Comment & Analysis


The way Australian billionaires earn their wealth

Matt Wade dinkus

Matt Wade 1:26 AM   Australia has a disproportionate share of the world's billionaires.

Comments 33

Adele Ferguson

Investors discover value accountants ignore

Adele Ferguson - dinkus - dink - thumbnail

Adele Ferguson 7:18 PM   Investors are starting to realise some of the most important measures of a successful company.

Comments 1


PwC advises multinationals 'read the play'

Nassim Khadem dinkus.

Nassim Khadem   Multinationals will still strategise how to pay less tax in the new political landscape, just with a new spin.

Comments 6

How losing trust hurts the economy

The public's trust in bankers has fallen markedly, survey figures suggest.

Clancy Yeates   No prizes for guessing which job has suffered the biggest slump in public trust over the last couple of years.

Comments 28

Elizabeth Knight

NBN gets hospital pass from Shorten

Elizabeth Knight.

Elizabeth Knight   So Labor is going to rework both the technology and rollout of the NBN if it wins. Is this a threat or a promise?


Alarm bells ringing for super

Adele Ferguson

Adele Ferguson   It's time to protect people from their self-managed financial demise.


RBA won't generate another economic boom

Lower wages growth was a bigger drag on households than it previously thought, so the Reserve Bank stepped in with ...

Jessica Irvine   Households needed a bit more help, and they got it. But the RBA is waiting to see if more is needed.

Comments 8

The policy failure that costs us most

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   The election circus rolls on, while both parties carefully avoid the problem that will become an ever-greater drag on the nation's future.

How to lose half a billion dollars very fast

Elizabeth Knight.

Elizabeth Knight   Want to know how to wipe out more than $500 million of value in six months? Ask once market darling turned disaster SurfStitch.

Comments 3


Volunteers: our economy depends on them

Harold Mitchell dinkus

Harold Mitchell   It should never become a choice between professionals and volunteers.

Comments 12

Interest rate rigging - three down, one to go?

Elizabeth Knight.

Elizabeth Knight   With three of the major Australian banks now allegedly in the frame for rigging wholesale interest rates,  the finance industry is now holding its breath.

RBA's vote of confidence in Turnbull

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   This is one of the oddest endorsements you'll see this election campaign.

Adele Ferguson

Farmers call for chairman's head

Adele Ferguson

Adele Ferguson   The drums are getting louder for the ousting of the leadership at Murray Goulburn.

Comments 3

Michael Pascoe

RBA rings house price warning – again

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   The RBA's jawbone has just been re-applied to those who want to speculate on housing. You've been warned.

Elizabeth Knight

ASX walks tightrope between innovation and disasters

Elizabeth Knight.

Elizabeth Knight   The ASX's memory of the bubble is recent enough that it doesn't want to allow a repeat.

Michael Pascoe

Herd turns into doves come August

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   It will be no surprise if the Reserve Bank board decides to leave the cash rate steady at its meeting on Tuesday – that's the opinion of 23 of the 24 economists polled by Bloomberg.

Comments 2

Forgotten finance victims need action

Adele Ferguson

Adele Ferguson   It is time for a compensation fund for people whose trust is betrayed.

Comments 6

Michael Pascoe

What's wrong with Woolies, by the man who once saved it

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   The man who pulled Woolworths back from the brink in the 1980s knows what's wrong with it now.

Comments 35

Is this company lost at sea?

Elizabeth Knight.

Elizabeth Knight   It was a market darling, now this listed player has morphed into a corporate mystery.

Why we need to pay teachers more

Harold Mitchell.

Harold Mitchell   Education is critical to who and what we are, and it's time we invested in it.

Comments 35

Michael Pascoe

NSW still winning where it counts

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   Save your Origin tears NSW, here's a game where you're miles in front.

Comments 6


Is Elon Musk the Willy Wonka of the car world?

Johnny Depp played Willy Wonka in <i>Charlie and the Chocolate Factory</i>.

James Quinn   Tesla's founder is selling the future, dreams big, and to date has, despite some production delays, made them happen for a relatively small few.

House price soufflé is rising again

Elizabeth Knight.

Elizabeth Knight   When the RBA cut interest rates last month there was always a risk that it might reinflate the housing bubble.

Comments 21

Air NZ's very costly dummy spit

Adele Ferguson

Adele Ferguson   Virgin Australia tipped to raise $1 billion to pour more misery on its Kiwi shareholder.

Comments 17

Fancy dress regulators must go

The big four banks are more vulnerable to outside shocks than they may first appear. Their loan-to-deposit ratio is ...

Andrew Schmulow   It is well past time that real action was taken to clean up the financial sector.

Elizabeth Knight

Why private equity ate all the pies

Elizabeth Knight.

Elizabeth Knight   Patties Foods has gone from damaged goods to top of the private equity shopping list in less than a year.

Comments 1

How not to reduce government spending

Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins   Cuts to spending should not target the poor.

Comments 42

Mal Maiden

Buy, hold, and wait. And be surprised

Malcolm Maiden.

Malcolm Maiden   Decades of covering the markets shows that for investors, buy and hold is the default. This is Mal Maiden's last column for Fairfax Media.

Comments 25

Super's life insurance a 'joke'

Adele Ferguson

Adele Ferguson   Thousands of people are relying on life insurance that is worthless.

Ross Gittins

Company tax cut? More like foreign aid

Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins   Economists are meant to be too hard-headed to believe in the existence of a magic bullet.