Federal Politics

Federal election 2016: Cowboy Bob Katter 'shoots two men dead' in campaign video

Maverick Queensland MP Bob Katter is well known for his fast-shooting mouth.

Screen grab from Bob Katter's latest campaign ad.
Screen grab from Bob Katter's latest campaign ad. Photo: Bob Katter/Facebook

But the independent member for Kennedy, whose Akubra hat is equally famous, has gone a step further, releasing a campaign video depicting him as a cowboy shooting two men dead.

The ad starts with two men in ALP and LNP T-shirts, wearing stockings over their heads, shaking hands over an "Australia for sale" sign.

When they leave, Mr Katter takes the sign and writes "not" on it.


He's then shown grinning and blowing the smoke from a cowboy pistol before the camera goes to a wide shot showing the two men lying dead in a paddock.

The video's release comes just days after 50 people were killed in America's worst-ever mass shooting in Orlando, Florida.

The ad has been met with anger on Twitter, but some have praised its boldness.

Mr Katter himself described it as "perhaps the most wicked campaign ad for 2016".

Television host David Campbell tweeted it was in "poor taste" as Americans continued to mourn those killed in the massacre.