News & Views


Caro: Eddie's ice pool attack took me back to the bad old days

When my editor asked me to write this column my first response was discomfort. As a busy football weekend rolls into Monday there always seem to be so many good stories to explore and, believe me, I do not relish being a part of a story like this. Again.

Clementine Ford

Football is for everyone - so when will the AFL start acting like it?

"There is an underlying hostility towards women's involvement in AFL, and ignorant, pig-headed behaviour from senior leaders like Eddie McGuire only compounds that," writes Clementine Ford.

Mythbusting film

'Muslim women are not always victims. They're ...

Filmmakers Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy and Geeta Ghandbir cut through prevailing stereotypes in their work, and their latest doco about Bangladeshi women peacekeepers is no exception.

Orlando shooting

People are tweeting pictures of #TwoMenKissing and ...

The hashtags were a direct response to comments from the shooter's father, who told reporters his son had become angry after seeing two men kissing.

Adult education

Benjamin Law: How I'm slowly learning to face my ...

I never thought of myself as a fearful kid, but I now realise my phobias were varied, myriad and batshit insane.

Geek life

An ode to dorkiness

"I was definitely a dork at school – I wasn't smart enough to be a nerd, I wasn't hated enough to be a geek," Patrick Lenton writes.

VIDEO News & Views


Replay video

Chaika: Pussy Riot's new satire

Pussy Riot's latest music video Chaika takes a satirical look at corruption in Vladimir Putin's Russia. 01:06