- published: 10 May 2014
- views: 33747
Sacerdotalism is the belief that propitiatory sacrifices for sin require the intervention of a priest. That is, it is the belief that a special, segregated order of men, called the priesthood, are the only ones who can commune directly with God or the gods. This system of priesthood is exemplified by the priests in the Old Testament.
The term sacerdotalism comes from the Latin sacerdos, priest, literally one who presents sacred offerings (from sacer, 'the sacred', and dare, 'to give'). The related Latin term sacerdotium refers to the earthly hierarchy (of priests, bishops, etc.) whose primary goal is the salvation of the soul.
According to the Roman Catholic documents of the Second Vatican Council, sacerdotalism is the teaching that "through the ministry of priests, the spiritual sacrifice of the faithful is made perfect in union with the sacrifice of Christ, the sole Mediator. Through the hands of the priests and in the name of the whole Church, the Lord's sacrifice is offered in the Eucharist in an unbloody and sacramental manner until He Himself returns." Thus, priests "exercise within the Church a function of the apostles. They are empowered to perform the ministry of the Word, by which men are formed into the People of God. They catch up and draw into the Eucharistic Sacrifice the spiritual sacrifice of the common priesthood of the faithful". As such, only validly ordained Catholic priests with an apostolic lineage are able to offer the sacrifice of the Mass.
Opus Dei, formally known as The Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei (Latin: Praelatura Sanctae Crucis et Operis Dei), is an institution of the Roman Catholic Church that teaches that everyone is called to holiness and that ordinary life is a path to sanctity. The majority of its membership are lay people, with secular priests under the governance of a prelate (bishop) elected by specific members and appointed by the Pope. Opus Dei is Latin for Work of God; hence the organization is often referred to by members and supporters as the Work.
Founded in Spain in 1928 by the Catholic saint and priest Josemaría Escrivá, Opus Dei was given final Catholic Church approval in 1950 by Pope Pius XII. In 1982, by decision of Pope John Paul II, the Catholic Church made it into a personal prelature—that is, the jurisdiction of its own bishop covers the persons in Opus Dei wherever they are, rather than geographical dioceses.
As of 2014, members of the Prelature numbered 93,100. Lay persons, men and women, numbered 91,020 while there were 2,080 priests. These figures do not include the diocesan priest members of Opus Dei's Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, estimated to number 2,000 in the year 2005. Members are in more than 90 countries. About 70 per cent of Opus Dei members live in their private homes, leading traditional Catholic family lives with secular careers, while the other 30 per cent are celibate, of whom the majority live in Opus Dei centres. Opus Dei organizes training in Catholic spirituality applied to daily life. Aside from personal charity and social work, Opus Dei members are involved in running universities, university residences, schools, publishing houses, and technical and agricultural training centers.
Vocación Sacerdotal
Sacerdotal Ordination of Rev Deacon Vincent Thomas
Uma canção sacerdotal.wmv
Leccion 47 Cuales son los grados del orden Sacerdotal
Live streaming of priestly ordinations 2017 / Ordenación sacerdotal en San Eugenio 2017
Así es el rito de la ordenación sacerdotal
La Bendición Sacerdotal
Sacerdotal Ordination of Friar Oliver Tham OFM
La sociedad post-moderna en la que el hombre se desenvuelve, se ha sumergido en una cultura antirreligiosa que no permite que la humanidad encuentre el sentido auténtico de la vida. Pero Dios, en su designio de puro amor, suscita siempre en su Iglesia hombres dispuestos a guiar a los pueblos por un camino de paz y esperanza. Vale la pena orar por estos servidores. Vale la pena ser sacerdote.
Note: This LIVE broadcast is meant to help the many people who are homebound due to illness, infirmity, or old age and are unable to go to Mass. Watching the Mass LIVE via Internet is no substitute for being present personally and does not fulfil Mass obligations. However, for those who are homebound and not able to attend, this is a means for them to be united spiritually with the Church at prayer.
Esta música se encontra no CD: Juntos do cantor Antônio Cardoso - Gravado pela Paulinas COMEP. Homenagem a todos os sacerdotes e vocacionados. Vídeo feito pelas Irmãs Paulinas. Jovem, se vc deseja entrar em contato com as Irmãs Paulinas escreva para nós: irmaspaulinas@hotmail.com
Video de Promoción vocacional sacerdotal del Seminario Diocesano de Tepic, México.
Leccion 47 Cuales son los grados del orden Sacerdotal
—On Saturday April 29, at 4 pm Rome time (10 am New York time), The celebrant will be Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello, president of the Governorate of the Vatican City State. The Prelate of Opus Dei, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, will take part in the ceremony from the presbytery. This website will offer a live transmission of the ordination of 31 priests in Rome. —El próximo sábado 29 de abril a las 16 h. el celebrante será el cardenal Giuseppe Bertello, presidente del Governatorato del Estado de la Ciudad del Vaticano. El prelado del Opus Dei, monseñor Fernando Ocáriz, participará en la ceremonia desde el presbiterio, conferirá la ordenación sacerdotal a 31 diáconos de la Prelatura en la Basilica de San Eugenio (Roma) Opus Dei Communications Office --------------------------------------------...
El rito de la ordenación sacerdotal es uno de los más antiguos de la Iglesia Católica. Algunos de los gestos que han llegado hasta nosotros ya se celebraban en el siglo I. Este rito se realiza tanto en la ordenación de los obispos como en la ordenación de presbíteros y diacónos. Siempre lo preside un obispo y tiene lugar entre la liturgia de la Palabra y la liturgia Eucarística. Comienza con el llamado rito de introducción. Se pronuncia el nombre de cada candidato y éste responde en latín Adsum, Aquí estoy Mons. Juan Javier Flores Pontificio Instituto Litúrgico San Anselmo Son unas preguntas o incluso algún juramento. En el caso del presbítero, es la promesa de castidad y de obediencia al obispo. Después los candidatos se postran en el suelo en señal de humildad y de súpl...
Live broadcast from St. Ann's Church, Kota Padawan, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. 1st May 2017 9.00 AM