Malcolm Turnbull Absolutely 'Goes For It' In His Latest Campaign Ad

Yes, there's still two weeks to go.

16/06/2016 8:15 AM AEST | Updated June 16, 2016 09:20

There has never been a better time to release a campaign ad.

Pre-polling has commenced, postal voters are receiving their ballot papers already (if you're confused with the new senate voting system here's how the hell you do it) and the campaign ads are getting ridiculous.

The Prime Minister released his latest ad after addressing crowds in Western Australia -- the home of his Deputy Leader Julie Bishop - with an entrance not dissimilar to Rocky entering the ring.

The scene is set not with sepia, but black and white editing. The cameras follow Turnbull as he enters the stadium to a cheering crowd.

"Despite the vast resources beneath the beneath the soil here in Western Australia, the greatest natural resource is every single one of you," the Prime Minister vows, clenched fist and all.

And the crowd goes wild!

The camera angles are edgy to say the least, even zooming up on an iPhone filming the same thing they are.

And the music? Yes, it is as glorious as you can imagine.

​The campaign video was released amongs a bevy of ads this week. One from the Liberal Party suggests the Greens will infiltrate the Labor party if elected and it's hard to forget Bob Katter's debut on the campaign ad scene shooting Labor and the Liberal members dead. The timing wasn't ideal.

Things started getting silly last week when the Liberal Party likened Labor's 10 year economic plan to Taylor Swift, and Greens Leader Richard Di Natale sang Bohemian Rhapsody.

But yes, there's still two weeks to go. We're in for a ride.

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