Average Salaries Drop and SA Ranked as The Worst Place to Find a Job

We are already 3 months into 2016 and as we tie loose ends at the end of the first quarter we've also done some research into the job market to provide a summary of the year so far. There is an array of both good and bad news but the main points to note are: Average salaries YOY rise... Read more

1 in 6 Jobs Australia-Wide at Risk of Automation by 2030

In the 18th and 19th centuries the world was hit by the Industrial Revolution. The development of new innovative machinery transformed the world, taking manufacturing out of homes and putting the jobs into factories where mass output could be achieved. Efficiencies increased, output was... Read more

Rags to Riches: How to turn nothing into something

THERE is nothing like a good rags-to-riches story to help boost drive and ambition as you work your way to the very top. Some of the richest people in the world were born into wealth but many started from humble beginnings with about two thirds of the world’s 946 billionaires making... Read more

ValueMyCV: Making ‘The Money Talk’ Less Awkward

Talking about money makes people awkward, whether it’s splitting a restaurant bill among friends or working out how much money is acceptable to chip in for a birthday present. It can transform the coolest, calmest character into a stumbling, stuttering mess. Most of the time it really... Read more

Adzuna Salary Survey Competition

Adzuna undertakes regular research into the Australian job market. This 2 minute survey aims to gather information on salaries, gender equality and job satisfaction for Australian workers. By completing the survey you will be automatically entered into the draw to win a professional... Read more

Aged care job vacancies exceed job candidates by 4x

It's no surprise that Australia's ageing population is starting to negatively impact the workforce, particularly the aged care industry and healthcare in general. Our recent research found that aged care job vacancies exceeded job candidates by four times, with an average of 8,403 job... Read more

Is the ‘job for life’ mentality gone for good?

A JOB for life and a gold watch at retirement is becoming a thing of the past as career mobility continues to dominate the workforce. McCrindle Research has found the average Australian stays with their employer just three years and four months, only a third of the way towards long... Read more

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