featured blog posts

Leigh Campbell Head of Lifestyle, HuffPost Australia

Cats Are Arseholes. But I Love Them Anyway

Martin Poole
What other animal knows how to toilet in a discreet tray from eight weeks old? Not puppies. And certainly not human babies. Even as young kittens they do their thing prudently and are even so courteous as to cover it up afterward. Does your 18-month-old do that?

I Still Don't Feel Comfortable Holding Another Man's Hand

AFP/Getty Images
This week’s tragic events have been a sad reminder that homophobia and transphobia are still very real. And also a reminder that we need to keep LGBTI rights firmly on the agenda; both in our community and in our political debate.

Robert Simms Greens sexuality spokesperson, Senator for South Australia

I Propose More Women Get Down On Bended Knee

Touchstone Pictures
I've been proposed to, friends around me have been proposed to, I've watched umpteenth proposals on television in romantic comedies and dramas, and never once have I thought to myself: "Gee... This is sexist."

Lisa Portolan Author, blogger, green-juice sipper, yoga and meditation instructor

HIV And Drought Are Having A Devastating Impact On Children's Lives

UNICEF via Getty Images
Swaziland has the highest rate of HIV infection in the world and during my visit I saw and heard how this is having a devastating impact on children’s lives. Twenty four percent of children here have lost one or both parents to AIDS and many are themselves now living with HIV. Sebenele is one of these children.

David Beckham UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador

By Calling Migrants 'Marginalised' We Are Leaving Them Out In The CALD

It's high time we recognised that immigrating to a new country takes courage and resilience. Those who do it are typically far from what you'd call weak or vulnerable -- in contrast, they are most often very strong and deserving of admiration, not pity.

Angela Quero Aged care and disability general manager at Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre

Free The Nipple And The Mind Will Follow

It's 2016, and we are on the brink of seeing the first ever female American President. I think it's really time to stop putting so much emphasis on what women wear -- or don't wear -- and #freethenipple.

Nama Winston Recovering solicitor, who now just wants us all to be nicer to each other

I Have A Favourite Child And My Kids Know Exactly Who It Is

Ghislain & Marie David de Lossy
The first rule of parenting multiple children is to never admit you have a favourite child. Well, I believe there is nothing wrong with having a favourite child and you should never be afraid to let your children know exactly who the favourite is.

Natalie McNamara Writer who sifts through the BS on raising teenagers

The Rise Of The Literary Groupie

Columbia Pictures
Some people swoon over Ryan Gosling in 'The Notebook'. Others prefer Brad Pitt in 'Thelma and Louise'. A twist of Mick Jagger's hips drives some people wild. Others can't get enough of Ricky Martin's rumba. But all it takes to pique my interest is an intricate plot and clever turn of phrase.

Fleur Morrison Reader, writer, blogger at www.readability.com.au

What Happens To Your Body On A Juice Cleanse

Jill Giardino via Getty Images
Juice cleanses or detoxes appear to offer a perfect solution; in the prescribed three to seven days you can supposedly lose weight and do a total 180 in terms of your health -- who wouldn't sign up for that? Except, unfortunately, that's not what really happens...

Skye Swaney Dietitian and Nutritionist

Health Isn't About Being Hot

Georgijevic via Getty Images
Marrying body image and health is fraught with danger and misinformation. Health is not about flexing. It's about eating a healthy diet and exercising sensibly. It's about maintaining a healthy body weight. A healthy waist-to-hip ratio is strongly associated with heart health. Your selfie is not.

Nikki Stamp Heart surgeon, advocate for women, believer.

When A Man Snaps...

Stu Spence
This week's photions include when sparks fly for the vicar's daughter, what balloons do in their spare time, and why the Doc thinks Phil might be fishing for friends...

When A Man Snaps Publisher of photions... photographs with captions

If Leggings Are Pants, Slippers Can Be Shoes

The leggings phenomenon has taken over in such a way that we hardly even look twice when we see people at the supermarket or trotting around the suburbs in lycra-type leggings. So why can't we introduce that same joy to our feet?

Lana Hirschowitz Former editor of Mamamia and iVillage in Australia

I Dream Of Being An American Voter

Why can't our leaders take Election 2016 to the United States level, so that us Aussies can truly get something more out of the next few weeks than just another democratically and peacefully elected Prime Minister?

Nama Winston Recovering solicitor, who now just wants us all to be nicer to each other


