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Opal card loophole closed for commuters

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Opal card closes loophole

As the NSW government clamps down on Opal card loading, they have released this vision of Sydneysiders taking advantage of the loophole. Vision: Transport NSW

PT0M37S 620 349

Eighteen months after encouraging Sydney commuters to "beat the system", the NSW government is closing a loophole used by some to gain cheap weekly travel on their Opal cards.

Transport Minister Andrew Constance announced the changes on Monday, designed to stop some commuters who have been "Opal running" between train stations and light rail stops to fill their cards with cheap trips.

"From today the system will be updated to substantially disrupt those people who are improperly earning free travel by raising the number of transfers needed to make a journey," he said.

Commuters use Pyrmont stops to beat the Opal card.

Commuters use Pyrmont stops to beat the Opal card.

Under the Opal card fare rules, people can can travel for free in a week after completing eight paid journeys.


The system creates an incentive for commuters to reach the eight journeys with cheap travel early in the week. However, some commuters have discovered it is possible to reach one "journey" by tapping on and off at nearby light rail or train stops three times.

Under the changes announced by Mr Constance, one journey will now include up to seven transfers instead of three.

A "transfer" occurs when a user travels multiple times on the same mode of transport in the one journey within the same hour. 

Previously, when users "transferred" more than three times in one journey – for instance, by pretending to have travelled back and forth between two light rail stops close together – a new "journey" was triggered.

But the changes announced on Monday mean users will have to transfer more than seven times on the one mode of transport to trigger another journey for the purposes of the free weekly travel after eight journeys.

Commuters have mostly been gaming the Opal card fare rules at light rail stops positioned close together. The government released video footage of people swiping multiple cards and roller blading between readers at stations in order to gain free travel later in the week.

There is a gap of only 300 metres between stops at the Star and Pyrmont Bay. This has allowed energetic and thrifty Opal card holders to fill their card for $18 with about 90 minutes worth of tapping on and off.

But under Mr Constance's changes, the time taken to fill an Opal card running between the Star and Pyrmont Bay would extend to about five hours.

The government estimates that "Opal running" has resulted in lost revenue of up to $2 million over the past year. "What we are saying very clearly is, 'no more Opal running'," Mr Constance said.

Labor's new transport spokeswoman, Jodi McKay, accused the government of "making it up as as it goes along".

"One minute the Transport Minister – now Treasurer [Gladys Berejiklian] – is exhorting people to 'beat the system', now her successor is cracking down," she said. 

In a bulletin, Transport for NSW advised service operators that the changes have been made "to mitigate customers exploiting" Opal. 

The bulletin said some commuters had been "walking, running, cycling or driving between train stations and light rail stops in close proximity, and tapping on and tapping off, without making the journey on the relevant transport service".

It also noted that some commuters had paid a fee to people to swipe their cards in order to reach eight completed journeys and gain free travel.

In a draft report released just before Christmas, the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal proposed sweeping changes to public transport fares, including an end to the free travel after eight journeys in a week and a tightening of eligibility for the Gold Opal card.

The pricing regulator was scheduled to release a final on Opal fares by the end of March. However, last week Mr Constance extended the deadline for IPART to deliver that report until the end of May.



  • Of course, they won't close the loophole where if you forget to tap off, or can't tap off, they charge you the full fare, and it doesn't count towards free trips.

    Oliver Townshend
    Date and time
    March 21, 2016, 10:23AM
    • @Oliver if you call Opal support up they will correct the fares for you. It's a minor inconvenience, sure, but I'm not sure how else you could deal with it, other than by trying to build a system that never ever fails (good luck).

      Date and time
      March 21, 2016, 10:51AM
    • Or the one that makes us pay more for every trip in the hope of getting a freebee later. No free days this week or next...thanks for nothin

      thanks for nothin
      Date and time
      March 21, 2016, 11:07AM
    • That's not a loophole, it's penalty for not using the system properly. And in the case it's not your fault, they will refund you the difference.

      You could argue that it's a unfair and unnecessary penalty (particularly penalising you twice, penalty fare AND not counting towards free trips), but loophole it isn't.

      However it's about time they fixed the blatant rorting of the these loopholes.

      Now to make travel between adjacent bus stops less than 1km apart free. That will get all the 'catch the bus one stop' people.

      Date and time
      March 21, 2016, 11:08AM
    • As a pensioner I can travel all day for $2.50.

      But I have to have enough credit on my Opal card to cover full fares for the day of travel because the card is debited a full-Adult fare and the balance is re-credited overnight.

      I could easily have to fork out $40 in a day and then wait for $37.50 to come back to me, rather than having a card-reader that recognises my status and charges me a flat $2.50.

      That means I have to maintain a balance of at least $40 on my card, even though my travel is irregular.

      It's dead money.

      How many millions of dollars of other people's "dead money" does Opal have in its bank accounts and how much is it earning off that money on the short-term lending market each day?

      Too Easy
      Date and time
      March 21, 2016, 11:43AM
    • They will correct errors, for those who can be bothered being that nitpicky and have registered. My gripe is that the trip doesn't count towards the 8 trips before free, not at being charged full fare which is fine.

      Date and time
      March 21, 2016, 11:57AM
    • Matthew,
      Even if it's not your fault that you can't tap off (e.g. a reader on a bus fails en route, or a faulty reader at the destination rail station), Opal will only allow three such instances for correction/refund.
      Trouble is, they don't say if it is 3 per quarter, three per year, or 3 per lifetime of your Opal card.
      Not very good communication by Opal.

      Date and time
      March 21, 2016, 12:09PM
    • Too Easy, the ceiling on fares each day is $15. Mind you, the bean counters want to increase that for long-distance travellers (or "customers" as the Minister calls them). Probably won't happen as the Baird Govt wold lose all the outer marginal seats at the next election - but I digress.
      Still, for you it means waiting for them to refund you each day $12-50. It seems a rather odd system, but that's Transport for NSW for you.

      Date and time
      March 21, 2016, 12:36PM
    • @jcd But when the call centre corrects it, it still doesn't count towards the weekly travel reward.

      The last time I called the call centre because the gate didn't accept my tap on, they said they couldn't put in off-peak fare and it wasn't worth my time to argue with them.

      Date and time
      March 21, 2016, 12:53PM
    • Closing this loophole is a good thing as it never should have existed. The day they stop offering free journeys after 8 trips is the day i go back to driving.

      Date and time
      March 21, 2016, 2:11PM

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