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  1. Let's play some baseball!

  2. Teammates once. Brothers forever. 👊🏽

  3. Early AM cuts to get the day started for .

  4. Tiempo de jugar béisbol Año de cosas grandes y maravillosos muchos sueños y metas que alcanzar. Voy a nosotros

  5. Página oficial de dale un vistazo official website check this out🎬👀👀👀🎼🎤

  6. First selfie of the day with the beautiful and my brother

  7. Great time with my brother and the best fans #2016

  8. Great , everybody. Now let’s .

  9. Victory showers.
    Vine by MLB
    在 Vine 上查看
  10. Everyone gets in on the action tonight. 💦💦

  11. Haha looks proud of himself for that RT : Interview, water, smile!

  12. Another Rangers W!

  13. Rangers walk it off with a sac fly by Mitch!

  14. Walk-off Shower! 💦💦💦

  15. Derek Holland returns with a W.. And a Powerade bath for good measure


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