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Miki Perkins

Miki Perkins is a senior reporter at The Age who writes about social affairs. Her stories cover family violence, social trends, the status of women, families, sexuality, disability and much more. Miki has previously covered city, education, courts and general reporting.

New Alzheimers Australia website helps children close to someone with dementia

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs What's it like for a child when their grandparent forgets their name? A new dementia website for children reflects a growing issue in Australia's ageing population.

Where are the dads? Parental leave for men remains low

Will McCann and his sons Edward (left) and Leo.

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs The uptake of parental leave in Australia remains very low, despite evidence that shows that everyone benefits.

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Australia's ageing population prey to abuse

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs The abuse of older people is likely to worsen as Australia's population ages and its relatively wealthy baby boomers become vulnerable to mercenary family members and carers.

Australian photojournalist Warren Richardson wins world photo prize for refugee border crossing picture

Australian freelance photographer Warren Richardson, winner of the World Press Photo of the Year award.

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs Self-trained Australian photojournalist wins prestigious international award for black-and-white shot of man passing baby through razor wire on Serbo-Hungarian border.

Imagine a world without family violence

Imagine a world without family violence (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Miki Perkins What would an Australia without family violence look like? Miki Perkins explains.

Perinatal depression: 'In just a few short weeks I went mad'

Anxiety can make you feel your body and mind are careening out of control.

Miki Perkins "No-one likes to see a pregnant woman cry": Age journalist Miki Perkins tells how she developed anxiety and depression after the birth of her first child.

Social Affairs

More sex please: ending barriers in the bedroom

Ariane Garner-Williams and her fiance Chad Collins.

Miki Perkins You want to have sex, go on a date, flirt on social media. But you need assistance. How people with physical disabilities can be supported to express their sexuality is the focus of a new research.

'Scared and scary': how trauma changes a child's brain

Paediatricians says children’s trauma is worsens when they are placed in mandatory detention.

Miki Perkins We now know traumatic events in childhood change the brain's biology. They can literally shrink the brain and alter its functioning, world expert Dr Bruce Perry explains.

The secret sex lives of seniors: conference reveals diversity and demand

Senior sex expert Joan Price, with sex worker Saul Ibster.

Miki Perkins Social Affairs There is plenty of sex after 60, say seniors. And no, they won't stop talking about it.

Language matters when you're talking about suicide

suicide general

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs Want to talk about suicide? Yep, it's a toughie. So much pain, so much distress tied up in that seven-letter word. But talking about it, and choosing our language thoughtfully, can really help.

Family violence: Royal commission aims to be 'a turning point'

Commissioner Marcia Neave.

Miki Perkins Victoria's first Royal Commission into Family Violence has begun with a minute's silence to remember those who have been subjected to the "terrible harm" of family violence.

Caught in the middle

<i>Illustration: Matt Davidson</i>. Family violence, domestic violence, children, generic

Miki Perkins When a partner beats their spouse it causes great and sometimes unacknowledged harm to their children.

Stop family violence: Homicide list 2014 - present

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - DECEMBER 17:  A young girl lays a bunch of flowers as a Floral tribute at Martin Place on December 17, 2014 in Sydney, Australia.  (Photo by Brendon Thorne/Fairfax Media)

Tammy Mills and Miki Perkins They were somebody's mother, daughter, child, colleague, friend. Victoria was their home, from tiny rural townships through to the bustling heart of Melbourne.

New family violence crisis line to shine a light in multicultural communities

Meilino Tan, Manjusha Manjusha, Jennie Ozumba, Hira Chowdhury and Kara Kok at Shakti Australia.

Miki Perkins Social Affairs Reporter A new multilingual crisis line and drop-in centre is a significant milestone in Australia's efforts to end violence against women in multicultural communities.

Stepping Stones program helps parents of children with disability and behavioural problems

Miki Perkins Social Affairs Reporter Parents of a child with a disability often feel dumbfounded at their particular quirks and challenges. Many wind up isolated, unsure how to respond to daily battles within the family.

Transgender people face the highest level of harassment

Trans man Jeremy Wiggins.

Miki Perkins Today, Jeremy Wiggins is older, and wiser. He knows how to manage his anxious thoughts; that sleep, good food and relaxed time with his young family keep things in balance.

Young men remain alarmingly homophobic, study finds

Miki Perkins, Rachel Browne Sean Towner at eight years old was just a tall, goofy kid. Almost a head above the pack with a Bieber-blonde bob, he was a long-limbed embodiment of enthusiasm over skill with a deep hankering to...

Older people concerned about keeping up with technology, one in five young people the same

generic old PC.

Miki Perkins Many of us are familiar with the cold chill of horror that slips down our spine when a younger, cooler person casually mentions a technological phenomenon we know nothing about.

Living alone is linked to social advantage in young women but disadvantage in middle-aged men

Miki Perkins, Social Affairs Reporter Living alone gets a bad rap. Often seen as an expensive exercise in social isolation, it can conjure up images of loneliness, toast for dinner and too many cats.