Toddler Development

Toddler Guide

This quarterly guide to your toddler's second year contains information, tips and useful contacts on your toddler's development between one and two years.

Got questions? Head over to the Essential Baby forums to chat with other parents and carers about anything to do with your toddler, including toilet training, food for babies and toddlers, allergies and intollerances and play & activities.



When your toddler disagrees

There comes a time when your child starts having different views to you. I didn't realise that time would come so soon.

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Dealing with a toddler who lies can be tricky.

How to react when a toddler lies

Q: My almost-3-year-old is starting to figure out that he can lie when asked if he ripped the book, threw the food, hit his brother, etc. Totally normal, I know. How do we respond?

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