Small Business

Self-help his secret to success

Ben Harvey was once in debt, fat and suffering from a mental illness. Today he runs a million-dollar enterprise.

Ben Harvey, founder of Authentic Education, has overcome a massive debt, chronic mental illness and a weight problem to run the personal development business, which has revenue in the millions. It took him more than a decade to turn around his life.

"Back in 2002 I found myself coming into my fifth year of chronic depression. I was unemployed for most of that time, heavily overweight, massively in debt and all the medication the doctors had me on was not doing anything to change my situation in life," Harvey says.

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From unemployed to BRW Fast Starter

From overweight, unemployed and in debt, to winning the BRW Fast Starters award. Authentic Education founder Ben Harvey has had an incredible transformation.

"I decided to get a job in recruitment to get out of debt and out of my house. I wanted to help people live a more fulfilling life and I thought maybe I could make an impact by getting people jobs they enjoyed," he says.

After four years, Harvey realised he wasn't passionate about the industry and needed to make a big change. So in 2005 he borrowed to the limit on his credit card and used the money to invest in learning about personal development, coaching and business, and a new world opened up.

Against the odds: Ben Harvey has fought hard to establish a successful business.
Against the odds: Ben Harvey has fought hard to establish a successful business. Photo: Pat Chan

"I was still about $137,000 in debt and something had to change. I knew that whatever got me to this point in my life was not going to get me any further and I needed to learn something new to move forward."

In 2006, he opened his coaching business and in 2009 launched personal development business Authentic Education along with his business partner Cham Tang. Only four years later, the company won a BRW Fast Starters award, which recognises the top 100 companies that achieve the fastest business success in the first two to three years of opening. Last year, the company won a BRW Fast 100 award, which recognises the top 100 companies that achieve the largest year-on-year growth. Authentic Education was ranked 38th.


Harvey attributes his success to having a clear vision, great mentors and continuing education. "People think to be successful you need to take some giant leap from where you are to where you want to be. But success is a process not an outcome and to be successful you need to take small actions that build momentum over time, then continually refine those actions until you get there. Stubbornness is a fantastic trait if you want to succeed."

Authentic Education is setting up a studio to film online content and Harvey says the first quarter of this year was the business's most successful to date.

"We are in the final stages of realising three books, having already pre-sold 15,000 copies. We're also renovating our academy in Sydney to make way for new team members and a new sales division."

Over the next 12 months, the business is launching two self-empowerment events and a range of online programs covering everything from digital marketing to writing best-selling books.

Authentic Education's core product is its "Programs for heart-centred difference-markers", five courses to help people address problems they need to solve if they want to succeed in business and improve the quality of their lives.

Harvey says his main business opportunity is to continue to move all content online, while still maintaining live events. "This ensures our clients can learn on-demand, without losing the community at live events." 

He says one important lesson has been cash flow management. "Through many painful lessons, we have learnt that looking after your cash flow, being wise with spending and keeping a cash cushion allows you to capitalise on opportunities as they arise and maintain the success of any new growth venture. All our new ventures are funded internally."

Harvey says Authentic Education has never taken a bank loan or had any investors. "Cham and I put in $5000 each when we first began to buy a projector, a microphone, some speakers and a few banners. Our financial position allows us to have complete freedom in our creativity and business direction because we have the financial strength to constantly trial news things."

The business has not had a dedicated sales division so far. "I have predominantly taken on the sales role while Cham took care of marketing, systems and general management. This is a major issue due to the key person risk this situation creates. So we are currently bringing on sales professionals that have a real desire to change the world and people's lives through the power of education." 

Harvey's business addresses a substantial market. While it's difficult to get statistics about personal development courses, figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics from May 2015 estimate that of the 15.7 million people aged 15 to 64 years in Australia, 3 million, or nearly one in five are enrolled in formal study.

But the real prize is the online learning sector. Research house IBIS World says the market in Australia is worth $5 billion annually and is growing at 10 per cent a year. However, it's an extremely fragmented sector and Harvey is competing against the largest education businesses in the world, including hundreds of universities as well as a growing cohort of private education businesses such as his.

He says his business has experienced year-on-year revenue growth of roughly 40 per cent over the past six-and-a-half years, and in 2014-15 it achieved growth of 84.5 per cent. The total revenue for the period was $2.3 million.

Harvey's advice for other small businesses is to dedicate time to something that makes a difference. "Passion is the single most important ingredient when it comes to being successful; if you have this you are halfway there.

 "And always remember it's not about you. Business is about making the lives of your clients better in some way by solving meaningful problems for them. So stop thinking about yourself and starting focusing on changing people's lives."