- published: 18 Jun 2011
- views: 1422
Nekkhamma (Sanskrit: नैष्काम्य) is a Pali word generally translated as "renunciation" or "the pleasure of renunciation" while also conveying more specifically "giving up the world and leading a holy life" or "freedom from lust, craving and desires." In Buddhism's Noble Eightfold Path, nekkhamma is the first practice associated with "Right Intention." In the Theravada list of ten perfections, nekkhamma is the third practice of "perfection." It involves non-attachment (detachment).
In the Pali Canon, in a discourse in which the Buddha describes antecedents precipitating his Awakening, the Buddha divided his thoughts between those that impair discernment, cause affliction and deter one from Nirvana on the one hand, and those that have the opposite effect. In the former category, he included thoughts permeated with sensuality, ill-will and harmfulness; in the latter, thoughts permeated with renunciation, non-ill will and harmlessness:
LIKE Silk Music: http://www.facebook.com/SilkMusic SUBSCRIBE to Silk Music: http://bit.ly/SilkYouTube SILKSF038 :: Owen Ear - Nekkhamma (Original Mix) Beatport: http://bit.ly/SILKSF038 iTunes: http://bit.ly/SILKSF038-iTunes We're proud to present another EP by Ukrainian artist Owen Ear, entitled "The Crowd". Owen was last active with his remix of Orion & J.Shore's "Architect's Dream", but now he's ready with 4 new originals. The first track, "In The Crowd", begins with a mysterious intro, soon accompanied by an outstanding piano melody, which receives additional layers later on in the track. A lush combination of guitar plucks, bass notes, and soothing pad layers combine beautifully with the tremendous beat. "Nekkhamma" introduces hypnotizing pad melodies, while a deep bassline plays u...
The Wise Shall Realize Nekkhamma (Renunciation) "giving up the world and leading a holy life" or "freedom from lust, craving and desires" Venerable Khemarathana Thero Broadcasted on Shraddha TV - 17/03/2015 @ 11:00AM Uploaded by Nirmala Sri Saddarmaya නමෝ බුද්ධාය! Homage to the Buddha! මේ උතුම් වු නිර්මල ශ්රී සද්ධර්මය මා හට දායාද කල මාගේ සුගත තථාගත ලොව්තුරා අමා මෑණි සම්මා-සම්බුදුරජාණන් වහන්සේට මම නමස්කාර කරමි!!! මාගේ නමස්කාරය වේවා!!! මේ උතුම් ධර්ම දානයෙන් රැස් වු සියලු පුණ්ය ධර්මයන් මාගේ කල්යාණ මිත්ර ගුරු දේවෝත්තමයාණන් වහන්සේලාටද ධර්ම දේශකයාණන් වහන්සේලාටද සුජීවත්ව සිටින මාගේ ආදරණීය දෙමාපියන්ටද සහෝදර සහෝදරියන්ටද නැදෑ හිත මිතුරන්ටද ලෝවාසී සියලුම දෙවි-මිනිසුන්ටද සුවසේ උතුම් චතුරාර්ය සත්ය ධර්මය අවබෝධ වීම පිණිසත් නිදුක් නිරෝගි සුවපත් භාවයටත් දීර්ඝායුෂ ලැබීමටත් කායික මානසික සුවපත් ...
ถึงนาทีสุดท้ายที่จะเกิดอริยมรรคอริยผลในทุกขั้นตอน ตั้งแต่โสดาปัตติมรรคจนถึงอรหัตมรรคเนี่ย จิตจะเข้าฌานของเค้าเอง ยกเว้นคนซึ่งเดินปัญญาอยู่ในฌาน เวลาที่จะเกิดอริยมรรคไม่ต้องถอยออกมาอยู่ในโลกก่อนนะ ไม่ต้องกลับมาอยู่กามภูมิก่อนนะ จิตเค้าจะตัดอยู่ข้างในได้เลย นี่เป็นพวกหนึ่ง แต่รวมความก็คืออริยมรรคไม่เกิดอยู่ในจิตที่อยู่ในกามอย่างพวกเรา อริยมรรคจะต้องเกิดอยู่ในรูปภูมิหรืออรูปภูมินะ จะเกิดอยู่ตรงนั้น ไปล้างกันตรงนั้น จิตจะเข้าฌานอัตโนมัติ พอจิตเข้าฌานแล้วคราวนี้สติระลึกรู้อยู่ที่จิตนะ ไม่ได้เจตนาระลึก มันรู้เอง เพราะมันไม่แส่ส่ายออกไปที่ตาหูจมูกลิ้นกายใจ ไม่แส่ส่ายไปในความคิด ก็หยุดลงที่จิตดวงเดียว สติหยั่งลงที่จิต จิตตั้งมั่นอยู่ที่จิต เพราะงั้นสมาธินี่เต็มสมบูรณ์แล้ว ตั้งมั่นอยู่ที่จิต สติสมบูรณ์แล้ว ระลึกอยู่ที่จิต ปัญญาสมบูรณ์แล้ว เห็นความเป็นจริงทุกสิ่งที่อย่างที่เคลื่อนไหวอยู่ในจิตนะ ตรงน...
