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Gasoline Motor Co: Larry Emdur among those waiting for vehicle sale payments

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Television host Larry Emdur thought selling his car on consignment would take around four to six weeks.

Instead, it took around 48 hours. But it took four weeks before he learned about the sale.

The TV personality listed his white Audi TT for sale in May, with premium car dealer Gasoline Machine Pty Ltd, one of two companies trading as Gasoline Motor Co.

Larry Emdur (centre) with Rove McManus at Emdur's 50th birthday part at the Gasoline Motor Co warehouse.

Larry Emdur (centre) with Rove McManus at Emdur's 50th birthday part at the Gasoline Motor Co warehouse. Photo:

"At the start, they said the usual turnaround time was four to six weeks, so I didn't even worry about it the first four weeks," Emdur said.


"It was only after that …I followed up, calling and texting to see how it was going… Looking back now what I got was just a line of buffer texts."

It was upon learning of a NSW Fair Trading warning issued on June 8 not to deal with Gasoline Motor Co that Emdur became concerned about the $25,000 he was expecting to receive from the sale of his car.

An Audi TT similar to the one that belonged to Larry Emdur.

An Audi TT similar to the one that belonged to Larry Emdur.

The Alexandria-based automotive business is being investigated for failing to deliver at least $600,000 to customers in consignment deals.

The public warning against the company also advises consumers not to deal with the sole director of Gasoline Machine, Matthew Hale, or the sole director of Gasoline Australia (NSW) Pty Ltd, Jason Leppa.

"I sent quite a few texts ... with no response. Then I went to the administrators and they said they didn't have the car on the seized list," Edmur said.

A Gumtree add posted by Gasoline Machine Co on Monday.

A Gumtree add posted by Gasoline Machine Co on Monday. Photo: Gumtree

"So I called Fair Trading and they found it had been sold on the 5th [of May], a matter of 48 hours after I left it with [Gasoline Machine]. I don't know for how much and I don't know who to. I didn't sign anything."

The Seven Network host, who last year hosted his biker-themed 50th birthday party at the Alexandria warehouse, said he didn't think it was possible for someone to sell his car without his signing it over.

"It was sold without my knowledge or permission. I never knew it was sold ... and now it appears I won't be seeing a cent for it."

Emdur's was among a collection of premium cars which made up $600,000 worth of unpaid consignment deals, including Range Rovers, Bentleys, BMWs and Porsches.

For the vehicles, Fair Trading received 17 complaints and inquiries against Gasoline Machine.

While both Gasoline Machine Pty Ltd and Gasoline Australia (NSW) Pty Ltd (trading as Gasoline Motor Co) have had their license to trade suspended, at least seven motorcycles were listed for sale on Gumtree as recently as Monday this week.

On Tuesday, Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe said he was aware of recent attempts to continue selling vehicles online.

"It appears that Gasoline Australia (NSW) Pty Ltd is advertising motorcycles for sale while their licence is suspended. NSW Fair Trading is currently considering appropriate enforcement action," he said.

"It is unlawful for a motor vehicle dealer to sell cars or motorcycles online if their licence has been suspended. Investigations are continuing into Gasoline Australia and Gasoline Machine Pty Ltd and I urge any consumer who has concerns regarding these businesses to contact Fair Trading on 13 32 20."

Unlicensed motor dealing is an offence under the Motor Dealers and Repairers Act 2013, and can incur penalty infringement notices of up to $5500.

If prosecuted in the Local Court, unlicensed dealers face a penalty of up to $11,000 per breach.

Lawyer for Gasoline Motor Co Ersel Akpinar said any posts on websites like Gumtree were old advertisements that had been automatically renewed through a prepaid account.

"My client is not trading. He has sent letters to all his customers letting them know his licence is in review and that he is not trading at the moment, he has not put up anything new since being suspended."

On June 3, Hall Chadwick Chartered Accountants were appointed receivers of Gasoline Machine Pty Ltd.


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