Super & Funds

Fraser's super review fizzles

Sally Rose   The non-profit superannuation lobby's governance review, led by Bernie Fraser, has stalled and is set to sink without a trace if Labor wins the federal election.


High satisfaction levels with members of industry funds


John Collett 12:15 AM   Are scandals at the banks' wealth management arms at least partly behind the poorer satisfaction levels of members of bank-run "retail" super funds than those of industry funds?


DIY super is not for gambling

Fortunes were made – and lost – in the speculation of the dotcom boom.

Sam Henderson 12:15 AM   How to do asset allocation for your self-managed super fund.

Consider alternatives to super

Negative gearing may become more appealing than superannuation.

Daryl Dixon   Funding a comfortable retirement is about to become more difficult and in many cases necessitate a change of plans.


Broader horizons would benefit DIY fund trustees


John Collett   If you have your own super fund with a strong Australian shares bias in your portfolio, you won't have been doing that well.

The superannuation change that has been overlooked

Janelle Taniane is putting more money into her super now that she has gone back to full-time work.
18th May 2016.
Photo: ...

John Collett   One thing seems to have been overlooked in the heated debate this week about the government's proposed superannuation changes:


Super reform could force property buyers to forfeit deposits

SMSF owners may be in breach of contract if they've bought a property but can't transfer the money under the $500,000 ...

Noel Whittaker   In last month's budget. the Coalition made radical changes to our superannuation system. It was a mixed bag, with some of the ideas innovative and welcome, some controversial and one horrific. In the interests of balance, let's look at them one by one.

Labor attack ad targets super changes

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull described himself as a feminist.

Tom McIlroy   Labor has moved to capitalise on discontent in Coalition ranks about planned changes to superannuation, as Treasurer Scott Morrison ruled out any winding back of controversial budget measures on Thursday.


Changes ahead for defined benefit members


Daryl Dixon   Defined benefit fund members face the prospect of major changes to taxation, with two proposals to have the biggest impact.


No need to go it alone with self-managed super fund

Professional advice is expensive, but the cost of amateur advice could be astronomical.

Sam Henderson   If you think obtaining professional advice is expensive, remember the cost of amateur advice could be astronomical.


It's what you do with super that counts

Many people don't start planning for retirement until they reach their 50s.

Mark Bouris   Don't leave it too late to build a retirement plan.

Vision Super boss mad at budget changes

Vision Super chief executive Stephen Rowe.

Sally Rose   Changes to super in the budget will discourage average workers from putting money away for the long term.

New app to help young into SMSFs

Superfund Partners' Kris Kitto (pictured) and  Elston CEO Andrew McKie have teamed up to launch mobile app Superstash.

Sally Rose   Superfund Partners and Elston have partnered to launch Superstash, a mobile app to convert young couples to SMSFs.


Super funds are innovating for the benefit of members

SunSuper screen grab

John Collett   Most people don't think about their super until they hit their late 40s or early 50s. It's usually not until then that they take the first close look at their super.


The benefits of splitting super with your spouse

Superannuation is under continual attack.

Noel Whittaker   Superannuation will be under continual attack, no matter which party wins the next election.


Should we start a self-managed super fund?

More and more Australians are opting to manage their own superannuation schemes.

Financial expert George Cochrane answers readers' questions.


DIY super investment for those who can't be bothered

John Collett

John Collett   Do you like the idea of running your own super fund, but can't be bothered?

First State Super eyes growth after winning StatePlus bid

The slated $820 million StatePlus IPO is off the table after First State Super snapped up the financial planning network ...

Sally Rose   First State Super, one of Australia's largest non-profit superannuation funds, has paid around $1 billion for StatePlus.

Australian Ethical flags 86pc lift in annual profit

Australian Ethical MD Phillip Vernon says the firm's rapid growth is a "success story for the purpose economy" as he ...

Sally Rose   The feel-good factor, savvy marketing and strong returns have made Australian Ethical one of the fastest-growing super managers in the country.


Contributing to your defined benefit fund

There'll be ample time for defined benefit fund members to review their contribution strategies over the next year.

Daryl Dixon   The changes affecting defined benefit funds don't commence until 1 July 2017 and, with an election on the way, it's possible that all the changes won't be legislated.


DIY super offers chance to borrow

Borrowing to invest in your self-managed super fund can magnify returns, but also losses.

Sam Henderson   One of the biggest differences of self-managed super is the ability to use borrowed money to invest.

Super crackdown tipped to cost votes

Scott Morrison: "This research shows that the government faces the risk of losing some LNP supporters, who currently ...

Sally Rose   Roy Morgan Research shows the government's crackdown on superannuation tax perks for the wealthy will hit its voter base.


5 essential "must-knows" about managing an SMSF

More Australians are opting to manage their own superannuation schemes. Illustration: Rocco Fazzari

Sam Henderson   Managing a self-managed super fund can be highly rewarding but there's a number of must-know essentials to help you avoid the pitfalls.


Hold off putting that windfall into super


John Collett   While most of the proposed changes to super in the budget are not due to start until the middle of next year, one of them does require some people to be careful.

New peer-to-peer 'fintech' platform LendEx targets SMSF borrowers

Former Indigo Telecom boss David Ruddiman has secured Thorney Investment Group as a backer for his new venture, ...

Sally Rose   LendEx, a new peer-to-peer lender with the backing of Alex Waislitz's Thorney Investments Group, reckons it can raise $25 million for SMSF borrowers next quarter.


Coalition's $714k shock for divorcees

The Coalition's superannuation policy will make life tougher for divorcees.

Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon   Getting divorced is rarely anything except a financial disaster and the Coalition has just made it far worse.


Spouse super splitting advantages

There are more reasons than ever to equalise super savings between partners.

Daryl Dixon   Both major parties' policies will provide a huge boost to couples, especially those with larger amounts where account balances are equally split.

Triggs urges super funds to fight for human rights

Australian Human Rights Commission Gillian Triggs told a gathering of superannuation investors that the local market ...

Sally Rose   Australian Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs is turning her focus to superannuation fund investors to agitate for better human rights outcomes.


Get tax deductions for voluntary super


Max Newnham   From July 2017 anyone under 75 can make tax-deductible super contributions, regardless of employment status.


Artwork bought for DIY super needs to be in storage

Paintings owned by a self-managed super fund need to either be in storage – like these Art Gallery of NSW paintings – or ...

John Collett   Do you have an artwork that is owned by your DIY super fund that is hanging on your wall or at your business premises?