Article by Correspondent DallasDarling. The same day Secret Service agents shielded presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump from more rowdy protesters rushing a campaign stage in Cleveland, Ohio, on SiriusXM’s The Glenn Beck Show novelist and thrill writer Brad Thor declared Trump was not only a “danger to America,” but suggested a terrible and violent scenario might have to emerge if he were to ever become president ... ....
Let's say Bill Gates didn't wake up each morning with a net worth of more than $76 billion. Let's say he had just $2. What would the founder of Microsoft do then?. "Just about anyone who's living in extreme poverty is better off if they have chickens," Gates wrote in a recent Gates Notes blog post. That's right. He'd raise chickens. By Gates' calculations, the animals cost just $5 in most West African countries ... "Our goal ... Copyright 2016 ... ....
The day after she sealed the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton took a victory lap of the nation’s top newsrooms and delivered the most predictable and practiced comments. She honored her mother. She trashed Donald Trump. She wooed Bernie Sanders’ supporters. It was a Trumpian triumph of message management ... "Money that has been given to the foundation goes to support humanitarian work ... From The New York Times.. Mrs ... Mrs ... AG ... ....
Impressed by the results thus far, the Financial Times reports, Adidas is working on a large facility near Ansbach which will begin making sneakers at some point next year ... By comparison, it apparently takes "several weeks" to do the same job in an Asian factory with human workers. While efficiency and cost savings are the goal, there are other perks with robot production....
One of the most pure and innocent of decisions, at least in theory, is the ritual of choosing a flavor in an ice cream shop ...Taste in an Age of EndlessChoice, Tom Vanderbilt’s new book on the mechanisms of the aesthetic world ... rations ... To our Paleolithic ancestors, the type of decision a modern restaurant-goer takes for granted—“Will that be still or sparkling water?”—would be laughable in the pursuit of immediate survival ... ....
Friends of the NS – including Stephen Hawking, Helena Kennedy, Geoff Dyer and Joan Armatrading – tell us what Europe means to them ... The first is that Europe promotes mobility of people ... We now recruit many of our best researchers from continental Europe, including younger ones who have obtained EU grants and have chosen to move with them here ... Ask not what Europe can do for us, but what we can do for Europe....
Known as "The General," Mered Medhanie, 35, was arrested and extradited to Italy after being accused of being a key smuggler of people from Africa to Europe...Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos ... More than 1 million refugees and migrants escaped to Europe in 2015, the United Nations refugee agency said ... Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos ... Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos ... Europe's migration crisis in 25 photos....
How far is Europe damaged by its inability to deal with the refugee crisis? ... It is regrettable that the refugee crisis, which should have united Europe, has instead divided it ... The route Europe chooses is up to its citizens but it is evident that big challenges cannot be dealt with by one country alone ... This is a perfect example of how Europe aligns political and economic imperatives with moral and ethical ones....
CNN has yet again taken #1 spot as the biggest international news brand in the annual Ipsos Affluent SurveyEurope. The independent industry research study, out today, shows that CNN reaches 35% of Europe's elite population* every month via TV or digital platforms** - the most important audience metric for pan-regional advertisers ... Ipsos Affluent Survey Europe 2016 - 21 Markets. About The Affluent Survey Europe....
CNN has yet again taken #1 spot as the biggest international news brand in the annual Ipsos Affluent SurveyEurope. The independent industry research study, out today, shows that CNN reaches 35% of Europe's elite population* every month via TV or digital platforms** - the most important audience metric for pan-regional advertisers ... Ipsos Affluent Survey Europe 2016 - 21 Markets. About The Affluent Survey Europe....
GIE - Gas Infrastructure Europe) ...Opening the GIE Annual Conference 2016 today in Sofia, Jean-Marc Leroy, President of Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE), reiterated the commitment of GIE to achieving the fully integrated European energy market ... As many as 400 delegates from all over Europe met at the fourteenth edition of the GIE Annual Conference, gathering the industry, policymakers, regulators, academics, press and other stakeholders....
Project fear took a chilling new turn this week, as Britain Stronger In Europe, the official anti-Brexit campaign, ominously declared that ice cream could be a few pence more should the UK leave the EU ... borders with Europe,” claimed Mr....
As part of its impartial campaign to provide the business community with information from a variety of different sources on the issues surrounding the EU referendum, Greater ManchesterChamber of Commerce has approached contacts across Europe to find out their views ... 'We are worried that without Britain as Europe's second largest economy, the EU might become a less attractive international partner....
Our guest editor introduces a special issue of the New Statesman on Britain and Europe...Europe matters more than we think. Britain’s connection to mainland Europe is not defined by geography alone – by white cliffs that can be spotted on a clear day from not-so-distant shores – but by shared needs, mutual interests and common values that become ever more important in an increasingly interdependent world....
It is the second referendum Britain has taken on remaining within Europe, the first being held in June 1975 ... One of the biggest, and indeed very legitimate, concerns made by the Eurosceptics is that Europe has a massive democratic deficit ... People on the ground have little idea about what happens in Europe, who is representing them or how they can change that if they're not happy ... I hope Britain votes to stay in Europe....
The former US president, writing exclusively for the New Statesman, says that Europe is strongest when it is united ... The decision on Europe is one for the British people, and the world will respect their judgement ... Transatlantic co-operation is essential, and that co-operation is strongest when Europe is united ... of Europe throughout the world....
Generali Investments Europe SpA) 30 ...Cologne - Generali Investments Deutschland Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH (GID) has been merged into Generali Investments Europe S.p.A ... The transaction is part of the Generali Group's strategic decision to streamline its global asset management operations and has been enabled by recent regulatory changes facilitating the passporting of funds across Europe ... Generali Investments Europe S.p.A....