstner «Tom of Finland», eller Touko Laaksonen, som han egentlig het. Video: Youtube / Tom of Finland Movie
Touko Laaksonen har tjänstgjort som officer under andra världskrigets svåra år i Finland, men livet som följer efteråt visar sig lika tufft. Efterkrigstidens Helsingfors erbjuder ett högst begränsat livsrum för unga homosexuella män som Touko, med en vardag av förföljelse och hot om straffpåföljder. Under pseudonymen "Tom of Finland" finner han ett sätt för åtrå och längtan att komma till uttryck; i sin konst gestaltar han homoerotiska läderfantasier. Den blir en väg till frigörelse, för Touko och många med honom. Tom of Finland skildrar den verkliga historien om Touko Laaksonens spektakulära livsresa, från det krigshärjade Finland, via Berlin till Kaliforniens liberala 70-talsparadis. Om hur hans provocerande konst uppnådde ikonstatus och inspirerade en hel generation unga homosexuella m...
超緊身皮褲、制服,四肢雄厚強健,胸肌發達、翹臀,誇張到滑稽程度的碩大丁丁……這群快樂、極具荷爾蒙氣息的男人們,就是著名的「芬蘭湯姆」。該形象的創作者圖克·拉科松南,在40多年里畫了約3500張漫畫,深刻影響了20世紀晚期的同性戀文化。 Click here to subscribe to Yitiao Video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCulF... Like Yitiao Video on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yitiaotv/ Click here to subscribe to Food Video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJsq4QYu9BaxXDk0qR8Ms3w Like Food Video on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/%E7%BE%8E%E9%A3%9F%E5%8F%B0-Foodvideo-1684196245188870/?fref=ts
Tom of Finland at CalArts, ca. 1988 Digitized video, 1 hr 7 mins Tom of Finland Foundation, Permanent Collection, Gift of Mike Kelley Courtesy of the California Institute of the Arts
Suorassa lähetyksessä elokuva.arvostelussa Tom of Finland ja Martian. Kerrotaan vainosta Suomessa ja käydään Hervannan selvittämättömän murhan tapahtumapaikalla. Tutustutaan Ruskon uuteen lähiöön.
This upload features tracks from Spektrum, Sunstreet, Zalmac, Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes, Chuck Strong and more. Not too much is known about Scandinavian man of mystery @tomoffinland, but he's certainly hot on the heels of disco gold! His recent outing for R-N-T has already garnered loving support from industry heavyweights like Disclosure, Kraak & Smaak, Mark Farina, Mousse T., and DJ Cam. The Finnish wonder even managed to score a release feature in the upcoming issue of Mixmag.
Drawing In A Straight Line Nayland Blake, Carlos Motta, Collier Schorr, moderated by Bob Nickas Artist Panel Thursday, July 16, 2015, 7pm Artists Space Books & Talks 55 Walker Street http://artistsspace.org/materials/drawing-in-a-straight-line
A 3v3 from an official AoE II: HD stream! -- www.twitch.tv/ageofempires/c/2833273&utm;_campaign=archive_export&utm;_source=ageofempires&utm;_medium=youtube
replace the (*) to (.) at adf*ly/1UkFgs Tom of Finland XXL book for download free e.b.o.o.k
Vi har tittat lite mer på den nya versionen av Cosmos och undrar, likt en chipsreklam, "var é brudarna?". Dessutom kollar vi lite på NASAs nya rymddräkter och vad de är till för, letar finska frimärken och pillar lite på mikrorobotar.
Fatih Altaylı'nın konuk olduğu Beraber ve Solo Serzenişler'in bugünkü yepyeni bölümünde serzeniş dünyasının en büyük markaları şunlara cevap aradı: Murat Bardakçı'nın dediği gibi Zeki Müren Türk Müziğinin katili mi? Nuri Bilge Ceylan'ın filmleri ayak mı kokuyor? Fatih Altaylı, Mahsun Kırmızıgül'ün filmlerini izledi mi? Galatasaray Başkanı olmayı düşünüyor mu? Angelina Jolie ve Gigi Hadid'i çekici buluyor mu? Fatih Altaylı İslami kurallara uygun şekilde dört kadınla nasıl evlendi? Ahmet Hakan'ın yazılarını okurken neden şaşkına dönüyor? Güneri Civaoğlu ıstakoz yarışları mı yaptırıyor? Ertuğrul Özkök Tom of Finland'ı neden yazdı? Kendi inkilap tarihini bilmeyen millet Tom of Finland'ı mı biliyor?