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Local News

Warning on synthetic drugs

Warning on synthetic drugs

A Far South Coast campaigner for Australians missing or jailed overseas is warning backpackers of synthetic drugs after ...

Surfing the storm

Surfing the storm

Storm riders were in their element on the Far South Coast in recent wild weather - with more ...

Latest News

Bats in the Bay link to stories
Link to bat in the bay stories
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Regional Focus

Local Sport

Date with the Devils

Date with the Devils

Top three clashes don’t come any bigger than when they happen to feature cross-town rivals.

Keir keeps her cool

Keir keeps her cool

The best has been saved until last in the Batemans Bay Tennis Open with number one seed Ashley ...

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Bay Post Classifieds
Bay Post Classifieds
Bay Post Classifieds


TV Guide

Life & Style


Letters to the editor

A letter of thanks, a letter of congratulation coupled with a plea for help, and an opposing view ...

Beware the goomers!

Craig Henderson looks at the problems faced by paramedics trying to do their jobs.

Letters to the editor

Dog hit and left for dead and more opinions on Melaleuca Crescent land ... letters from our readers.


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