Accusations that Pentagon retaliated against a whistleblower undermine argument that there were options for Snowden other than leaking to the media. Edward Snowden has called for a complete overhaul of US whistleblower protections after a new source from deep inside the Pentagon came forward with a startling account of how the system became a “trap” for those seeking to expose wrongdoing ... “You’re playing with fire.” ... Snowden continued ... ....
Baghdad. Iraqi Prime MinisterHaider al-Abadi announced the beginning of military operations to retake the Islamic State-held held city of Fallujah, west of Baghdad, in a televised address on Sunday night ... However, Iraqi forces are expected to face a complicated fight to push IS out of Fallujah, which is about 40 miles (65 kilometers) west of Baghdad, and has been under the militants' control for more than two years ... Last week ... ....
Sriharikota. India launched its maiden indigenous winged Reusable Launch Vehicle, RLV from Sriharikota spaceport in Andhra Pradesh on Monday ... The nine-metre long rocket weighs 11 tonnes ... The vehicle would re-enter the atmosphere after reaching a height of over 70 km ... ....
Harvest should be the time for celebrations, weddings and full bellies in southern Malawi. But Christopher Witimani, Lilian Matafle and their seven children and four grandchildren had nothing to celebrate last week as they picked their meagre maize crop. Related. 'It's a disaster'. children bear brunt of southern Africa's devastating drought . Lucy Lamble. Last year’s drought, followed by erratic rains, hit the village of Nkhotakota hard ... ....
Related. Brazil corruption scandal claims scalp as top industrialist jailed for 19 years ... “Not even a conviction by the country’s highest court could inhibit criminal relapse,” federal judge SérgioMoro wrote in his sentencing decision, noting that Dirceu had been taking part in the bribery scheme even after he was convicted for vote-buying ... ....
Try Newsweek. Subscription offers. For Rousseff, the stakes were huge ... Rousseff also could have put someone less apt to cooperate with prosecutors in charge of the Federal Police or actively pressed her allies on the Supreme Court to remove the Petrobras case from JudgeSérgioMoro, who is based in the city of Curitiba, on the argument that judges in Rio de Janeiro, where the company is based, were better-suited to handle it ... OK ... ....
The newBrazilian president’s first pick for science minister was a creationist. He chose a soybean tycoon who has deforested large tracts of the Amazon rain forest to be his agriculture minister ... Then there is the issue of race ... “It’s embarrassing that most of Temer’s Cabinet choices are old, white men,” said SérgioPraça, a political scientist at Fundação Getulio Vargas, an elite Brazilian university ... ....
By Bill Van Auken... While only a simple majority vote was required to begin this process, the lopsided result was 55 to 22, more than the two-thirds majority that is ultimately required to permanently remove the PT president from office ... The ministry of Institutional Security, which includes Brazil’s intelligence agency, has been placed under the control of the former top general in the Brazilian army, Sérgio Westphalen Etchegoyen....
The drawn-out political drama over the ouster of President DilmaRousseff of Brazil has sent local stocks reeling and recovering again and again ...There are also more specific measures that affect industries from telecom to auto manufacturing ... SérgioFischer, chief executive officer of Log Commercial Properties, a real estate company based in Belo Horizonte, says there are indications that business will pick up once Temer steps in ... ....
(Source. GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes SA) da673561-4de2-48a9-b330-96e204d29121.pdfSão Paulo, May 11, 2016 - GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes S.A. (BM&FBOVESPA. GOLL4 and NYSE. GOL), (S&P. CC, Fitch. C and Moody's. Caa3), the largest low-cost and best-fare airline in Latin America, announces today its consolidated results for the first quarter of 2016 ...Quarter highlights. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ri@v oegol .c om .br ... Thursday ... GOL ... PauloSérgio Kakinoff....