Nekkhamma is a Pali word generally translated as "renunciation" or "the pleasure of renunciation" while also conveying more specifically "giving up the world and leading a holy life" or "freedom from lust, craving and desires." In Buddhism's Noble Eightfold Path, nekkhamma is the first practice associated with "Right Intention." In the Theravada list of ten perfections, nekkhamma is the third practice of "perfection." It involves non-attachment . This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision. Article available under a Creative Commons license Image source in video
Direction & Cinematography: Brau Perez marti For: www.croptheblock.com February 2016 Cast: Verónica Intile Antonella Fittipaldi Art Direction: Alejandra Begega Script & Editing: Brau Perez marti Audio mix & Music: mastering Emilia Lupica Music: Brau Perez marti Radio host voice: Silvina Lamorte Special thanks: Mooi, Museo Larrea, Lomocine, Vinchu studio, Susana Martí, Sergio Bosco, Eze Vila, Esteban Lupica
Buddhist Hermitage Lunas , Lot 297 , Kampung Seberang Sungai , 09600 Lunas , Kedah , Malaysia .
In the Theravada tradition of Buddhism, the ten Paramis are qualities of the heart and mind that are cultivated in order to reach liberation and compassion for oneself and others, as well as compassion. In Asian Buddhist countries many lay people cultivate the Paramis first and teach these to their children before ever beginning to learn meditation. The Paramis are much simpler to cultivate, rewards are almost instant and thus reinforcing to those who spend time practicing them and also very fulfilling to observe the transformation in their own children into spiritually mature beings. Please click the link for donation to Pauletta: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business;=87FFXRNCWCXVW&lc;=US&item;_name=Pauletta%20Chanco¤cy;_code=USD&bn;=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donat...
ඇය නමින් ධම්මදින්නා දස සිල් මාතාව වේ. ඇයගේ ගිහි ගෙයින් නික්මීමේ පින්බර දසුන දකින්නට අපි පින් කළෙමු. එකිනෙකා පරයා, හැල්මේ දුවන අධිවේගී, කාමභෝගී ලෝකයෙන් මිදී නෙක්ඛම්ම සුව විඳීමට ඇය තීරණය කලාය. තම දිවිය ම බුදුන් වහන්සේ වදාළ ධර්ම මාර්ගයට කැප කලාය . තම දියණියන් සහ සැමියා සමග උවැසියක ලෙස මල් පහන් පුද දුන් ඇය, මහා සඟ රුවනේ ආශිර්වාද මැද දස සිල් සමාදන් වුවාය. ජය මංගල ගාථා මිහිරි ව ගැයුනේ තමාගේම දියණිගේ හඩිනි . ගිහි කල සැමියා ගෙන් ඇය පළමු වැඳුම් ලැබුවාය. දියණියන් දෙදෙනා ඇයගේ උපස්ථායිකාවන් වීමට සපථ කර ගත්හ. ධම්මදින්නා දස සිල් මාතාව තම ප්රථම ධර්ම දේශනය විහාර්ස්තානයෙදී පැවැත්වූවාය. බාල, මහලු, වැඩිහිටි සියලුම ගිහි පින්වතුන්ගෙන් ඇය වැඳුම් ලැබුවාය. රැස් ව සිටි බොහෝ අය කඳුලින් දෑස් තෙත් කර ගත්දී ඇය සැහැල්ලු ගමනින්, ප්රිය මනාප සිනාවකින් මුව දල්වාගෙන සිටියාය. කඳුළු සලමින් සිටි සොයුරියකගෙන්...
This is the Fourth Noble Truth. This is the path to Nirvana that the Buddha taught, it is an eightfold path. This is taken from the translations of the Pali Cannon by Bikkhu Bodhi. The entire eightfold path can be cut down into the following poem: The non-doing of any evil, the performance of what's skillful, the cleansing of one's own mind: this is the teaching of the Awakened. For reference out of the video, here is the eightfold path summarized by Bikkhu Bodhi: A Factorial Analysis of the Noble Eightfold Path (Pali and English) I. Samma ditthi .... Right view dukkhe ñana .... understanding suffering dukkhasamudaye ñana .... understanding its origin dukkhanirodhe ñana .... understanding its cessation dukkhanirodhagaminipatipadaya ñana .... understanding...
[Catalan language]
En sortir amb ímpetu del son
Tot cavalcant com si fos el primer cop
Desconeixes la ignorància que ens envolta en un entorn
Descobreixes camins de boires que t'acompanyen amb
Continuaràs la ruta amb el fang, fins a sentir-te inclòs
Arribaràs amb rosada a les parpelles com si no fos un
Topes amb els murs que tenies davant, dins el més fred
Però recordes l'experiència d'un paisatge homenatjant el
Confisca, doncs, de la realitat, l'ara, un bocí de
bellesa per sempre
I demana per un instant, la tramuntana de cara, com el
més ferm repte
Continuaràs la ruta amb el fang, fins a sentir-te inclòs
Arribaràs amb rosada a les parpelles com si no fos un