Dudeştii Vechi (Bulgarian: Стар Бешенов / Star Beshenov; Banat Bulgarian: Stár Bišnov) is a commune in Timiş County, Romania. Dudeştii Vechi is mostly populated by Banat Bulgarians (Palćene), a regional minority group of ethnic Bulgarians that profess Roman Catholicism, who came from northern Bulgaria, and who are descendants of Paulicians that settled in the area around 1738. At the 2002 census, the total population of the commune numbered 5,789 people.
Until 1968, it was known as Beşenova Veche. In Bulgarian, it is known as Стар Бешенов / Star Beshenov, in Banat Bulgarian as Stár Bišnov, in German as Altbeschenowa, in Hungarian as Óbesenyő, and in Serbian as Старо Бешеново / Staro Bešenovo.
The commune is officially bilingual, with both Romanian and Bulgarian being used as working languages on public signage and in administration, education and justice.
The majority of the inhabitants are Roman Catholic.
The commune is composed of three villages: Cheglevici (Banat Bulgarian: Téglivič, German: Keglewitschhausen, Hungarian: Keglevichháza, Serbian: Кеглевић), Colonia Bulgară and Dudeştii Vechi. It also included Vălcani village until 2005, when it was split off to form a separate commune.
E se um dia tivéssemos que resistir, e se tudo que fizéssemos fosse em vão? A vida mesmo assim teria uma razão. Manter-se de pé e esperar. E se não fossemos tão jovens ainda estaríamos aqui? E se não pudéssemos mais cantar, nem reclamar nem protestar? Fingiríamos esquecer nosso ideal ou lutaríamos agora pra valer? Os tombos da vida nos fazem crescer e não devemos desistir... Mas então vamos lá, lutar por um ideal. Se viver é resistir, então será... E ai poderemos sorrir como mulheres negras, que apesar de todo sofrimento se negam a chorar.