Mass Casualty Exercise Planned for May 18th In Roseville, California
Low flying helicopters, scores of first responders, various emergency vehicles, sirens and other loud noises, and dozens of people made up to look like accident victims can be expected in
Roseville May 18, as firefighters and law enforcement officers from throughout
Placer County will team up to practice and ensure preparedness for a mass casualty incident.
Placer County’s
Office of Emergency Services is holding the training exercise to give first responders from various agencies the opportunity to practice working together and test how well they can come together in a crisis. It is also a great chance to test the county’s recently finalized oil-by-rail response guide, which was developed to aid our first responder fire and law enforcement community and specialized response teams in the unlikely event an oil train disaster were to occur here.
“We want to get the word out now to as many people as possible about this exercise to avoid causing any panic on the day of the drill,” said
John McEldowney, program manager for Placer County Office of Emergency Services. “The opportunity for all of these various groups to get hands-on experience in a safe but realistic-as-possible practice setting is crucial to making sure we are ready for whatever disasters come our way. But that does, unfortunately, come with some disturbance to the neighborhood.”
Anyone in the area of
PFE Road and Hilltop
Circle in Roseville between the hours of
7 a.m. and 1 p.m. can expect to see a significant amount of activity that could appear very realistic, including a simulated train accident, a simulated hazardous materials spill, many accident ‘victims’ made up to appear injured, and helicopters transporting people to hospitals.
People are encouraged to avoid this area, if at all possible, due to the large volume of emergency vehicles responding to this area for the exercise.
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